The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

Altars to the Gods (With better illustration)

entry picture













I once saw

an altar built

to honor a God.

Which God I

do not know.


The day was overcast

and threatened rain.

The years and the

elements had wrecked

havoc on this altar.


A mouse scurried across

this crumbling stone.

A bird of

prey swooped down

and carried away

this small creature.

A sacrifice for a God?


A couple

of filthy

haggard dogs

came around

begging for

a handout.


In years

to come

will our altars

to our Gods

fare the same?

Altars of stoneGods

◄ Altars to the Gods

The City ►


<Deleted User> (10123)

Thu 15th Mar 2012 10:13

Your choice of visual layout, is yours. You might like to reconsider and make the lines longer - your choices are open!
Right, got that off me chest now down to the verse. Hum, (honour and wreaked) them there spellings is of US descent me thinks!
Overall I liked it. Certainly enough to read it and grumble like a good 'un! Do hope I've not been too cruel.
An enjoyable verse, so Ta much,

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