The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

narcissus (Remove filter)

Narcissus In The Age Of Plastic

Narcissus In The Age Of Plastic


Beauty is skin deep

Layers of paint and plastic

Daubed with unsteady hands


Glance in the mirror

see the full bee-sting lips pout

and fake eye lashes


the tattooed eyebrows

filler in the crows-feet cracks

tell-tale nip and tuck


Nemesis smiles and

Avenges fading Echoes

Of a youth gone wild


When you are old...

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beautyday 21godlinessgodsmodern beauty treatmentsnapowrinmo 2018narcissusplastic surgeryvanity. haikus

Fallen Angel

You have lost your smile.

Where is it gone ? I do not recognise you anymore. 

Your lips strech, I can see your teeth,

You could have fooled us,

You could have fooled me.

Howerver, there is no longer any spark;

Your eyes are weeping and I am the witness of a bygone joy.

Forgive these crude words, there are not meant to hurt you. 


What is this place that have smothered y...

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