glory (Remove filter)
new year’s resolution
heaven’s scent,hell’s glory
hell is a scent of glory
hell is a hell of a new year
glory is a hell of a glory
the new year is a scent of a new year
glory is the new year’s hell
the coming of the new year is,
the coming of hell
the coming of the new year is,
the coming of a glory
a coming is a coming of glory
new year is a resolution of a new year
new year is a resolution of a glory
Friday 5th January 2024 7:34 pm
Giant girders bent and burnt and
Crushed fire engines daunt the
Halls of the museum at Albany N.Y. the
Monumental fossils of
9/11 but what will be the
Bones of war with small fry that
Flew poker-faced into the side of our souls?
After the cover-ups and cock-ups and shifty politics and
Constructive euthanasia and
Plastic heroes what
Glorious moraine can grinding folly ...
Friday 29th May 2020 12:25 pm
How they have fallen,
Laying thick,
Pressing the jostling grass
Under them.
Obliterating it from sight.
Their browns and yellows brighter
Than the grey above.
Achieving a moment of glory,
In death a dominance.
Looking up to freed branches
Framing veiled light,
Had they thought to fly,
Letting go their source of life?
How they have fallen!
Saturday 26th October 2019 5:25 pm
Spic, wetback, beaner,
Border rat, pepper-belly, orange picker,
Names commonplace now
For Latinos and Hispanics,
Used to break,
Used to hurt,
Used to kill,
The orators:
Ignorance, Malice, Contempt
But most importantly
Fear of what is different,
Fear of what is great,
Fear of what has always been great,
For the sun shone for centuries
On ...
Tuesday 3rd April 2018 3:56 am
War Boys
War Boys
We’re going to war boys,
we’re going to war,
Lord Kitchener asked us
so we formed a corps.
Joe and Jack from the factory,
Ted and Jim from the farm,
the recruiting sergeant assures us
that there’s little chance of harm.
We’re part of the great pals army
and we’ve fallen for his charm
as we march away to war.
We’re in the war boys,
we’re in the ...
Wednesday 25th June 2014 9:01 pm
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