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Already Written


The aged book filled with leaves turns to unveil a man, Atlas-like – bowed, broken, & torture racked on a wooden frame. In the book, crushed down and up again.

Millions say the words live. Entertain, and watch stony hearts become flesh. Others blame. And this way, remain the same: habitations of corpses. Who, rather than listen, rage. Saying the book’s aim is insane. Thus, death’s reign is...

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bookcosmologypoetwritten words

Cosmology 101

Chaos seems the wrong first word:

no light

no sound

no time

and nothing moving e'er occurred


Chaos speaks to me of chance:

a move

a crash

a force

that happen in time's dance


So before chaos, ah, but stop -

no before

(no time)

so just

stasis as creation's dark backdrop


Some cosmic joggle, as if perhaps

god sneezed:

atoms move

and ...

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A New Riddle of Cosmology

An explosion beyond comprehension sent all

The ingredients of the cosmos careening through the void.

Light, matter, and energy diffused chaotically,

Taking billions of years (as we now know them)

To fall into some kind of order, to establish

Some vaguely predictable interactions of

Cosmic proportion. Somehow, trillions of

Particles began to cooperate to form

Molecules of ca...

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