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Arrianna on Red Dye Number 40
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Arrianna on Never Feel Sad
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Arrianna on Future Dreams
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Arrianna on Am I Just a Crackpot
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Eternal Dusk

In the twilight of eternal dusk, so cold and vast

Where the night stretches mercilessly, shadows cast

Wanders Conan the barbarian on a path so dire

Lost in the storm of a cruel fate, ensnared by fire

Shadows lengthen, dark serpents glide

Echoes of the past are screams that cannot hide

In the vortex of a destiny wrapped in anguish tight

The steel of his blade mirrors terror’s f...

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I AM, (Both sides)

I am the serpent that writhes in your mind
Decisions, derision, words formed unkind
Mestophiles old, sat cast in stone.
Place steel in your hand that cuts to the bone.
Sameal seducer, moulder of man.
To cast doubt on a love, destroy if he can.
Grigori descended to mess with your lives.
Carry the hurt out on many poor wives.
Lucifer guides,  the road easy and wide.
Your lead to take, to p...

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Inauguration of Ram Mandir,Ayodhya

RAM is the incarnation of love,
Fill your arid heart with the springs
Of tears.
He is the sword shining in the battleground,
Bend your head upon His feet.
The mind is the vast sea without shore,
Beg Him to have the divine flower.
The lifting wave is His spirit,
Let your sins off into it.
There is no more beauty than the flowers
Have it's said,
But Shree RAM is the beauty of all

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Kachō-Ōji (課長王子)

Close your eyes,

It's okay you won’t feel the pain anymore.


Close your eyes,

You can rest, no more fatigue or feeling sore.


Close your eyes, 

This will be quicker than waiting for a cure.


Close your eyes,

It's time to meet the Angel of Death to relieve you from all that you've endured.

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The Words of God, Jesus Christ

  The Words of God, Jesus Christ

Ujjal Mandal, India, August 3, 2020


One day a farmer went out to sow seeds. Some seeds
Fell by the roadside and were trampled on. The birds
Ate  them and fled. Some fell on rocky ground.
They germinated as usual but dried up due to deficiency
Of water. Some seeds fell into the bush but remained
There after being trodden. And another seeds fell on fe...

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Ahura Mazda Intervention

In the oasis beyond the sand

Where there was no trace of land,

The shade of date palm

Bore a reflection in water very calm…

Glued to the thought in the realm of a dream

Ahura appeared and directed me to a stream.


Why leaving an oasis and tread the sand,

What shall I have in my hand?

Through the scorching heat wave,

Shall I deliver and aptly behave,

Ahura’s advice...

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god of fireGods

Narcissus In The Age Of Plastic

Narcissus In The Age Of Plastic


Beauty is skin deep

Layers of paint and plastic

Daubed with unsteady hands


Glance in the mirror

see the full bee-sting lips pout

and fake eye lashes


the tattooed eyebrows

filler in the crows-feet cracks

tell-tale nip and tuck


Nemesis smiles and

Avenges fading Echoes

Of a youth gone wild


When you are old...

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beautyday 21godlinessgodsmodern beauty treatmentsnapowrinmo 2018narcissusplastic surgeryvanity. haikus

Controlling Our Lives?

Do we choose who we really are?
Do we decide what things we do?
Do we have the power to shape our lives?
And make our dreams come true?

Do we have a say what is in store?
And what will be our fate?
Are we in full control our minds?
Can we help it's happy state?

Or do the gods govern this world?
Is there any point in resistance?
But if you ask me who's really in charge,
I say we cont...

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GodsLifePhilosophyStuart Vanner


​​​​​​Where are you?

Your tomb is still undiscovered.

Does it need to stay that way?

Are your secrets too powerful?

Why are you so quiet?

I try to speak but only few words are returned.

You are a transporter between here and there.

What keeps you in existence?

Will you always lead to the underworld?

You valiantly guard the graves and protect them with your might.

Why ...

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The God in the Mountain

Flogita - 13 September 2019

It stands

a great sail fin of rock

high towering - dominant

cloud mazed

haze hidden seat of hidden gods

and we,  yes,

we would rise to their heights,

stand in their pantheon

to observe the tiny world


For from this seat

Prometheus set forth

and with Athena

set us in that tiny mortal world -

yet now we stand

proud o...

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I feel awkward without coffee

 I feel awkward without coffee

like chasing pert sylvans round Helicon's hills

constant under Urania's dissapproving eye.


Makes one want to get deep into the wood with goat footed pan

erection flailing wild for Bacchus rites.


Or better yet to smash skulls for the ruby juice 

thick Teutonic forest leaning close.











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Acamapichtli and Dark Moon Night

This poem is an original piece using established names.  The names of all characters are taken from the Aztec religion, and all of the characters act in sympathy with their attributed and established forms.  The exception is the titular actor: Acamapichtli.  While Acamapichtli was the first ruler of the Aztecs, in this poem, he is not the same person, but only carries the same name.


The pi...

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Aztec poetryDeathRebirthGodsManMessianic poetryMetaphor


King of the world for my time,
I ruled the world, and in my time
There was no death nor disease
(Except, of course, tooth disease
Which we will conveniently ignore).
My father was the sun, and I was
A simple farmer believing in the
Old ways before I met my destiny.
The creator of all things came to me,
And called me to be a prophet.
He asked me to spread his words,
To make his religion,...

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YimaTooth diseaseimmortalitygodsprophethusbandmanancientdiseaseepiccreator

The Thunderer

Hail the Almighty Thunderer!

Giants flee when he is near,

For Mjolnir splits their skulls,

Breaks their bones!

You will fear Thor when he is near!

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Elijah the Prophet


Elijah - the Lord of storms,

Dew, hail, rain and thunder,

Today rides a chariot.

The Prophet with an effort

Breathe the autumn.


The days are shorter

The nights are longer

Warm days linger.

Two hours Elijah has taken.

By August He was awaken.


Water becomes overgrown

In the lakes and local ponds.

Our Lord agrees and nods,


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Earth Lament

( A french poem with english translation )


J'irai allonger ma tête dans la cavité de la pierre,

Pour ne plus entendre  les lamentations de la Terre.

L'arbre, sur l'horizon, se déracine,

Et laisse son feuillage  s'envoler dans les vents.

Les oiseaux ont laissé leur pavillon d'été.

Je mettrai sur mes épaules le manteau de ta prése...

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Altars to the Gods (With better illustration)













I once saw

an altar built

to honor a God.

Which God I

do not know.


The day was overcast

and threatened rain.

The years and the

elements had wrecked

havoc on this altar.


A mouse scurried across

this crumbling stone.

A bird of

prey swooped down

and carried aw...

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Altars of stoneGods

Altars to the Gods












I once saw

an altar built

to honor a God.

Which God I

do not know.


The day was overcast

and threatened rain.

The years and the

elements had wrecked

havoc on this altar.


A mouse scurried across

this crumbling stone.

A bird of

prey swooped down

and carried away


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