The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Now of Every Tomorrow

Just for today, life is gentle
And every moment is a song
In the glow of the moon, in the afternoon breeze
Everything is a secret, but everything is reason

With each step, what can I be?
In the field of time, flowers grow
Only the now, the rest is mist
Just for today, love is a star shining

Ah, if I could keep
The sound of the wind, the taste of color
Everything would be so simple, s...

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Lay your weary head down to rest
Don't be so hard on your haunted heart
Soothe your unsettled soul
Breathe deeply and exhale with easy 
Release the tension from anxious bones 
Quiet the anxious torment from your conscience
Allow your mind to slip away into the little death of a night's sleep
So once again in the morning you resurrect and rise anew 


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Key to peace

In the turning of the key

In the locking of a door

I find a quiet solitude

Where the world matters

no more

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A Moment Away

We all need a moment away
From whatever we usually do
We can’t be forever the same
We all need a minute or two.

And when we get time to unwind
From the twists and the turns that life brings
What a relief for the chance to reflect
Straighten out, raise our heads, spread our wings.

Then once more to those whom we love
And once more to that which we do
For nothing will greatly have chan...

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magical momentsme timemeditationrelaxationrestself careSEND parent

Response to Section 63 from Tao Te Ching

Be more by doing less.

Accomplish more by taking a rest.

Taste more by eating slow.

What seems unlikely

may bring the greatest reward,

as when we treat our adversary

with kindness.


Big weeds grow from a tiny seed.

Infection comes from a small scratch.

Small acts deter disaster.

Humble beginnings can grow into greatness.


The wise one perceives potential


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tao te chingpacifismgrowthrestwise mind

A Visit To Graveyard

On Thursday evening
I pray near a Grave in Kashmir
Incense sticks
And candles
Lit in bundles
Aroma makes me feel
As I kneel

This is land of my forefathers
Where they rest
I too look for a place nearest
I belong to these graves
Here my soul craves
To sleep till eternity
In the Eden of divinity
What else I should ask
That has more dignity

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graveyardzadibalkashmirmirza sharafatforefatherslandaromaedendivinerestplacediginity

Dance Dance

Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes up

To the worlds glorious rise

To her chant, her breath, her freedom

Her nurturing boundaries

Such nectar,


Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes up

In the evening I shall rest

Rest inside her sweet surrender

Contented to my soil rich roots

For the world has been my playground


Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes u...

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Dancemorningeveningrestsurrendersweet life

Rest in my loving Jesus arms

Rest in him he will make no demands

Feel his arms securely around you

Giving you strength and peace anew


See in his eyes a love that is true

Feel his cleansing, making you new

Grow into love and joy untold

And see his purpose for you unfold


He loves the young ones and the old

His love alone more precious than gold

So in his arms ...

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