The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Srebrenica - Сребреница

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Will humanity ever learn? Europes worst war crime since World War II brought home the fact that its not just Cambodia and distant places where massacres occur, but anywhere that there is hate.

This time the Serb units in the area were in the wrong. Courts rules the Serb state as it was and is was not responsible. Last time it was the Utasha, Skanderberg SS and other Axis units, before that again Turkish and Russain aligned forces, and so on back in history.

The only ones who hae massacred no one is the one all forget, the Romanies.

========== THE POEM =================

Rows and rows of headstones
A sight we've seen before
And beyond them the eye can see
Rows and rows more...
The dead of Srebrenica
Victims of a war crime
Their remains we look at today
And wonder who and who by next time?

Before it was Germans and Croatians
And Bosnians and Kosovars too
And the victims was the Serbs
And the gypsies and the Jew
And before them it was the others
And back and back until
Each side finds a reason why
The other they have a reason to kill.

What is it about humanity
To kill each other we yearn
The horrificness of history
Does not seem to make us learn
The only one people who suffers most
And desires for revenge not
Are maybe Gods only people left
The gypsy that the world has forgot.



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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 12th Jul 2010 06:33

Hi, Tomas! Sad to read this poem, but it is very nice one. We have to speak about those horrible facts, to remind everyone that war is a crime.

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