The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

pandemic (Remove filter)

We and the Adamant COVID

Our lives like a sinusoidal graph

Happiness short-lived than half,

We are all anxious

Of the future ahead


Taking the lives of millions,

It still yearns for more,

And has shaken the world

To the core


As if not enough though,

It keeps mutating in a row,

Coming up with more pals(black fungus, parosmia, strokes)  

It has made people a toast

For they ha...

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Pandemic, May 2021

lonely faces covered with masks

looking out with fearful eyes

streets void of people

locked behind empty walls

from my window I can see

the child who wants to be free

mother earth is breathing

while humans are in captivity

it took a pandemic to wake us up

but in no time, it’ll be forgotten history

we’ll get back to consumption and greed

to killing, hoarding and abs...

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OUR NEW NORMAL Life during a pandemic. Already change is challenging for most. If we had a choice or I should rather say, control things would remain the same, people's thinking would never evolve, but we don't have control over anything. Change is inevitable; it is an integral part of being human. Going about our lives blissfully oblivious believing that we are the captains of our destinies, then...

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New normalcovid19survivorrecoverypandemicacceptanceprayerdont lose your humanity


Lockdown silence 

No sirens less police

Less street violence 


Growing Nature clear sky's less pollution

One year later vaccine..Solution 


And we're back again noises are louder

Pubs are open Alcohol white powder 


Fights with knives,battered citizens not just wives 

Schools back ..crowded street

Complaining teachers email repeat 


Back to normal yeah...

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Ptsdpandemic sadnesspandemicgratituderelationshipslove


Our Post people have connected us,
Through toil and love and loss,
Carrier Pigeons, magical storks
Delivering life to waiting Mums
Telegram boys of Shakespeare plays
Connecting lovers lost,
War-winning, code breaking messages
Relics of a past,

Suddenly more important,
Suddenly at all costs,
Suddenly irreplaceable,
Through the middle of this mess
 In the middle of our chaos...

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your fingertips are pulsing

from all that touchlessness

where do you leave your fingerprints

when no human skin is around?


your hands sniff touch

sniff skin

and they find you

tangled being, hanging plant

with your roots in the clouds


you touch yourself and discover

that you have human skin

below your mind's weeds

underneath you vegetal body

so you i...

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Lockdown Fatigue

Quick scribble. I just want to be the squirrel in the tree outside my window today. I've had enough. 


Up and down the Ash trees,

Round and round they go,

Unaware, oblivious,

Of these troubles that we know,

No Coronavirus seeping,

Through their very roots,

Dampening their daily walks,

Or tarnishing their fruits,

No handwashing,


Searing, hurting longi...

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A Valentine for our time

A bit of light wordplay written pre Trump's eviction to lighten my mood whilst watching what seemed to be a love race to failure between leaders.




Two households, both alack in dignity,

(In fair Corona, where we lay our scene),

Where ancient men come under new scrutiny,

And touching handles leaves civil hands unclean,


From forth the fatal grip of this new f...

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Real Room

I miss the way you make brews too weak,
Served up with endless biscuits,
I miss the way the room goes quiet,
When we howl with childish laughter,

I miss stealing words,
Between cries of our children,
Time standing still,
As we ramble through weeks again,
I miss lifting each other up,
Plotting schemes for the future,

'Thank goodness for videocalling'
I say it, it's true,
But oh, how...

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2021 Panfusion


It feels like the world has stopped in its usual tracks. Evidently deepening all existing cracks.

Prior acceptance to daily life is altered. Causing vibration to all that was taught to us. 

The new is the unknown and previous certainty a distant memory. 

A memory of which we fight and clutch tight too. A faded interpreted dream, our only prayed for virtue.

I feel a inhumane pres...

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Pandemicuncertaintybrain foganxiety

The State of World

All people now seem to crave success,
Though this road may be one of stress.
And so many try to be perfect,
Knowing success brings respect.

We all appear to be in competition
To get more money and more recognition.
So why do some have an endless need
To fulfil a constant greed?

So away with envy and with hate,            
For we now have bigger things upon our plate.
The world now ne...

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Stuart VannerThe worldSuccessCovid 19Pandemichope

A Strange Repetition

I have been here before,

and yet it is a strange repetition:

this not going out;

this hording of food and handwash.

And then there are some familiar foes.

No use insisting on social distancing,

I am already caught betwixt twin sisters:

Vigilance and Anxiety.


Spanish Flu? Or Swine Flu?

Please, God, not Ebola?

No, none of the above.

This pandemic provision,


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Pandemicchildhood traumaLife and Deathsocial distancingshame

Above The Clouds

(wrote back in March, which now seems an age ago)

The reluctant tears of morning dew 

hang from foliage of vivid green.

A global pandemic is mentioned. 

Ears barely prick 

Minds drift like snow: 

Mmm what's for tea?

The dew becomes gas and floats 

Ribbons of wispy white melt into the blue high above.


Feet burn upon newly laid decking under an early summer sun...

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Glad Eye

The pandemic's killing the divorce rate

Those with any sense are not straying

My wayward tendencies are history

These days I spend my time praying


What good is my cute smile anymore?

Why bother all that dressing to impress?

When you're stuck in the house bingeing

How to find someone nice to undress?


When I do venture out a mask is essential

But my George Cloone...

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glad eyepandemicdivorcebingeingseductionCOVIDbad teeth

The Pandemic

The world has gone from worse to worst
With people dying left and right
We know the cause but what's the cost
A dying race from an embrace
We hope that cure will come for sure
And see that worst will come to pass

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After the Pandemic

After the pandemic, 
I hope we remove our masks, 
find more reasons to smile, 
forgive faster, 
have more patience, 
keep the faith, 
help each other however we can. 

Gather more, 
hug more, 
kiss more, 
remember what we're here for, 
live, laugh, love.

I hope you find strength 
to move your mountains, 
courage to carry on, 
seize every opportunity 
to live the After now. 


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Britannia Waives The Rules

Britannia Waives The Rules


Rule Britannia?

Britannia waives the rules

Encourages returning to the pubs

Puts students back in schools

One rule for the inebriated

One to avoid uneducated fools

The slavering wolf of commerce

Rolls its bloodshot eyes and drools


Britain’s never, never, never

Shall be slaves?

Burying its vulnerable

In Covid-shallow graves


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covid capitalism. covid-19pandemicwaiving restrictionsrulesdangermoney before liveseconomy

Climate change and Lockdown

Is it the job of a poet to comment on current affairs? Are we political? Are some issues facing us beyond the political? Just some of the issues facing poets in a world which is bufftted by crises and facing immense challenges. 

Simon Armitage laid down the gauntlet on the climate emergency, effectively saying that it imbued everything we see or do, and MVP responded by dedicating our 2020 anth...

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climate changepoems on zoomanthologypandemic

First Grade Pandemic

One thing I now know for sure,
a pandemic fuels power trips and paranoia.

Takes you back to first grade when everyone, 
except your best friend, had cooties. 

Playground bullies made all the rules, 
their favorite game was keep away. 

You better listen to them, 
or you will rue the day.

You wore Halloween masks, 
through suffocating sweat.

Take it off,
no candy you get.


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She died in a

Care home before the

Pandemic, from

Complications after a broken hip.

She helped see off Hitler but

If granny had lived

Would she have

Seen off the virus?

During the War she worked in munitions

Her factory got bombed, she

Made ammunition for the boys at the


In the care home both her

War-time comrades

Choked to death for want of testing...

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escapepandemiccare homebulletoxygen

Poems from The Lockdown

PRESS RELEASE 23rd April 2020 PRESS RELEASE 23rd April 2020

Poems from The Lockdown

Poetry anthology available Amazon and elsewhere from 18th April.2020

Every country on the planet has been affected by Coronavirus Covid-19, with many countries in Lockdown; where social distancing and self-isolation are now the new normal.   

We at, Willowdown Books, believe this anthology, and other po...

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The Up-Side Of Lock-Down

Lock-down came at a bad time

We'd been daggers drawn for a while

Now we're in each others' pockets 24/7

I'd forgotten that you never smile


Careers kept us safely apart before

We were ships that passed in the night

Now I must endure you in the light of day

I must say its not a pretty sight


We try to keep out of each other's way

Coded messages signal the kitchen'...

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How I wish the world was more quiet

I really hate all this hurly-burly

Too many folk are chattering

Some of them getting quite surly


Next door's lawn mower's buzzing

Birds twitter like a string quartet

My dog is howling at the postman

Soon I'll strangle that damned pet


Someone's hoovering fit to bust overhead

Pop music is screeching somewhere

Today even type...

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quietpandemicsurgical maskgaggrave

Ghost spring

Ghostly creatures.
Distance, restriction,
Non existing life.
I miss deep kisses
And hands on my body.
I miss warm words
And expression.
Nature goes on,
Blossoming in competition,
Nurture me with sunny spells
On empty train stations. 
Spring in my heart, 
But not in other's hearts. 
I want to explode, 
So full of life. 
Blow all the ghosts away, 
Past shadows of the winter. 

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Corona Virus

Corona Virus is sweeping causing panic and fear

Many lost to it now. It's in the uk it's starting here

Pray that a vacine can soon to found ? 

Stop the corona in its tracks, don't hang around 


China god bless you, so many you have been lost to it 

Do something God, make it go, we don't need this sh..

Pray that is all any of us can do. Pray people won't you

Banish and stop...

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Corona virusepidemicpandemicplague

Climate Catastrophe: Pandemic and Pestilence

Epidemiologists and public health ethicists have been grappling for some time with the near certainly of widespread disease pandemics resulting from climate change. Changes in non-human animal migration and human migration will bring extant pathogens to new populations as warming releases long dormant pathogens on the world once again. Large swaths of the population could be wiped out in an incred...

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climate changeglobal warmingpandemicpestilenceextinctionplaguepublic healthpathogensbioethics

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