The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

misery (Remove filter)

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Everything Flees and Returns

Everything flees and returns,
everything subsists and vanishes,
everyone talks and no one listens

The night grows opaque with distress, 
ice and fire lash out drought 
against hope

Besieged by man,
the moonlight has ceased to appear; 
a world of muted landscapes
where sadness is perpetuated forever, 
that is to say death...

Souls are broken
and no one absorbs the pain of misery,

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Palace of Tears

In the fanfare seasons when we get spoiled,

delight openly weeps.

A change from the usual stress attacks,

brought on by a lack of clean sheets.


Not a tin pot, or F.A. Cup,

or division won in years.

Disappointment sits, stares, and lingers

behind sunken red eyes and blue tears.


Elegantly euphoric promotions,

and grandiose upsets,

take centre stage with stella...

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Looked in the mirror shortly after i rose
Not quite sure i like what i see
A little bit of this, a touch of that and
Maybe i'll start to feel like me
Maybe i'll start to feel a little bit of glee
or maybe that's just me taking a leap
I need to get out from under this heap
I need to free myself before tears start to seep
Then they'll all start to say, girl please!
Get a grip 
or you are b...

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peacereleasegleewandermiseryfallingleap of faith

Don't fall for someone

Don't fall for someone..
You will always break,
Don't fall for someone..
For yourself not to hate,
Don't fall for someone..
For your own sake

Love is beautiful if you are lucky,
But almost always it ends in misery.
Finding love and living happily is what you always see in movies,
But reality is not like the big screens.
Seeing the bright side, it's like butterflies,
But only after hea...

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lovedon'tself-caredon't be hurtHeartbreakmiserysorrowpain

Desolation of Z

Dark and bleak and empty and bare
This life is hard.. I hate it here.
Voided, eroded, saddened... barren of joy
Helpless, hopeless, soulless... a plain white wall
Mopey, lonely, gloomy...why even try
Hungerless, Sleepless, motionless...I might just die
Drowning, not breathing, cant gasp for air
Quiet pain, drenched in rain, not one care
Deserted, isolated, distressed and bored
want to, ...

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Dont ignoreDesolationdespairsadhopelessfutilityBe a friendDepression bipolar hopeless alonesave someonepainpoetrylitcreativewritingmiseryvoi


She was trying

Trying to be calm

Trying to mute the

Monologue inside her mind.


Full of contradictions to herself,

Full of arguments

Full of endless thoughts


She felt like being pulled

In a spiral

Down and down and down

With each breath she took

Swallowing her own soul


As if she split up

Into two halves

Halves against each other

She was he...

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when out

she was known for her


infectious smile,

non stop chattering

and childish charisma.


but inside the walls of her room

she was the one,

with puffy red eyes,

bloody wrists,

broken heart,

and lost soul.





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They took her exuberance and fled away

Let her sink in never ending milky way

Prancing here and there with utmost misery

She couldn't resist, merely

they are her love once again 

Only thing she can do 

Sway away from mighty grief and never go back again

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grieflove oncemiseryresist

Was it so hard to love her?

She was broken,

her soul was falling apart.


You were the cause,

yet she kept on loving you.


She took all the pain, all the suffering,

in hope that you'll change one day.


Months passed by,

and her soul became hollow.


She was getting suffocated,

but all she craved was your love.


You betrayed her not once not twice but so many times,

but she t...

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Away from the crowd and rays of the sun
are the moments I cherish the most,
It is when, your wisdom
outbreaks from the dam of your lips,
which usually gurgles teases, jokes and laughter
(not intended for me, of course not)

you voice your
dreams and aspirations
painting a rainbow
on the dark night's sky,
and somewhere else aswell...

as well as your insecurities
in a sober expression...

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Depression is the loneliest place.

It is full of awful and terrible frustration.

We hate everything (ourselves as well)

And gone is each idea and sensation.


Depression is being trapped in a dark cave,

And only outside exists light.

All black is everywhere we turn

And there seems no end to it in sight.


Depression is to have a body of lead

That we must carry wher...

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DepressionHopeMiseryStuart Vanner


Waves of colours cruising across the passage of time.. 
Crimson violent rages of youth determined to wipe out grime.. 
Yet xanthous cowardly and naive 
To unlearn safe lessons to
Uplifting hues of orange turns addictive.. 
Materialism and fame gets alliterative 
Leaden grey old age brings listful weariness.. 
Rainbows of life are mere shades of misery and ecstatic happiness...

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I saw my future before my eyes for the first time in my life 
It wasnt just ideas but plans with who I 
pictured my wife 
The mother of my children and my partner 
through strife

But I lost it 

It was almost here and gone in a moment
It felt so good but now there's pain and I 
ow it 
Started to slip away so I desperately tried 
to hold it 

But now it's gone 

Was it my fault? I'...

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Loveheart breakpainmiseryseparationmarriageself worthhope

For E. Pound from the Thoroughly Smug

I didn’t really understand what you meant

When you said you saw a family picnicking

And they were happier than you,

Even though I felt it must be true.


And when you said you were happier than I was,

I knew you weren’t actually speaking to me,

But I decided to stay miserable

Just so your poem would always be true.


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Ezra PoundSalutationthoroughly smugmisery

My Mind Is My Own

My mind is my own

But it’s thought are foreign

Their nature is a conquest of deception

Forcing perception to be an abstract idea and a tangled question

Sanity is now an opinion within itself

 [no one in their right mind can understand it, and no one out of it can claim it.]

Truth no longer means

And anything is just a dream

Absence is more concrete

For it clears my mind ...

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A cacophony of sound beats around 
inside my brain, deafening drops.

Sunday misery breaking the silence 
of yesterdays. Rainy Mondays, 
no hope for tomorrows.

We come and go. We come and go
when the floodgates of pain are open. 

Forgiveness closes doors 
left ajar in anger. 
Time moves forward, 
changes are subtle, 

Hope does damage to the living dead. 

Alone in...

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rudely interrupted

It is the assumption that people tend to reflect and contemplate in the dawn of the night 

When noones awake to hear the sorrow in your sobs

When it's too dark to see the weakness in your eyes 

And your lonliness enables your imprisoned vulnerability to surface 


But what happens when this negativity suddenly seep its way into the happenings of your everyday life 

When these mor...

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My heart is immersed in a jelly
All sounds blocked, all feeling numb

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Death warmed up
Dead weight 
Slow combustion 
Every cell is sad
Has given up
Just an empty, breathing vessel.

Is this what it is like at the lowest point? 
Or is there further to fall? 

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Insomnia.                             Intoxicating thoughts seeping through your neurons. The struggle of finding rest late at night. The path less traveled, because no light is there to guide you. Darkness becomes your greatest friend, it becomes more comfortable as the sleepless nights persist. Struggling to find peace with the war inside, metamorphosing your ordinary mind,
Into a machine of co...

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Security I Guess

Help me oh please help me

I havent lost my mind

But tell me oh please tell me

Why it is so hard to find,

I havent fallen off the truck

It crushed another man,

I know the training perfectly

But never met the sand.


A lonely man you'd call me

But you are to blind to see,

Im married to a wealthy wife

Who's tied me to a tree,

The branches shake above me

And t...

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miseryhopesecurityreal life


Morning comes but once a day

And that's enough for me.

I face each day without you,

Making do with misery.


Morning comes but once a day,

My punishment goes on,

For all the ways I hurt you

In the dark times dead and gone.


Morning comes but once a day,

And with it comes the light,

To show me what I know so well

That there's no end in sight.


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death and shipwrecks


Ten thousand tears are shed for ten thousand souls lost, taken by the sea after an act of war which took so many more, forever. In a world fraught by Man’s tyranny and bloodlust, a world was torn apart and both innocent and guilty were sent to heaven and hell. What does my generation think of it all, especially of Baltic events and tens of thousands dead? Is it a case of,...

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