social commentary (Remove filter)
The Billionaire's Salute
The limerick recounts Elon Musk’s modified Nazi salute during Donald Trump’s inauguration celebration at the Capital One Arena, drawing attention to the unsettling revival of fascist gestures in a modern political context.
There once was a mogul named Musk, Whose fame turned increasingly brusque. At an oath-taking spree, He gestured with glee, A shadow from history’s dusk.Thursday 23rd January 2025 5:54 pm
True Cost
They decide to divide us by race, religion and culture, add taxes and bills like a cold money vulture.
Put money and futures in lining their pocket, deductions and pensions on your wage docket.
Corruption and dealing, whilst blaming the poor, like oliver holding the bowl they'll show you the door.
In ivory towers showing no blame, they continue to run in all moneys game.
What's the cost of a l...
Sunday 14th April 2024 7:06 pm
Quick question..?
If God were to come down Himself,
and wipe away all the pain.
restore every scar to its previous state.
undo every lie ever told.
What would be left of us?
How many of our dreams and passions,
are rooted in someone else’s bullshit?
Do you champion women’s rights,
out of a genuine concern for the plight they
face on a daily basis?
Or do you like to end your t...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:29 am
People aren't drugs dammit
I remember…
I know what it was like to discover porn at 10 years old.
I remember, being a middle schooler
with a bucket list full of sex positions.
To look around at my peers,
and think that was normal.
I remember, being in High school
During the height of the “Me too” movement.
Being bombarded with stories that made my heart
drop like a stone through my s...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:26 am
How can I think so much in just 20 minutes,
yet accomplish so little in any given day?
The one constant I assumed I had in life,
the speed at which time passed by,
now pushing and pulling like the tides.
If I believe my textbook,
and this must all be perception,
all I am left to believe in is my own insanity.
If this is somehow real, or something close to
Friday 20th May 2022 6:12 pm
He who sees it all
He is the one who sees it all.
The men who are just trying to feed their families,
among the ranks of the invaders.
The foxes who scour among the liberators.
He who raises up great thinkers,
and topples empires underfoot.
He sees the honest, among the arrogant.
He sees the isolated, among the popular.
He sees the righteous, among the rowdy.
He sees the merciful...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:12 pm
It’s really hard to undo this
idea. That a safe space is where
nothing is expected of me,
than a place where I feel loved
and valued.
To be so driven by the notion,
that expectation is innately wrong somehow.
Instead of a tool,
weaponized by the adults around me,
but not incorrect in itself.
A ball, full of potential,
can be anything
but not ...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:11 pm
If we, as a society
rid ourselves of the natural consequences
of our own actions,
there will then no longer be any ground
for us to equally stand on.
What would become of our lives?
when we put on that headset,
and enter a world
where our limitless freedom
comes at the expense
of everyone around us.
When 100% freedom for me,
means 0% freedom for anyone...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:10 pm
3rd Hemisphere
It’s just a rectangle
such a pretty rectangle
The vast array of colorful lights
arranged into images,
of the real thing.
A portal into a separate, secret, little world.
I can do anything here
in my pocket dimension.
A vast library of human knowledge.
The engine driving it forward,
the gutter of civilization.
I can, in the span of an af...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:09 pm
Too much to ask?
Can I have a hug?
Can I not be pulled away from?
Can I be weak, and in pain?
Can I have any physical connection that isn’t sexual?
Can I not be afraid, of the casual flirting,
with the barista behind the counter.
Can I have a small piece of the love,
Shown between a girl and her friends.
She goes to embrace another she,
A group of besties, inseparable from each...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:07 pm
Read History
as if you were the perpetrator
and you will find,
how carelessness and apathy
add up into atrocity
Listen to History
as if the stories were your own
and you will find
even the best of us have things to learn,
trials to push through, and opportunities unearned
Know History
as if it was the back of your own hand
and you will find
raw huma...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:59 pm
Everyone’s got their own thing
In the bustling city
A place to go,
Work to do,
A conversation with someone halfway across the world to engage in.
An ideal to strive for,
A pose to strike,
A vibe to give off.
Begging for people to stop and notice,
My cycles of depression and sorrows.
So naïve to their own cycles,
of stress and pleasure.
Is any...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:56 pm
Cyanide of the Soul
My body, My choice?
Is sex not a two way street?
Does it not have lasting effects on your relationship?
Is your heart so calloused over, you no longer care?
For if two alcoholics split the bill on a handle of Vodka,
Are they still alcoholics?
So too, those who come together
in the interest of momentary gratification taken from each other.
Who use the human figure,
Friday 20th May 2022 5:50 pm
Heed my warning,
those who are young.
Who still have their youthful vigor.
You who have lived in a world of deceit,
who’s contraptions held your attention,
and captivated your imaginations.
Who have lived lives,
balanced on the edge between good and evil.
Who fear no God.
For they will be given a sign they cannot deny.
Their reaction will determine their fate.
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:49 pm
Ask a Stranger
Can I ask you a question? I want a strangers point of view.
I’ve wanted to die for as long as I can remember.
I have no idea who I am.
I’ve taken every anger and frustration, and turned it inward.
I’m taking life 20 minutes at a time.
I have the attention span of a goldfish,
a vivid imagination for the macabre.
I cling to other people for reasons token going,
and ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:46 pm
House of Cards
Come one! Come all!
To my house of cards!
It is I, the Ace of Spades,
the cornerpeice of this whole charade.
From me, every balance act is made,
and from me, the whole house stands.
Your chances are high!
Your odds, favorable!
Those lucky enough to draw a face,
the divine gift of symmetrical features,
blessed with the privilege of driving us into
the dirt.
Friday 20th May 2022 5:44 pm
The wind in the trees the sound of what it like to be free
The cry of a newborn son is the beginning of love
Where is that mountain top where Martin saw the dream
Where is that path to the valley of peace
Where is that message of hope hidden from me
The wind on the water pushing the waves of the past
The cry of dignity echoing through these monuments and memorials
Saturday 29th August 2020 3:02 pm
send a ship
sent a ship
say no chip
say no sh!#...WOAH!
wait a minute
wait a minute
I agree with it for most parts
I agree with on screen censorship of private parts
and that beep beep, honk honk on Power puff girls
and Sponge Bob was kinda funny
but these shows are for kids
ad they are touching so many mature content in
heady heavy undertones and innuendos...
Sunday 19th March 2017 4:43 pm
Bride and gloom
How could she go
cause her daddy wasn’t far away
unless she really wants
to kiss to this sad song
the difference is we both wake up
to the cadence of a different love
then I am made like the villain
I only want a peaceful morning
do you remember when
I saw you fucking him again
don’t you forget
to say you’re sorry
the bloom is off the rose
let’s fin...
Saturday 12th March 2016 5:04 pm
The Valley
The valley
Streets filled with purpose
The Silicon valley is alive and well
Suitcases and Range Rovers
Palm tress sweep the sky
motorists hurry to plug in
horns honked with kindness
coffee filled with sugar and whipped cream
more a milkshake than a jumpstart
two hour snack pow wow
heated ping pong power lunch
making apps to scratch your back
and pic...
Sunday 21st February 2016 6:08 pm
It’s late
actually it’s early
brain never stops
mix between good thoughts and bad
this should be over since the end
of my drinking life
my marriage
my dogs life
is this one of those nights I’ve been waiting for?
what to do…???
my best pal comes to town tomorrow
happy about that
maybe this shouldn’t be over
maybe this is just the beg...
Saturday 6th February 2016 10:24 am
She hurts
I tell myself to let her go
Is it her I miss?
just the idea?
just the company?
actually i miss them all
they all still hurt
soft skin
sweet thoughts
kindness to strangers
weaker creatures
makes a man comfy
just for a little while
then they hurt
they tear my gut space
suddenly I’m the Sunday funnies
and they lose weigh...
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 6:31 pm
Maybe Two
Maybe two
I’ll admit
I create stress for myself
even on vacation
I’m working on it
“simmer down” they say
Am i that bad?
even the pope takes an angry shit right?
everyone has to worry about something
nothing but truth,
I’m not comfy unless I worry
I envy those who walk without baggage
how do they do it?
I can make it a day
maybe two
then she scr...
Friday 29th January 2016 8:15 pm
I Try
I try
I’m not the best lover
can’t dance much either
never won a poker game
never guessed the jelly beans
haven’t won a sweep steaks of any kind
failed to roll 300
never skydived
don’t really like vegetables
prefer burgers to pretty much anything
afraid of the ocean from time to time
Jaws was mean but brilliant
I can catch a ball
any ball, any time
...Thursday 28th January 2016 10:47 pm
Been working hard loving
working hard chances way too many, many
you’re foolish not to let me go
you helped me walk when i was off
you told me this was the last time
i’m sure its nice to change the bloody razors
maybe turn back the clocks
those where the days
I know i fucked it up
I know i was the clown, banana peel
you come around, you hear the sounds
...Thursday 28th January 2016 10:03 pm
Sit back with the captain and Jack
they all walk in
they found me wet with all the K-pins
knocked down
get back up
got to get back up
I can see my soul is all but stuck
I got my meds, my sickened head
I got my life to get straight
the rest is what I make
the rest is what i make!
with never picky taste
if I’m gonna be yours lets get away
...Thursday 28th January 2016 9:16 pm
Not all bad
Not all bad
I’m out on the front porch smoking
scratching forgotten dreams from my baldness
coffee makes me happy
even a little light breeze helps
today is gonna be different
yesterday was so so
I got through it
Some of it hurt
she was civil
that is always a plus
I miss my babies
i regret my choices
yet the porch is my place
my ground
what is i...
Wednesday 27th January 2016 4:48 pm
Pissed 'n' Broke
Wednesday 4th February 2015 9:27 pm
Malefic Condescension: Tearing Down Heaven III
Is the unguidable wilderness distant nature of the Mother of all Gods' bargain, Every sin confidence is a cold denial infinite bet confession labyrinth of words hoping She'll awaken to faith gesture and play the secrecy threat of Her oft benign cross empathetic dead hand!
Just another running card eternity drawn breath Sunday without god... gag, Her augmented li(f)e o...
Saturday 7th June 2014 9:56 am
Malefic Condescension: Dose of Heaven... II
Over death,
Achieving nectar dose of the god's karma never cared much at all lost dreams, The unfathomable infinite sandcastling cosmos, Realm of golden aptitude desire tests, Where the children of Buddha's eternal poverty war are forever subdued by avarice... Inside, Stagger as if cosmic winter recital blind, Waging every swollen consciousness sedated by snake apathy rolled eye no take...
Thursday 5th June 2014 9:18 am
Malefic Condescension : Grace's Parasite
Kill off the infection,
A belief against the invisible court of justice, Wherein love is no longer held libel as the greatest of every moment's existence value... The difference between intolerance compelled lethargic inaction versus the any second creeping essence affliction of the empathetic imagination engine must survive the spread of difference across our lives, Surmounting the conv...
Monday 2nd June 2014 11:48 am
Malefic Condescension: Unto God
I swear,
The first hypnosis occurred as he stare down from the broken white portrayal hearted cross, An unholy smoke justification to put greed forward any cause, without delving to the bottom of a pretend whisky spine glass, where desperately intolerant profit dreams seem wasted if kept immortally repressed in a book of uncommitted commandments entitled: Equinox Psalm of Offences, neve...
Sunday 1st June 2014 9:54 am
Malefic Condescension: Wrought by You II
Drawing worthless diction as fire,
Unqualified lucid pictures of muted clouds entitled hope, Inaudibly described via a depravity of discord, A torrential malady choir of misshapen atonement deficit cast foreseen just libel out angels, Whose eyes re filled with numb denouncement matriarchal Lilith established garden of misery over marionette's adorned with the purposeful threat of silence ...
Saturday 31st May 2014 11:05 am
Hive Mind: Seething Vocal Discord I
Holocaust seething,
Speech vomited from a hate intoxicated mouth full of razor blades, Whose tongue is white nameless cross tattooed to empower the whisky bottom glass dreams to appear more than obscene, Suicide slicing empathy's once authentic imagination equality eternal engine on behalf of avarice' reincarnated intolerance heirloom of a false Buddha's multiple profit gun arms, Margina...
Tuesday 27th May 2014 10:41 am
Robin Hood Book Manchester Launch
Entry: Free
Open Mic Event
I am pleased to announce that Ashton Library will be host to the Manchester launch of the Robin Hood Book, a poetry anthology alongside the Robin Hood Campaign analysing, celebrating and discussing various social issues of importance.
There will be readings from Ushi...
Tuesday 15th May 2012 1:34 pm
Yesterdays Post
The seasonal grind
through the gears
the autumn now
of working fears.
But what to do
when pension nears
as money’s tight
and mortgage rears?
The posties wife
she knew his mind
twenty years posting time;
but the wheels were falling off.
He chased the debts
with gambling ways
and soon she learnt
that better days;
Monday 16th January 2012 12:16 pm
Soapbox Poetics
Into itself, beyond vast darkness, remote lights beckon our tomorrow.
Into a new dark age
we go, marching,
careening headlong
[of soapbox poetry
there is no want
for many a voice
loudly rail and rant]
the terrain of our
condition and that
of our experience
has changed over
year upon year of
progress that has brought
us ...
Sunday 19th June 2011 3:07 pm
Standing close
Mild for the weather for this time of year
outside, standing and chatting and laughing,
standing close and I’m trapped by the wall
and I feel enclosed, and I feel... I...
... feel!
Standing close, I feel. And I shouldn’t feel.
Rain permeates the non-coloured memories
damp, sodden evenings and damp, sodden mornings
remembering: neglected, remembering rejection
Saturday 22nd January 2011 3:30 pm
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