The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A Beautiful, Dreamy Poetry Day, MASSACRE!


Through your window, the puffed up clouds

And sun drizzled fields are beckoning poetic verse to be written. 

Behind you, a gentle scratching sound distracts

But you don't turn. 

It's probably that sneaky, little dormouse that sometimes visits

Yes, that's what it'll be

And yet...


...Is something staring?


Something glaring?


Slyly peeping


Slowly ...

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Bard Eaterdead poetfright

Bed Of Bones


Come sit atop my bed of bones

With crimson hue

And darkened tones


Discard your flesh

Come join the rabble

For ecstasy waits

For those who dabble


I've cleared a space

Atop my bed

To lay your bones

When you are dead


I'll pick them clean

And hold them dear

Just so you know

'Tis only I to fear! 

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Inside her closet are the remains of a broken umbrella with the materials in cinders.


Her skin cloak is draped over a spindley coat stand,

most people name it a spine,

most people's are strong,


They carry the puppet as if a master holding strings...


But sometimes autum's trees fall down

without reason

because nature is flawed.


Sometimes a stem ca...

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