Social media (Remove filter)
Listening For Change
This poem is about a society increasingly divided, where accusations fly and truth seems lost. It speaks to the urgency of listening instead of blaming, understanding instead of judging, and choosing hope over fear. In a world where opinions are quickly voiced and emotions run high, the poem urges a shift in perspective—one that values connection, love, and the strength to find hope, even in diffi...
Saturday 25th January 2025 5:09 pm
The Four New MUSKateers
This sonnet critiques the dangerous alliance between powerful tech moguls and a corrupt political figure, symbolised by the "four musketeers" who bow to Trump’s person, influence and might. It explores their sycophantic behaviour, the manipulation of media, and the betrayal of values for profit and power. The poem hopefully paints a chilling portrait of cowardice dressed as strength and the erosio...
Sunday 19th January 2025 4:29 pm
The Fact-Check Paradox
"The Fact-Check Paradox" explores the contradiction at the heart of modern fact-checking: while meant to clarify truth, fact-checkers often impose their own interpretations, leaving people uncertain about what’s verified and what isn’t. This creates a paradox where the pursuit of truth may, in fact, cloud independent judgment. The poem tries to emphasise the need for individuals to think for thems...
Thursday 9th January 2025 6:55 pm
Doom scrolling
Doom Scrolling
At dawn of morning,
Alarm gives a warning,
“The day is starting”
Sleep deficient dreams clearing,
After a set of washing,
I start scrolling.
While eating, I scroll;
To make bland
food ,spicy
And a spicy one
as bread.
While in crowds,
I scroll and surf
Through net;
As I ignore them all-set.
In alone I scroll,
To make the mayh...
Wednesday 30th October 2024 2:28 pm
Austria Social Media Freedom
In Austria grave decisions must be made
that pave the way to stave off threats of terror,
where the innocent may pay. The chancellor
now asks a costly payment of society, to waive
away ones right to privacy.
The general public is caught between
a rock and a hard place, struggling to save
their rights yet still be brave against
those who seek to do harm. “To what extent
...Wednesday 28th August 2024 10:19 am
Socially Perfect
I love my perfect life
With my perfect kids and my perfect wife
And all those perfect times we’ve had
Being the perfect mum and perfect dad
And our perfect home where perfect friends
Adapt perfectly to every trend
Or those perfect days spent at the beach
Who says perfection’s out of reach?
We have perfect times when we go out
With perfect people round about
As our perfect laughter fi...
Thursday 16th May 2024 8:01 pm
Online Best Of Who?
I can see it in your eyes from across the room,
makes my heart ache, it’s a mistake - why do you
compare the self-view, dark-hue worst of yourself
to the online best of who?
Gosh dammit! I can’t stand it! If I had a single wish –
open windows, heal the widows and the few.
Those who give it all away, feel they fail some way
to the online best of who.
Wanna burn...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:20 pm
I put a post of myself on again
And then think of all the critics
Those so called friends frowning in consternation at my narcissistic tendencies
As if am putting a mirror up to their own insecurities
That need to nuke the system sings in my synapses
Normality makes me mad
Friendship can’t be had
I am miles away from my mission but closer than most
God is not the Father, ...
Saturday 25th March 2023 6:39 pm
See Her
When she folded into herself
You all looked away
When she unraveled
You all watched
Wednesday 20th October 2021 1:01 am
Social media poem
Social media, Where do I start?
Constantly beeping, buzzing or shouting, “Watch me! Don’t go on an outing!”
Friends on the screen are rising up, Yet your feeling, inside, is an empty cup.
Social media, What positives can you choose?
You can, receive instant news, Marketing has big hopes, Racism has curled, Truth is unfurled.
So my message is to use the tool wisely And make it a...
Saturday 27th March 2021 8:58 pm
#facebook,#friendship,#loss of friendship,#Social media, #lockdown
You don't have time and so
You're fading slowly from my life
Messages left hanging
Like smoke rings in cyberspace
But the fading is masked
By a feeling of liking and being liked
Which I tend to persist in
Because you still 'like' my stuff
As I do yours
And that seems to be a close enough equivalent
Tuesday 30th June 2020 5:10 am
Frantically he taps on the glass
Louder as they pass
Now he screams
But not through a window
It's a screen
Nobody knows
He's scrolling
His soul away
Thursday 5th December 2019 11:45 pm
Compare Despair
A perfectly edited
Resists the truth
Of reality
All that's
Been shown
In this
Is exactly
What they
Want you
To see
As you
Scroll these
Sensational scenes
And the
Clutches of
Dig deep
Remember it's
Not all
As it
You don't
Know what
They keep
Thursday 26th September 2019 10:07 am
Can We Pretend
Can we pretend
social media highlights
are every day life.
Can we pretend
children aren't starving,
neglected or abused.
Can we pretend
Mother Earth will
pardon our plundering.
Can we pretend
animals don’t suffer
for our gluttonous pleasure.
Can we pretend
greed doesn't
fuel disease.
Can we pretend
God is real and
Saturday 7th September 2019 1:02 am
We Humans are immortal if we choose to be
Drifting on the ether or the digitised streams
Of social media networks and video channels
Whilst our bodies turn to dust beneath the soil.
Our likeness Our actions Our spirit Our thoughts
Our friends Our interactions Our choices Our life
Free spirits inhabiting the space we call Home
Monday 29th April 2019 2:43 pm
Cha-Chi Legacy
I inhale the tears
welling up in my eyes.
Feeling like I don't have
the right to cry for
letting so much time go by
without saying hi,
how are you doing,
what's new in your life?
I "kept in touch"
watching your
on social media,
after a
providing water
and food for
people who didn't
know your name.
I was proud of you,
Monday 4th February 2019 4:04 am
The modern day captor
Scrolling , scrolling
Hoping to distract myself
From the thoughts that run laps in my head
Never stopping to admire
Liking, liking
So maybe when I post
People might return the favour
And I can have that false sense of belonging
Watching, watching
Looking for something to entertain me
Unable to find it
So my eyes glaze over
Playing, playing
Games with no meaning
Never finishin...
Monday 17th September 2018 6:55 pm
Slave to the Algorithm
I don’t want to drive engagement.
I don’t need your gratuitous clicks.
I won’t beg for attention with
Pics of kittens sleeping with chicks.
I don’t need your engagement.
I won’t ask if you’ve used a skate key.
I don’t need any silly test to
Know you are as old as me.
I don’t really care how you engage.
I won’t tempt you with an opinion poll.
No one really ca...
Tuesday 19th June 2018 2:21 pm
Internet Insanity!
I visited my cousins in Russia
One summer vacation day,
And my conclusions during my stay
Turned out to be more than I could say.
What happened?
Older cousin surfs on laptop
Younger did that and ipod games too
Sister sticks to ginormous ipad
I skim online webs in hullabaloo!
What’s happening?!
Day after day, hour after hour
We’re caught in the ...
Thursday 27th July 2017 12:46 am
the photographs of road signs charged by light,
footprints on the dashboard
or blurred trees stooped like men picking leaves.
Or the back of my head, the garden shed
or all the landscapes from summer days when
we turned the camera on ourselves
and photographed nothing but wind.
We send thanks
and message school friends, relatives
and people w...
Friday 30th September 2016 7:19 pm
there's a new kid on the block
even as we speak
and you need to be around
you need to listen up
what's trending where
i'll spell it out for you.
that's how it is
i don't need no cryst...
Friday 27th May 2016 10:43 pm
Facebook, Twitter, Texting all day long,
God help me if my signal isn't strong,
Quite sad I guess, but I know that it is true,
It's often just the way I can communicate with you.
Behind technology I can always hide,
If I can't get out the door because I'm trapped inside,
Some days it's true and I know it very well,
My bedroom is nothing but a prison cell.
I can go...
Sunday 27th March 2016 4:01 pm
From Facebook came a Croc of Shit
To read and click and share
No longer I'll put up with it
Accused that I 'don't care'
"Share this if you have a heart"
"If you 'like' please type 'Amen'"
It stinks more than a day old fart
To read this shit again.. again.. again
I don't care if you send a curse
Wrath of God and all his might
One Direction would be worse
Thursday 19th November 2015 7:43 pm
A Life In The Day
A Life In The Day
SHARE if you have a hamster you love with all your heart who you know will do anything for you
QUENTIN has TAGGED you in his album 'Genital Warts' (51 pictures)
because all your friends want to see the spotted dick of a person they've never met
so close to LICK
STATUS UPDATE: my wife's left me
STALKER47: about time m8 - every...
Friday 14th August 2015 10:45 am
Pre-SocialMedia Times
A moment.
These days it's hard to have one
without feeling the need to share
every one with everyone.
Update it
Tweet it
Insta- it
'til we bleed.
How does this look?
Who should we tag?
Where should we ping?
We've become factory workers
tasked with packaging our most worthy moments.
Keeping the extreme -
Saturday 25th October 2014 5:20 am
friends of friends and an orgy of mutuality
each one ripe for the fucking until we greedily
eat our own tails
I find myself running low on chemistry
with so little reaction left inside of me
the water around the plug hole no longer spins,
it only falls
architectural wounds
cannot heal beneath this razor’s murderous haste
while the cognisant ...
Friday 20th September 2013 8:47 pm
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