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Britannia Waives The Rules

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Britannia Waives The Rules


Rule Britannia?

Britannia waives the rules

Encourages returning to the pubs

Puts students back in schools

One rule for the inebriated

One to avoid uneducated fools

The slavering wolf of commerce

Rolls its bloodshot eyes and drools


Britain’s never, never, never

Shall be slaves?

Burying its vulnerable

In Covid-shallow graves

Infection graphs climb skyward

Boris scores and Jesus saves

His children from infection

Despite illicit parties and raves


The nation’s

Not so blest as thee

Will not allow

This Bacchanalian spree

Unfettered fools

Running free

Cold hard cash

Our one priority


covid capitalism. covid-19pandemicwaiving restrictionsrulesdangermoney before liveseconomy

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 27th Sep 2020 17:18

Much to ponder (is "enjoy" quite the right word?) in these lines.
The balance between freedom and the hazards it can involve is
tricky indeed, with so much at risk from an unseen presence.
The self-discipline of the war-time generation seems lost today.

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 27th Sep 2020 11:22

thanks for the kind comments and 'likes' ?

<Deleted User> (13740)

Sat 12th Sep 2020 21:47

Just been in the local shop I was the only one with a face mask on. We are not allowed in cafes in neighbouring towns here yet they were all queuing up without facemasks in the local shop near me buying booze. All youngsters. Silly sods x

Robert Haigh

Sat 12th Sep 2020 20:54

Money and power both rule - as always. This mess was never going to be easy to deal with, but our government are turning it into a bigger mess almost by the week!

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Greg Freeman

Fri 11th Sep 2020 17:44

Harsh but fair, Ian. In my opinion. Looks like we're in for a whole new wave of Covid poems.

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