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Stephen Gospage on Return to Waterloo
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Dry eyes in the house

Maybe because when it came

It felt like the end of summers, forever,

And, off a poor night’s sleep

I was listening to John Coltrane on repeat

Like a cliché,

Unshowered, way after noon.


So that when the rain arrived,

A promise of popping candy,

Hungry, urgent messages from the sky

That transformed the kids in the nursery

Into a scene from the Lord of The ...

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Even Old Fools Get The Blues

we used to walk in the canyon

talk of a future that never came

gasping at the beauty round us

Selina was one hell of a dame


its a movie playing in my head

just pictures without the sound

a neck-lace of images inside a

cold tomb on hallowed ground


called to New York for a movie

turned your head with ambition

left me doubting your standing

fearing you inten...

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Blues For David.

A song I wrote a while ago, I played the guitar when I still could, arthritis in my hands has ended that, My cousins son sang and played the Harmonica and clapped.we never sat down and played it just sent stuff back and forth on the internet until we had something he could mix at his studio. Its about my son who died of a rare bone cancer, Ewings Sarcoma at eighteen years of age.

Blues for Davi...

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Blues Cafe

Let’s slip away

to the Blues Cafe, 

that secret place, 

in the smoky dive, 

of your mind, 

where steel strings 

scratch your spine 

like manicured fingernails,

after midnight.

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Ever Green

Your soul song is addictive, 
makes love evergreen. 

Peace flows through my veins,
amidst a world gone mad. 

Play on, in the misty starlight 
of my mind.

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Got no compassion doing the devil's deeds
If you got dreams at the crossroads, where you can meet

Feeds you those deep-fried southern lies
You've eaten them so many times, lost your pride

Got no faith when the devil moved in
It got up out of there never to be seen again

Have a million dollars but nothing to spend it on
You sold that one part that makes you who you are
Now there is no...

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Poems 2016Blues

My Songs

Songs of love and happiness
Erase all my feelings of sadness
Wipe away these tears 
And all my fears 
Nothing but blue
When I'm living with you
Nothing but blue 
When I'm listening to you,
My songs of sadness 

When I wake in the morning
You’re the first thing I want to hear
Start my day with you ever so near
Songs close to my heart
May we never part
I listen to you,
My songs of sa...

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Go Fish

Look at you go girl.

Swimming in our veins,

straight to the soul. 

No sweet lullabies 

or sugar-coated lies.

Wielding words of a survivor, 

who has been around the block a time or two. 

No one is getting anything over on you. 

You have mastered

the blues, 

turned pain into power,

helping us forget 

our worries by the hour.

Go Fish!

Making dreams

more th...

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bluesdreamslifeMusicrelationshipsSamantha Fishsuccess

When the devil drives

I’m going down to the river
With my wash day blues
I’m going to go to a nightclub
In a pair of dancing shoes
I’m going to make a banner saying
‘All lives matter here’
I’m going to scale the rock face
That has always been too sheer
I’m going to sail across oceans
To spread the words of peace
To point out we don’t own this Earth
We only have it on lease
I’m going to go to a bookstore

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All lives matterriverbluesbannerbookstoresoapboxoceansnightclubdancing shoes

Punk Rockers Don't Sing The Blues.

Put on my pants
Put on a show
Fake a smile
No one will know

Don't show weakness
Fake my emotions
Bury my anxiety
Just go with the motions

I gotta play fast
Need to sing out of tune
Because don't you know
Punk Rockers Don't Sing The Blues

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Mystic Blue

I think of you my ocean view, 
my sweet sunrise, 
my mystical moonlight blue. 
I think of you all the time, 
all the while 
drowning in my sleep. 

You drive me crazy 
with your absence. 
You drive me crazy 
with your presence. 
I love the chaos you bring, 
leaves me incomplete, 
open, breakable.

The less you give, 
the more I want. 
The more you give, 
all I want. 
I long for ...

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The Long Player

Here is old poem idea I've had for ages about favourite album titles and the feelings that the music of each inspired in me at the time.  My old vinyl records - nostalgia.  You've got to guess the artists.  It's not laid out in a poem style fro a reason, and that's becasue a design friend of mine some years ago formatted (God knows how) into a circular text shaped as an LP.  It just needed a lable...

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Old Tyke Blues

Old Tyke Blues


I woke up this morning -

found my leg was dead.

Slipped as I got up

and banged my head,

fingers to temple

came away red,

trail on the carpet

where I had bled.


Went down for breakfast -

the milk had gone sour,

turned on the toaster -

a distinct lack of power.

Go back upstairs,

stand under the shower -

water is...

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Blue moods can lie

Or amplify truth

Colloid in regions of a soul

Blues gives reflections  

Like broken mirrors

We live under the gaze of poets

Calling us to task

Whispering in our ear

To be unafraid

To subdue cheerful robots 

To deliberate with happy slaves 

To refuse to wear yokes of shame

A blue deep as purple leaves


What we suff...

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