The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Corona Virus

Corona Virus is sweeping causing panic and fear

Many lost to it now. It's in the uk it's starting here

Pray that a vacine can soon to found ? 

Stop the corona in its tracks, don't hang around 


China god bless you, so many you have been lost to it 

Do something God, make it go, we don't need this sh..

Pray that is all any of us can do. Pray people won't you

Banish and stop it in its tracks. There's Nothing we can do 


Bless the mothers, fathers, daughters sons, and unborn child 

Place barriers up high, stop it from spreading, keep it mild

Public health a worry, don't travel, stay home if possible please

Keep well away from the coughs and the unpretected sneeze


Epidrmics’s and pandemics,  it's started, it's here you know 

No cure to fix it, just hope in everyone's hearts it will go

Lord god watching from the heavens up high, please help now ? 

Banish this disease from your kingdom, make us safe somehow 



Corona virusepidemicpandemicplague

◄ Yesterday

Our World Is Disappearing ►


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