The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Wang’s Dīngzihù*

In Wang's Dīngzihù*, the poem explores the unyielding defiance of a man who refuses to let go of his home in the face of relentless urban development. Wang’s small "nail"house becomes a symbol of resistance, standing firm against powerful tycoons and the machinery of progress. As legal battles and societal pressures mount, Wang’s fight is not just for his land, but for his identity and legacy. It ...

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resistancedefiancelegacyprideheritagenail houseurban developmentresiliencestruggle

Frozen Pride

This world of ice.
Forged in frozen sheets,
layer upon layer.
So many attempts to thaw,
daily melting.
Weeping alone, hidden tears
drip from the tips
of every cycle formed.
Crying out, wishing to remain
and finally end the pain,
but it’s hard to move

in the cold.

Days are short.

The sun sets
into lonely frost,

silently creeping in.
Progress made to flow
turns again to ic...

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pridestubborn pridesaying sorry

All That Will Remain

Always searching for the next good time

and what the world can bring.

Always looking for the next big deal

and what it’s offering.


Never thinking very far ahead

or worrying about the cost.

Never wanting much to understand

or caring what gets lost.


Always thinking I don’t need to change,

believing that I’m fine.

Always doing what I want to do

and taking ...

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What happens when you finally decide

to change what you’re doing and swallow your pride?

Is it like when the fog clears away

and you find where you stand?


Or is it more like the unveiling of art,

struck by what you see yet unsure in your heart,

because it is nothing at all

like what you had planned?


For with resolution comes new eyes to see,

and new understan...

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pridehumilityhumbleletting go of pride

check yourself

check yourself fool
check your judgement
check yourself by judging yourself
pride yourself by judging yourself
pride yourself by judging your judgement
respect yourself is by judging yourself
respect your pride is by judging your pride

to fool yourself is to check yourself
to fool yourself is to respect yourself
respect is to honor yourself
to honor yourself is to honor your respect

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The passion & the pride

20 goals scored

Only 1 conceded 

Passion & pride?

These girls bleed it

The finest of Mead

Bronze turning gold

Russo's cheeky gem

Such sights to behold!

The guttural purr

Is now a roar

The anticipation

Of the Wembley rapport

Let us shake the foundations

And rattle our cages

Let voices break barriers

And echo through ages

Let Lionesses be

The Pride ...

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Euro22prideEngland .




Brunette. Blonde

Black. Grey

I am auburn.


Hazel. Green

Brown. Blue

I am Grey.


Tabs, blanks

Pockets, sockets

Corners, middles

I am unique.


Flat pieces; four points

Innies and lock

The back

always Grey


Without me, you are not complete

With me, we are replete


A needle in the haystack

melancholic morning


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Last Day at School

Reflections on single-parenthood. 


Last Day at School 


And you are off,

Floating through our front door,

Awash with make-up,

Dripping with love,

Much taller now,

Towering above me

A figure of strength,


 Last day at school


Where are you now?

When you are not with me,

No need for cuddles,

No clinging to my leg,


You won’t remember,


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Rainbow Stripes

Mami's little princess

Papi's pride and joy

Mami taught her to be a good house wife

Mami taught her to be a smart girl

Papi taught her to think twice before saying yes to any boy

Papi taught her to be a strong and to be an independent girl

Mami's little princess 

Papi's pride and joy

The little princess grew up to like girls not boys

And Papi's heart broke

And Mami's ...

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The Omnipresent Threat Of Death

Society is lost,

Consciousness is gone,

They have rejected their spirits,

It didn't take very long,

Electronically connected,

Yet physically farther than ever,

People don't want to face themselves,

It's a thought they dread to endeavor,

The clock is ticking,

Just take a deep breath,

Your losing your mortality,

The omnipresent threat of death,

Materialistic clyde...

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Mrs Smith

A pale face, dark eyes, an uneasy smile,

Surrounded by a mass of tangly black curls,

She sat in that circle

Unengaged, aloof, disruptive,

There for everyone else’s sake

But her own.

Trapped in a world by demons who

Would let her see another way

But kept her from it because

It wouldn’t serve their obsessive needs.

Within screaming distance but held behind thick glass,


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I cant seem to wrap my head around, the reason that you left. 

Maybe I'm tired or just coming down but your voice is all that's left in this silence now, I cant really answer when or how.

Sticks and stones may break my bones; but your words destroyed me 

And they tell me not to dwell, just to let it on go but as the silence grows louder I'm losing grips of the rope. If only I could carry ...

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Smoke and Mirrors (A Letter to Section Twenty Eight)

If only you saw they loved the smoke.

Know it were the shapes frolicking space

forming air they cheerfully choke on,

take a glass. Scoop it up drink it for them

swallow the haze, spittle on the mirror

mist this muse with thick saliva

so together they can press lips.

in the dusk where ignorance is shade,

the same as she and he did.


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When you see a rainbow

A rainbow appears when there is sun and rain

The weathers equivalent of joy and pain

Grey clouds may come to darken your day

Sunshine and blue skies, will light up your way


A spectrum of colour created by reflection of light

An optical illusion, presenting an arc that delights

The rain subsides and the rainbow fades away

The sun breaks through, revealing a brighter day


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My poinsettia

In fear of celebrating to soon

My poinsettia has made it to June

I hope and I pray

It will out live May

If it survives June, I'll be over the moon

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Her Heart, My Heart

move a beat binding  

pulse together,

two halves holding

the tailed ricochets

making rhythm this

romantic headache,


hammering allure,


ambidextrous adoring,

we could equally,

elope a pre-set,

picking the pace-

a metronome dragging,

the default off-beat,





I steal the second-

with her heart beating-

with my hea...

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I long for warm hugs on rainy nights

I long for good conversations on sunny days


I long for you in a world that’s tough on us

I long for you in a time that isn’t yet for us


I long for us.

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Spic, wetback, beaner,

Border rat, pepper-belly, orange picker,

Names commonplace now

For Latinos and Hispanics,


Used to break,

Used to hurt,

Used to kill,

The orators:

Ignorance, Malice, Contempt

But most importantly


Fear of what is different,

Fear of what is great,

Fear of what has always been great,

For the sun shone for centuries

On ...

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HispanicracismintolerancelovepridegloryAztec poetry

Normalcy Bereft

They rewrote songs on the sceneries of their dreams,

under the same roof, in the same room, but alone.

Living in each other’s isolations,

so tiring, boring, sensual, overwhelming, warm.

In thoughts, several severely intimate moments had passed;

their knotted minds kissed intermittently, not seldom.


He knew he was boundless, liberal, enraged, , jealous, dizzy,

he thought h...

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lovesexgaypridehomosexualityindienightisolationsocietydiscriminationgenderintimacyequalityfreedomlibertyequal rights

Mind Tides

The chemical seas wash you closer
and closer again to me
Those chemical seas ride you closer
and then closer again to me, to me

O, how I’ve held a part of my collective breath
kept a little air inside for your return
part of me; poised patiently
as your waves wash through my closing fingers

O, how I’ve quietly tended a small flame for you
landing lights aglow along this heart's runway

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There was a man I knew,

not too close, not too far,

as a child he was there

to tend to my scars.


A man with a past,

of that I had no doubt,

a man, when provoked,

who knew how to shout.


A happy man

with a smile for all,

he'd always be there to

pick me up when I'd fall.


And though never far away,

we were never very close,

a sign of those times


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cancerdadfatherdeathlossloveregretslooking backcelebrationfamilysonpride





The joy of being alone is an empty joy, one to be celebrated alone because one is alone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       You don’t celebrate the joy of being alone with a friend, p...

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singlealonefed updepressedturn it aroundpridedon't be hurtstrength

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