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We Humans are immortal if we choose to be

Drifting on the ether or the digitised streams

Of social media networks and video channels

Whilst our bodies turn to dust beneath the soil.


Our likeness Our actions   Our spirit        Our thoughts

Our friends    Our interactions       Our choices  Our life


Free spirits inhabiting the space we call Home

Adrift, untethered, unspeaking, ethereal

Passing phantoms to those treading this way

After we’ve shuffled off this mortal, digital, coil


Youtube         Snapchat       Facebook      Twitter

Instagram      Soundcloud  Linkedin        Bandcamp


Historians no longer scrabbling through dusty tombs

No longer leafing through yellowed manuscripts

No longer unearthing rare wax records

No longer digging up graves and artefacts


Photos           Recordings   Memes           Tweets

Likes               Dislikes          LOLs               Beats


No off button in the afterlife

Permanent resident of the world wide web

Caught up in its sticky dark threads

The living are now outnumbered by the dead


This is our destiny

This is our history

Carelessly written

Whilst we are alive

Left to posterity

The ghost in the shell

Of the technology network

We now call a life


NaPoWriMO 2019day 29social mediadeceased accountsdigital footprintmeditation on a themepublic access

◄ Nunquam Iterum!

Immortality Methodology ►


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Laura Taylor

Mon 29th Apr 2019 15:48

I know what's beneath this. Got more than a few on my own friends list now.

Quite apart from that though, this is a really good poem about our current digital reality.

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