The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

What’s next?

Why am i so happy so content with being. What am I missing what am I not seeing. I’m not used to this feeling and it’s rather addictive, makes me start to appreciate each moment I live. It’s unusual to me, an unknown territory, clearly must be my selected destiny. 


It’s deceiving what my mind makes me believe in. Its harsh all of what my eyes have seen. All the places I’ve already been. Constantly pondering what does it all mean.


Energy allocated purely by natural expectation, unfinished business preventing any real satisfaction. A battle established through a weak mentality. A game that’s part of my every day reality. Trapping me in an inevitable tragedy, a need to develop a tactical strategy.


IntrigueWonderreal life

◄ Dark side Drug Ride

2021 Panfusion ►


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Fri 20th Nov 2020 22:05

Thank you! I feel as though what I’ve already uploaded could be edited. So I’m in no rush to upload new material as of yet. Although a walk in the forest and a night alone has allowed me to write a lot today. I shall ponder for a week on the content....

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Fri 20th Nov 2020 21:58

Thank you Paul. Again this is old material. I’m writing more and more now as I want to document all I compose.

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