self-discovery (Remove filter)
Let Roses Rain...
For me, there should be roses raining,
A sky of wonders, never waning.
The world should twist, turn on its head,
And all its worries left unsaid.
At sixteen, I dreamt with quiet fire,
To reach the heights, to never tire.
To claim my place, to stand my ground,
With every voice, I’d make a sound.
And later, I longed for something grand,
To see the world, to understand.
Not lo...
Saturday 9th November 2024 4:02 pm
Beyond The Edge of Self
A man once pondered, dream in hand,
How he might cross that spectral band,
To vault beyond his outline’s trace,
And claim a feat none could erase.
He tried at dawn and chased at noon,
Yet found his mark had slipped too soon;
For every leap left only doubt—
His outline lingered all about.
Until one night, a figure stood,
In quiet dusk, beneath a hood.
A pract...
Friday 1st November 2024 12:15 pm
The Last Carriage
I sit on the waiting seat on the station,
Not alone,
Many friends are waiting as well,
We share the same destination.
Not long after, the train arrives.
I look at my ticket,
"Ah, not my train", I say.
Some friends board,
They wave their hands,
We exchange smiles,
I'm left with the unfinished puzzle in my hand.
Not long after, another train arrives.
I l...
Wednesday 25th September 2024 10:35 am
I Am Nobody!
I am nobody
When my career is gone
I am nobody
When my money is gone
I am nobody
When my name is gone
I am nobody
When my body is gone
I am nobody!
I am no body?!
I am a nobody who puts some glitter on
I am a no body who I call Myself
Saturday 21st September 2024 4:10 pm
And why?
And why are you still in my head?
In my chest,
In my soul?
Engulfed by disdain, disgust and love.
And I am so lone.
In the middle of Oxford Street crowds
I want your advice that never helped
I want your forehead kisses that I rejected.
Longing for you on dark silent nights.
To debate: am I ever truly alone?
Or does your phantomlike presence ignite and guide...
Tuesday 16th November 2021 10:41 pm
your fingertips are pulsing
from all that touchlessness
where do you leave your fingerprints
when no human skin is around?
your hands sniff touch
sniff skin
and they find you
tangled being, hanging plant
with your roots in the clouds
you touch yourself and discover
that you have human skin
below your mind's weeds
underneath you vegetal body
so you i...
Thursday 11th March 2021 4:55 pm
“My Body”
I am an Architecture
Something built with
Pure beauty
Something built with
A mind that makes
Beautiful art
Something built with
A heart that never stops
A heart that has it’s
Own language
I am an architecture
That has never been
I am Everything
All in one..
Saturday 13th February 2021 2:22 am
Who Am I and Where Do I Belong?
Who Am I? And where do I belong?
Where do I go right? Where did I go wrong?
Was it real or fake love I was shown all along?
Am I really that mentally tough & strong?
If I fail, Will I momentairly freeze or stay froze?
Will I dig up a pile of dirt in my back yard & find a bunch of diamonds & gold?
Or am I to die a failure, lonely, & old?
This the type of mindset the old me was ...
Tuesday 15th December 2020 6:44 am
Good Things "Cum in 3s" (A poem of "self" discovery)
Focused on piercing eyes, light hazel abyss
I reached down earnestly past orbiting hips
Fingers parting engorged velvety lips
To find within a now aching, sensitive tip.
Writhing, squirming
Unprepared and panicked
Intensity unparalleled
Myself, I know not what to do with.
Tears, laughter
All consuming heat and fleeting chills
Dreams are becoming reality
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 10:30 pm
Enchanting, charming
Kind and caring.
How I fall for this disarming lie
Cunning, swift
Capturing and setting adrift.
A mind so confused
Looking for a missing muse.
There was a sign
Didn’t you see?
A warning of note
But no, you let it free.
Heart so soft and bruised
She doesn’t need to be used
But…it’s her fault
She must bring it to a halt
Monday 17th February 2020 8:49 am
I am hope.
what used to hurt me
still does
what used to scare me
still does
what used to make me curl up on the floor
shaking to my very core
still does
I am constantly afraid that one day
I will come face to face with my mistakes
a tableau of painful regrets and aches
the times I said I couldn’t when I could
the times I said I wouldn’t when I would
the past stil...
Tuesday 12th November 2019 11:23 pm
The Circle
We sit, splintered against skin:
Hieroglyphs spouting complex symbols
From untamed mouths; bodies
Perspiring pits, dropping brows,
Salting welted wounds;
Trying desperately to be brave,
Behave in ways we have always been seen,
Glean the truth of who we are,
What we’ve become,
What we do, what we’ve done;
Wrestling Rottweilers,
Unmeshing masquerades,
Tuesday 16th September 2014 12:04 pm
Who am I?
Who am I?
Am I all my mashed up mishaps,
Looping, creping, paper chaining through?
Am I clogs of wallpaint stains in
Bedded lanes of devine daisy dew?
Am I rivets, ratchets, harsh lines,
Chiseled by stilettoed hue?
All these thoughts, feelings and instincts;
Which are true?
I sup the type of other mother tongues,
And still ask you....
Who am I?
Friday 11th July 2014 6:24 am
"Like peeling an onion" you said.
More; unseaming
Slipped stitches,
Knotted aims,
Frayed edges.
Peddling metal
Over punched pins,
Threading maydays into cloth.
Fingers fumbling at loose seams,
Unravelling weaves,
Desperate hems,
Moth eaten, scrapped themes.
Now, all I am is an empty spool,
Someone's discarded thimble.
Try the pattern again.
Friday 4th July 2014 1:13 pm
Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8
Another attempt at my paternal tongue.
Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.
And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.
E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.
I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.
Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.
But this language pulsates to my yearning.
Ma questo linguaggio pu...
Monday 8th April 2013 11:31 pm
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