Kitchen – Made
Don’t sell me a kitchen!
I just don’t want to know –
Your gadgets, hobs, and worktops,
Your spotlight’s subtle glow,
Shiny, curved , steel handles,
Soft-close, wood-style doors,
Bright glass shelves and swan-necked taps,
High-line look or drawers,
Integrated washers, hidden corner racks,
Larder units towering
With my shopping neatly stacked...
Friday 4th March 2016 11:24 pm
The Wedding
The headache wasn’t the worst of it.
The police came,
A young constable smirking - openly.
What had he done?
What had they done?
Countdown to the Big Moment.
Ticking bomb
Exploding in a frenzy of confetti.
What had he done?
What had she done?
A dream in a froth of white
Floating around,
Music pulsing through clinging couples.
...Friday 5th February 2016 2:15 am
See, hear, my little one.
Your senses tuning finely to Earth’s
Undulating, rhythmic waves of ageless,
Age-old lifeforce
Pulsing lifeless forms to life.
Measured heartbeats drumming out
Life’s message
Through the ether, ever nearer
Farther than the furthest orb
Twinkling its cyclic orbit
Ever onwards
Through the ebony-black, empty-black
Forcing: nothing;...
Monday 25th January 2016 1:25 pm
Spare The Rod
Chris Grayling smacked his children.
He decided to admit
When their behaviour worsened
And he got tired of it,
A short, sharp shock administered
Was of great benefit.
Too late the gasps of horror
And do-gooders sharp moans;
Too late to whisk the ‘victims’
From a caring, loving home.
The stable door is open,
From the coop the birds have flown
Sunday 17th January 2016 4:06 pm
The Ballad Of The Artful Dodger
J Roger Platt, insignificant chap
Had an ordinary sort of employ
But his wife was a martyr to his penchant for barter –
DIY’s what he used to enjoy
What he couldn’t do with an old tube of glue
And a short piece of string or a tack
Wasn’t worth wr...
Tuesday 1st April 2014 10:33 pm
Old Age
Pepped up with pills and various potions
Zimmer frame ready to help forward motion
Wired for sound and to aid dicky ticker
Capsules to slow it - or make it go quicker
Now where's my bifocals to help me to see
- and all this just so I can go for a wee.
Saturday 18th May 2013 11:36 pm
Citizen's Lament
Oh to be in prison now that April’s here.
The council tax is rising
And they’ve upped the price of beer!
The kids want pocket money
The wife wants – well, don’t ask!
When all I want’s a simple fag
And ale straight from the cask.
Oh to be in prison now that April’s gone.
There’s nowt good on the telly
And they’ve built a bigger...
Monday 1st April 2013 7:20 pm
On Social Strata
Don’t look askance upon my lowly stature on the ladder.
Your great disdain even to shake my hand
Says more about your character than mine.
If your nose turned up any more, the rain would soak your brain – but -
No great damage there.
I think your little grey cells have crawled,
Like embryonic spiders,
Into your deep, slow-sucking crevasses of sel...
Wednesday 6th March 2013 11:32 pm
The Great Burger Stakes
I went to my freezer – I fancied a scoff.
I opened the lid and the burgers – THEY’RE OFF!
And what would you like on your burger today?
Ah well, now you’re asking – a fiver each way!
I’ve has burgers from Asda, but I can disclose
That the burgers from Tesco, they just won – by a nose!
To decrease burger fat is our serious ...
Monday 11th February 2013 8:15 pm
Am a
Steep, silent
Scree-strewn slope
Of furry, fir-tree foliage
Bewooded, bewitched, Byzantine
Patterns of pebbled mosaics, austere
Variations of grey and white and green,
Where life clings by its root-tips to the thin
Dun-streaked pockets of lime-strewn loam. Linking
Arm-in-arm, along the crests and cre...
Saturday 2nd February 2013 11:21 pm
Am a
Steep, silent
Scree-strewn slope
Of furry, fir-tree foliage
Bewooded, bewitched, Byzantine
Patterns of pebbled mosaics, austere
Variations of grey and white and green,
Where life clings by its root-tips to the thin
Dun-streaked pockets of lime-strewn loam. Linking,
Arm-in-arm along the crests and crevices, stand stern
Sylvan sentries, t...
Saturday 2nd February 2013 11:21 pm
The New Me
Verse one
I’m going to be a model
I’ve got a master scheme,
To nip the spots and wrinkles
And be a catwalk queen.
Verse two
I think I’ll have some botox
To end my facial frown
And then I’ll try a detox
(I can almost see my crown!)
Verse three
I’ll go for liposuction
To midriff, rear, and thighs,
It will be my introduction
To my...
Thursday 3rd January 2013 10:29 pm
Forever is a twinkling light far out where the black is empty
Is the forever I see the same one that you see?
What happens if we overshoot forever
In our eager flight through time?
Forever is a tolling bell whose tones call low and clear
Does your forever sound like mine?
What is the tune you hear?
What happens if the rhythm slows?
...Sunday 4th November 2012 12:44 am
Oh! I'm gobsmacked! Thrilled but gobsmacked!
I've been so mesmerised by the paralympics I never looked at my computer this weekend.
I feel quite humble given the great poems that were entered in the comp.
Thank you all you who voted for '100 metres' and thanks to Graham for organising the comp. XX
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:08 am
It's not the flame that counts...It's the fire in our hearts
We waited hours for the torch to pass;
Helicopters hovered,
BMW bikes rolled platoons of police (all high fiving)
Past our aching feet
And flagging flags.
Spirits slowly sank,
Euphoria evaporating under the scouring sun.
Then the Murmur approached.
Life returned to our lifeless limbs
As acrobats cartwheeled along the white-lined tarmac;
A who...
Wednesday 25th July 2012 11:30 pm
Us Nolimpics
Us Nolimpics
We wuz avin a Nolmpics
Me bruvver Burt an’ me
Cos mum ad gorra strop on
An we cudden wotch no TV.
Well ah didden mean no arm
She didden need ter get so shirty
Ah only put our Rex in t’washer
Cos ee got hissen so dirty.
An, anyow, Burt didn’t mean ter
Break the green’ouse glass
But ees not reet good at football
An ee miss...
Saturday 14th July 2012 4:57 pm
100 metres
Thump thump
Thudda thump
Thump 'On your marks'
Thudda thudda thudda
Thudda thump thump thump
Breathe thudda thu... 'Get set'
Twitch, thudda, thudda, thudda
Tense, breathe, thudda, thud, thud,
Tense, br... 'Crack! ' thudda
One: Go! Go! Go! Stride!
Two: Go! Push! Thudda thud thud thud
Three: Go! Stride! Push thudda
Four: Stride burn strid...
Saturday 14th July 2012 4:28 pm
Us Nolimpics
Us Nolimpics
We wuz avin a Nolimpics
Me bruvver Burt an’ me
Cos mum ad gorra strop on
An we cudden wotch no TV.
Well ah didden mean no arm
She didden need ter get so shirty
Ah only put our Rex in t’washer
Cos ee got hissen so dirty.
An, anyow, Burt didn’t mean ter
Break the green’ouse glass
But ees not reet good at football
An ee mis...
Saturday 14th July 2012 12:39 pm
The Wrong Sort of Train
Four days after I wrote this, the following article appeared in the Daily Telegraph:-‘A train company blamed “the wrong sort of passenger” for the problems some had in reaching London for the celebrations.’
The Wrong Sort of Train
We’re sorry the trains are not running you know
Tomorrow we hope they’ll be fine
But nature has dealt us a sad autumn blow
Monday 18th June 2012 3:25 pm
Nuclear Cradle Song
Nuclear Cradle Song
Bye, baby, bye
Cry, baby, cry
You cry so do I.
My tears have all run dry.
So cry, baby, cry
Cry, baby, cry
Bye, baby, bye
No use in asking why
Our dreams fell from the sky.
So cry, baby, cry, baby, cry.
Bye, baby, bye
Cry, baby, cry
No one to hear you cry.
No one to hear us try.
Oh, cry, baby, cry,...
Saturday 26th May 2012 12:50 am
Kitchen - Made
Kitchen – Made
Don’t sell me a kitchen!
I just don’t want to know –
Your gadgets, hobs, and worktops,
Your spotlight’s subtle glow,
Shiny, curved , steel handles,
Soft-close, wood-style doors,
Bright glass shelves and swan-necked taps,
High-line look or drawers,
Integrated washers, hidden corner racks,
Larder units towering
With my shoppin...
Friday 11th May 2012 9:56 pm
House Hunting
There’s one, over there!
There – between the trees.
Oh! Too late, it’s gone!
Gazumping off, up the ante.
Can’t keep them in cheque!
I could have called in the
Loan Arranger
To help track it down again.
But well, the government’s starting
A breeding programme.
Soon all the fields will b...
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 9:40 pm
A whisker on the window sill
Means feline’s been around.
She didn’t leave her pawprints,
She never made a sound.
But I know that she’s been there,
The evidence there still:
A little, wispy filament
Upon the window sill.
Sunday 29th April 2012 1:00 am
Cecil the Saint
Well it's that time of year when slight spasms of patriotism spring forth from the rusty breast:- April 23.
Hack, hoping for scoop in the village,
Overheard blacksmith tellin’ by forge,
Of a beast bent on rapin’ and pillage,
‘Yeah, he sorted that dragon, by George!’
So, ‘George Slays Dragon,’ read headlines,
Which couldn’t be further from t’ truth,
Our Cecil w...
Sunday 22nd April 2012 2:19 am
WOL Prize Received
Ah deep joy and mucho cebrelationy at the earlybirdicle arrivipod of my competitiodle prizeward.
great thanks to all my fans ( both of them) ta mum and dad and to my fellow poets for their kind comments and of course to Winston anD Maisie.
Yvonne xx
Sunday 22nd April 2012 12:00 am
The Newberry Dye-Pass Crossing AKA The Rules Of The Road.
Lynne Dye inspired MC Newberry. MC Newberry outspired me!
'Mentally flossing' - there's a phrase I quite like
And simple to do whilst riding a bike.
Not sure I'd indulge when approaching a crossing
For the risk of a front tyre its pattern embossing
On any pedestrian, young, old, or infirm.
Look right, left and right. Oh, when will they lea...
Wednesday 18th April 2012 6:45 pm
A Cup
A Cup
She was young and she was slim
Not much meat packed in her sleek skin
But the whisperings of a surge
Of life’s procreative urge
Were looming high on her horizon now.
Oh, pity this poor lovelorn lass
Whom life’s sweet pleasure’s sure to pass.
She has no curves in any place
To bring a glint to suitors face.
She feels that life will leave ...
Friday 13th April 2012 1:52 pm
Spring in the High Peak
Spring in the High Peak
The raggle taggle skeins of snow rimmed the hills and huddled forlornly in the shady corners of the winter-weary fields.
Tucked into threadbare hedgerows, glistening crystals prismed the shafts of pale sunlight scything through the battleship-grey cloud-shards ragged by the bitter wind of the North, and beamed jewels of hope to the porcelain-blu...
Monday 9th April 2012 2:00 pm
Kushagarnie, kushagarnie
Baby on your mother’s knee
Kushagarnie, kushagarnie
Eating marmalade for tea.
Buy a rainbow for a penny
Tie it to a tumtum tree.
April showers for pretty flowers
Give them marmalade for tea.
Wrap the wind up in a wigwam
Till it blows a melody
Children dancing, horses prancing
After marmal...
Friday 6th April 2012 11:39 am
I wonder what flu bugs look like
Inside a Petri glass,
They’ve made my life a misery,
It’s my turn to kick ass.
I’ll prod and poke and squeeze them
And stick them down with glue,
I'll pour on lots of chemicals
To see if they turn blue.
I’ll find an antibody
To match their jagged form,
To jigsaw up an...
Monday 2nd April 2012 6:03 pm
Lo, our sun now fills a wan sky
with such wondrous light.
This magic god-star brings us our warmth and joy
and, from on high, his mystic rays
pour through dark and scowling clouds.
Our thoughts will not accord him thanks
nor ask why our souls must always try to
climb out of a soft cocoon,
a warm and loving womb,
to gain an unknown star ( so cold, )
Friday 30th March 2012 1:05 am
My Violin (the Musician’s Tale 2 )
My Violin (the Musician’s Tale 2 )
I’m trying to learn the violin
Wretched guitar’s neglected
Since chords and me just don’t get on
A new instrument’s selected.
But when I draw my bow across
To play a gentle tune
The notes escape with manic screams
Like air from a balloon.
I’ve studied all the tutors.
I’ve practised all the scales
Sunday 25th March 2012 10:35 pm
I'd call it Tetractys but I can't Spell it
( AKA)Lovely Jubbley
Once had
Frozen ice,
Tasting orange
In a wax-covered cardboard tetractys.
Maybe it was just a tetrahedron
Sloped sides full of
orange ice.
It was
with thanks to J silkstone for introducing me to this medium.
Whoooo Whoooo Is there anybody there?
Friday 23rd March 2012 6:38 pm
Daddy's Child
As our boys come home today wreathed not in glory but in flags
You never knew your daddy, child.
You never saw his smile.
Your baby hands and baby smile
Will never him beguile.
You never felt his arms so strong
Yet tender, full of care
You never felt his arms so sweet
Brush gently o’er your hair.
You’ll never hear him sing you songs
At bedtime...
Tuesday 20th March 2012 8:54 pm
My Guitar
I know the music's in there.
I've heard it, seen it played
As someone else's fingers
Across the strings have strayed.
So why, when I attempt to play
G sharp thirteen augmented,
Does my guitar just sound like it's
A banshee that's demented?
I've tried my riffs and rock licks.
I've tried classical and free
But still the music's locked inside
Sunday 18th March 2012 1:44 pm
The Agropuss
I thought I saw an Agropuss when I was out one day
The morning it was moisty as the clouds all surfed away
But it was not an Agropuss that caught my skandric eye:
A Blunderhound had chanced upon my path and loundly cried...
“Who dares to trip, this moisty morn, upon this field of mine?
I must insist – ‘No Tresspassers’” Did you not see the sign?
His jaungreen...
Saturday 17th March 2012 10:46 pm
In the quiet between the wars
Lies a suspicious unease
Generating desperate attempts
At placating hostile forces.
Concealing inward-facing, jingoistic feelings.
"We must, above all, be politically correct
In our struggle for international probity."
Love thy neighbour in public
Whilst plotting his downfall behind his back.
Steely ...
Monday 12th March 2012 12:08 am
Wait for Weight
After MC Newberry's excursion into the niceties of English grammar ( Knowing the Difference), I couldn't resist:-
The grocer's apostrophe,
Once the domain
Of dry academics
Who'd quietly complain,
Is nothing compared
To the pain we endure
Now that we can't weigh
In pounds anymore.
The little, old lady,
In metric unsound,
Asked for her carrots
...Thursday 8th March 2012 11:21 pm
Message From School
‘Mummy, Mummy, school today says we must wear fancy dress’
Blood pressure rising, hardly surprising:
Message from school always causes home stress.
Football matches, Christmas play, jumble sale and bake-a-cake,
Blood pressure rising, hardly surprising,
Message from school always causes headache.
Homework schedules, exam days, Parents’ ...
Sunday 4th March 2012 5:18 pm
If I Only Had The Words
Trapped inside my brain
Ten thousand fledglings wait
Each sparkling with hope
Within this hopeless state.
In their unfettered world
They jostle to be free,
Yet one by one the flame is gone –
They shrink and die in me.
Oh! Womb of future past
Where birth pains sear,
Ambitions fear
And Creativity
In darkest night
Monday 27th February 2012 9:00 pm
Gulf War Special
Oh, it will all be very jolly when we ship you off to war
‘cos Hussein’s a cruel bully and it's time he was no more.
With your call-up papers posted, pack your kit and oil your gun,
And we’ll ship you to the desert – you’ll enjoy a bit of sun.
Anthrax jabs, Malaria tabs,
Boil up your billy for your rat-pack bag.
Things don’t look so bad as we’re firing on Baghda...
Saturday 25th February 2012 10:22 pm
The Kiss
My Dear, the very mention of your name
Can strike the spark which fans my longing into flame.
One lingering touch’s enough upon my skin
To turn the smouldering heat to fire within.
I sense your mouth, my pulse is rising higher
Your lips meet mine and fill me with desire.
Stronger than pain, yes, stronger still than fear,
The force that pulls me to your arms my ...
Monday 20th February 2012 8:45 pm
The Photograph
On the little table by her bed
Dusty lampshade, fringes shabby-draped,
Casting forever-shadows,
On the faded photograph.
Long fingers of dark space waiting at the edge
Like memories now faded and
Forgotten in her tired mind.
Little-girl eyes stare vacantly,
Trustingly, at beyond our knowledge.
Picture has slipped in its frame
Mind has slipped in its...
Monday 20th February 2012 7:59 pm
The White Line Factory
Where do they make the white lines
We see on every roadway?
Are they albino black lines
They chose to throw away?
Surely there’s a department run
By a grey-suit government minister
Who monitors the rights of lines
To make sure nothing sinister
Is happening to minority groups
Of lines single and double
(If we use one instead of two
Will we ...
Monday 20th February 2012 7:38 pm
Recent Comments
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Rolph David on The World Poisoner
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