halloween (Remove filter)
Barn owls
Barn owls are unearthly.
On moonlit nights they coast
above the fields in silence,
floating white as ghosts.
They bring me out in goosebumps
and were I mouse or vole,
when barn owls came along the street
and knocked on doors for "trick or treat"
I wouldn't pamper them with sweets,
I'd scurry down my hole!
Monday 2nd December 2024 10:02 am
All Hallows’ Eve Lullaby
Upon the sea where dreams are hiding,
The fishermen's boat goes a-sailing,
Stars above the night are leading,
The lullaby of moon's gentle lowing.
Wynken nods as waves keep onward,
Blynken's eyes with sleep are weaving,
Nod with dreams, skies ever-wand’ring,
In slumber’s realm, sparkly sprites enchanting,
Rest ‘til dawn when harbour lights are nearing.
Friday 1st November 2024 12:23 am
A Greeting in Irish (Beannacht i nGaeilge)
Thought I'd get it in early, as I'll be out tommorrow.
A greeting in Irish
Beannacht i nGaeilge
Oíche Shamhna Shona Daibh!
/Ee-ha How-na hunna ghweev/ (In Phonetics)
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday 30th October 2024 7:48 pm
Fried Chicken
Viscous heat bubbles at my feet.
A drum of boiling oil lies beneath.
My body sweats
I dangle like a leaf.
From a wrought iron cage
I watch with rage.
They chop my friends.
Then, they soak and bread them
Feed them to the grease.
I'm a bird trapped in the tree.
Never to be free.
Until, it's time to eat.
Tuesday 24th October 2023 6:17 pm
make a corpse, make a scene
make 'em scream, make 'em sing
as you funnel the chlorine
down the hatch on Halloween
make a movie, make a scene
may they flock to the screen
watch the torture and abuse
hang a man by their own shoes
solid noose of double shoestrings
coming to theaters, this Halloween
Sunday 15th October 2023 1:30 am
Tonight's the night have you not heard
Toffee apples have been prepared
Wonderful pumpkin carving creations
Creepy decor and illuminations
Monsters and zombies roam the streets
Pointed hats webbed hands and feet
Awakened corpses arise from their tombs
Black cats and witches fly past on brooms
Sightings of mummy's and trails of blood
Are taking over the ...
Tuesday 1st November 2022 2:09 pm
The Blanket
I found it in the loft
In a dusty old chest
It whispered, come closer
Come get some rest
I made it to the bedroom
As slumber took my eyes
The blanket in a corner dark
Stifling long lost cries
I heard them in my dreams
A young girl's shallow wailing
I felt his hands around her throat
Under twilight slowly fading
I awoke to it upon my bed
Tuesday 26th October 2021 10:58 pm
I walk in wonderment,
Through these Winter streets,
Stalks of sodium glare.
I will walk forever if needed,
To be with Heather and her hyacinth hair.
If I walk these distances,
Will the past recede?
A year for every yard perhaps,
Until we are forever young,
In a Vampire’s lair.
Bloody kissing Heather and her hyacinth hair.
We are every bird in flight,
Tuesday 26th October 2021 7:18 pm
in my cupboards
skeletons hang
still mouths strangers to the songs they sang
I take them out
bone-dry and hoar
wan skulls shorn of the locks they wore
pelvic sculptures
sharp as a blade
silent shrines to hectic love they made
bereft of flesh
that lit my fire
no lithe joints but threads of thin wire
hot tears drop on
memories clean,
Monday 25th October 2021 10:41 am
A November Haunting
A November Haunting
Has come and gone
Leaving us with its
Vicious little demons
The howling wind
Screaming down the chimney
Like a banshee
Brittle twigs
Whipping along the windows
tiny scratching claws
of desperation
A wolf howl
Through the eaves
The cloying damp touch
Of dead leaves
Ice cold drizzle
Down th...
Wednesday 18th November 2020 2:50 pm
We all reach that point in life
Where Halloween holds no magic
The ragged clothes and haggard looks
The pale of face and wrinkled mask
The wild unkempt hair of cobwebs
The brittle touch of ancient hand
The racing heartbeat
Pounding out its horror rhythm
The nervous look into dark corners
Death waiting across the grey veil
A cold sweat and night chi...
Friday 6th November 2020 2:08 pm
Full Moon Rising
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen
Halloween frightens my inner child
who is afraid of masked men,
being alone in the dark,
daggers to the heart,
a body aging too soon,
eternal suffering...
but the hollow night
gives way to a full moon rising
and a million stars to wish upon,
ushered by angels beaming light
Sunday 1st November 2020 1:38 am
The Crimson Queen!
(Happy Halloween everyone!)
She rides upon a crimson horse
Its eyes as black as tar
Pray not to hear her whispered name
For she'll come to where you are
Her skin: as white as fresh-laid snow
And twice as cold to touch
Her hair: as black as night itself
Hold your breath now, hush!
For if you hear the galloping hooves
Coming to your door
Run with all ...
Friday 30th October 2020 7:04 pm
Oh come to me!
From the windswept clifftop
She could see below
Far below into the cove
Where lay, a body upon the sand
And, dragged by tide,
A waving hand
It swayed like the branch
Of a wind-laden tree
Come to me
Oh come to me!
A breath of chill
Now, caressed her skin
Whilst staring down at the cove
And the figure within
And upon her grasped
Wednesday 28th October 2020 5:37 pm
Bed Of Bones
Come sit atop my bed of bones
With crimson hue
And darkened tones
Discard your flesh
Come join the rabble
For ecstasy waits
For those who dabble
I've cleared a space
Atop my bed
To lay your bones
When you are dead
I'll pick them clean
And hold them dear
Just so you know
'Tis only I to fear!
Friday 9th October 2020 11:33 pm
GHOSTS: The Blood Solstice
I was too young, with a full life ahead
An accident, a crash, and now I am dead
Jordan,.. Jordan Jenkins was my name
Now in a different realm I must remain
To my family, loved ones, and friends that I knew
I scrigned, I blinked, and loss my time with you
Cherish your time now, this life aint a game.
However sad it is, and sad it must be
Know that I have new friends now
And I am in goo...
Thursday 8th October 2020 6:50 pm
Seven Little Girls...
Seven little girls went too deep
Into the forest where shadows creep.
They found a path, which was never there
And wandered down without a care
In a clearing they heard a song;
A haunting tune to sing-along
It got right in their flesh & bones
A lullaby of dulcet tones
Within their minds, there grew a cyst
Where danced the oldest, darkest witch
Who humm...
Sunday 4th October 2020 12:21 pm
The Pumpkin Queen
The Pumpkin Queen
The pumpkin queen is orange
Like the colour of her fruits
She wears a giant apron
And polished hob-nailed boots
She has a heart as big as Oceans
And helps others when it suits
The pumpkin queen is deeper than
An oak tree’s ancient roots
She sits in regal glory
On a throne of wood and leaves
And will animate her chosen one
As long as i...
Thursday 1st October 2020 12:38 am
A Ghastly Evening
All the ghosts have gone to bed,
We say goodbye to our honored dead,
To the horizon they are lead,
As we contemplate what they said.
The veil was deftly traveled,
Guided by voices, acting like scaffold,
Loved ones called to be dazzeled,
As the world of the living becomes unraveled.
Not just love ones cross that veil,
Evil comes without fail,
Sprinitng across...
Friday 1st November 2019 3:35 pm
Many visit the graveyard
What about the craveyard?
Filled with creative cravings
That were denied
Then turned to stone
And died
Each one engraved
With what might
Have been
Thursday 31st October 2019 1:34 pm
Cold calling
A bit of poetic free styling flash fiction
Phone rings
It's him
She recognises
The tone
'Are you alone?'
He moaned
So far away
'Please, don't
Hang up
He says
Funny how he never
Called when
He was alive
Monday 21st October 2019 11:16 am
The Monster
The Monster came out of the deep dark cave.
It ate everyone but me.
The following day the Monster once again came out of the deep dark cave.
It ate everyone but me.
The next day the Monster emerged from the deep dark cave.
It ate everyone but me.
For you see, I am the Monster.
Monday 30th September 2019 5:51 pm
at Oíche Shamhna, time of the aes sídhe
A ragged tonsure,
Or botched surgery,
Where the sooty soul exits.
Absences for features:
Swallowing the dark through
A pulpy hell-mouth.
Wednesday 31st October 2018 6:06 pm
That Which Autumn Leaves (REPOST with Audio)
something for Halloween and Autumn
That Which Autumn Leaves
The clowns were funny in the ring,
as they joked and tumbled and fell -
but in the camp, after the show,
they made our young lives hell.
Still in their masks of garish paint
and drunk on Vodka shots,
they cut and bruised and beat us,
hatching cruel, twisted plots.
I never saw the demons
Wednesday 31st October 2018 10:48 am
Three Witches Brew
Watch out, over there! No over there!
It's time to be alert, it's time to beware.
Time for Ghosts and Goblins and fear!
Look for witches who take to the air.
Time for monsters, spooks and storytelling.
Time to see who'll scare first, who'll be yelling.
It's Halloween time the best time of the year,
For ghost stories around a fire which crackles and sears.
Be leery of the p...
Wednesday 21st March 2018 6:15 pm
Halloween Support
Well, the season is upon us
It’s come round too fast again
And while the lucky ones are ready;
we others feel the strain
All that planning, all that scheming
but we’re left sad and distraught
So we come in - howling, screaming
Needing Halloween Support
And we try to help each other out
Give useful hints and tips
Some even post on Twitter
links to favourite YouTube clips
Some, ala...
Thursday 19th October 2017 9:30 pm
42 Alder Road, Liverpool 12
There are homes and then there's children's homes
There are children's homes and then there are children's homes
The one I knew was a home from home
Age four mum and her sister set one up
With hard work, love and courage
The biggest house my young eye's had seen
A large dappled wooden rocking horse to gallop and whoop for good
A magic garden with its own small wood
Friday 15th September 2017 5:31 pm
Some wrong poems for Halloween
To children, who are sore afraid
That night-time ghosts will get them:
Fear not, the monsters who will eat
Your brains at night won't let them.
Ghosts and goblins, ghouls and trolls
From these we can't protect you.
We’re going to the Rose and Crown,
We’re going to get wrecked. You
Might just want to lock the door.
Me and your dad will be back about four.
Monday 31st October 2016 7:49 pm
Afraid Of The Dark
Afraid Of The Dark
what you can’t see
cannot hurt you
ghouls and ghosts
things of the dark
things you don’t understand.
close your eyes go to sleep
think of happy things and places
let your mind move on
be at peace child
the thing that scratches at the window
you know it’s just a branch
the creak of a floorboard
late at night
a cold chill that drifts
through a warm house
the un...
Tuesday 21st October 2014 6:59 pm
Our School Was Haunted
Our SchoolWas Haunted
Our school was haunted on this Halloween
All you could hear was moaning and screams
The chairs started groaning,
The floor was all sticky
The slime on the windows was squashy and squishy
The bats and the cats were cooking with witches
And casting a spell of chickenpox itches
The eyelash of spider and toenails of newt
Frogspawn and ...
Thursday 31st October 2013 2:17 pm
Murder, Death, Bones and Blood
Murder, Death, Bones and Blood
Murder, death, bones and blood
Rotting corpses walking
Vampires, witches, ghouls and ghosts
tormented Spirits talking
Operations and autopsies
Severed heads and limbs
darker twisted horror stories
To rival Stephen King
Cuts and stitches, pain and screams
Dead bodies and mortuaries so cooool!
This is what ...
Thursday 31st October 2013 2:04 pm
All Hallows Eve
All Hallows Eve
Gnarled tree roots claw from the ground
scratching over disturbed graves.
Pumpkins grin their toothless snarl,
fleshy tongues of seed and fibre.
The spectral drift of chilling mist
that prods and pokes at exposed flesh.
Somewhere a creature of the night
mewls in whimpering ecstasy
Dank leaves of autumn line the paths
as little ...
Sunday 27th October 2013 8:24 pm
Remembered Hallowe’ens of Childhood
I dream of Hallowe’en when we were children:
No transatlantic pumpkin at our sides
But turnip dug by dad from frost-streaked garden
And carved with care with chore-dulled kitchen knife
Till gaping, gap-toothed grin emerged. Then, skewered
By knitting needle, safe-secured by string,
With stub of candle craftily inserted
In hot-wax solder, to secure its grip.
Thursday 24th October 2013 7:03 pm
The Creepy Old House
In a creepy old house I found a creepy old doll.
I bent to pick it up and boy did I have a fall. I stood up had a lump
on my head, but otherwise aright looked out the window, day had
turned to night. I looked and looked but did not find the doll.
I turned to leave and there it was hanging by its neck
against the wall. Its creepy smile seemed to say,
"Come and play with me my friend. We can p...
Wednesday 17th October 2012 4:47 pm
Halloween Party Pooper
Sorry to disappoint any Halloween hosts,
But I can’t seem to find the heart,
When confronted with vampires and ghosts,
I am just a boring old fart.
It’s an American thing, not British at all.
My childhood passed well enough without.
Therefore, this palaver is not my call,
I hardly know what it is about!
Halloween had never come to my street,
Saturday 29th October 2011 3:00 pm
A Silly Goblin Poem
The Goblins of
the night,
they give me
such a fright.
They leave about
this green slime.
I awaken, oh
it was just
a dream.
No need for
a scream.
I look at
the clock for
the time, but
it is covered
in green slime!
Monday 10th October 2011 4:58 pm
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