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The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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Mistletoe In The Cellar

conceived in a cellar, of

a Tommy home on leave,

mother waving mistletoe,

shortly she would grieve


official dad inert upstairs

exempt due to his arches,

Tommy back to trenches

bullets or forced marches


killed in action in the mud

in my blood's a war hero,

official dad a profiteer,

moral fibre less than zero


the duality in mistletoe,

fertile of ...

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Death We Must All Face

[ ] Murder is to death; killing is for a thrill.

[ ] Souls corrupted broken with no will .

[ ] Life is revelant, so death let life live.

[ ] Death we must all face that's the deal.

[ ] Written in stone, stamped, & sealed.

[ ] Heart corroded body is ill.

[ ] Slowing heart beat the flesh is chill.

[ ] Heart stops to a sudden still.

[ ] Welcome to the Grim Reap...

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Lifereal lifeappreciating lifedeath

The homeless man

Evicted from his house

    In a dark and cold night

    He walked down the deserted alley

    A bright light slowly showed the way

    The path of hope that was crossed by shadows

    Is this really the right path?

    The wind whispered

    The dead leaves were creaking

    An owl hooted

    What was the hidden message?

    His stomach was growling

    His body wa...

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The cold war

The life is meaningless. 

Lost during the cold war.

The weather is cold. 

The road is long. 

The life is short. 

Can i really reach my destiny? 

The mountains were shaking.

Is it the devil or the angel ?

Were my eyes blinded with the obsession of Victory ?

Was it really the End.

Why ? And who ? Were the questions.

Was i falling in a endless pit?

The crows were c...

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Malignant Love

I can feel you,
thick in my throat,
threatening to consume me,
slithering through my mind and body,
wielding your alpha power, 
making me weak. 

I curse you, drown you, 
in sunshine and sweet elixirs,
but you refuse to leave.

I am stronger than you think.

I order you and your invisible army 
of pain, heartbreak, misery,
away from my cosmic energy. 

I did not manifest you.

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Get Your Affairs In Order

Get your affairs in order, 

a familiar voice whispered

out of the blue. 


Thanks for the warning, 

but there is nothing 

left to do.


No lingering love,

no financial strings,

no unsung songs.


Only one request, if I may.

Can we skip the drama? 


I prefer a peaceful, 

transfer of power.

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On a cold winter's night

They sat, hand in hand

Ravaged by time

Old in design


Two dinosaurs

In a digital age

Still in analogue love

Upon a wireless hub


Sitting on a park bench

Beneath a full moon

At the end of their time

Bodies poised to resign 


In a gathering frost 

They glisten as one

Hands intertwined

Old parchment defined


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Memories In The Now

Your smile, your laughter was the light during the nighttime 

Your touch, The way your fingers would caress my soul 

Your voice , like soft melodies playing in my mind

Your time, if you had to say, it was well spent

Your life, was a gift; a small brown box draped in red ribbon 

our memories are embedded in my heart

I can feel it as if it were now. 



In memory of Chris...

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DeathmemoriesmemoryloveLove lostLove lost love foundtimemourning




We all reach that point in life

Where Halloween holds no magic

The ragged clothes and haggard looks

The pale of face and wrinkled mask

The wild unkempt hair of cobwebs

The brittle touch of ancient hand


The racing heartbeat

Pounding out its horror rhythm

The nervous look into dark corners

Death waiting across the grey veil

A cold sweat and night chi...

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halloweenhorrorwraithageingmortalitydeathgrowing oldreality

Death is coming

Somebody famous once said 

That people aren’t afraid of being dead

They’re afraid of being forgotten

Whilst their bodies decompose smelling rotten

That is a lie

I know because I spy

People are afraid of the unknown

Afraid of what they haven’t been shown

No one knows what happens for sure 

Just know when you die their is no door 

Like when you’re asleep for hours witho...

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Full Moon Rising

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen 


Halloween frightens my inner child

who is afraid of masked men,

being alone in the dark,

daggers to the heart,

a body aging too soon,

eternal suffering... 

but the hollow night

gives way to a full moon rising

and a million stars to wish upon,

ushered by angels beaming light


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Oh come to me!


From the windswept clifftop

She could see below

Far below into the cove

Where lay, a body upon the sand

And, dragged by tide,

A waving hand

It swayed like the branch

Of a wind-laden tree


Come to me

Oh come to me!


A breath of chill

Now, caressed her skin

Whilst staring down at the cove

And the figure within


And upon her grasped


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Damnation Trail

Damnation Trail


Through forests dark and shadowed vale

He follows the damnation trail

Along the river’s twisted course

Through bracken thick and clutching gorse

The ancient path cut through the land

He walks with devil’s hand in hand


And where his steps flatten the crops

No more will grow the wheat and hops

For he has footsteps cast in death

He steals the fa...

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Where am i?

I ask my mindless brain as I disassociate

I disassociate to the point that everyday feels the same

Everything i do blends into one giant blob of nothingness


Nothing matters. Does it? 

It doesn’t. Nothing has ever mattered.

That's why we alter our state of reality.

We alter it to feel something out of all the nothingness.


We take the shot. We take the h...

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Another crisp Autumn morning.

I wake before dawn, 

hoping I won't think of you, 

but I do. I always do. 

Though you are not with me, 

I feel you, in the brisk breeze,

spreading golden leaves,

on sacred ground.

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To Have Loved

Shimmering lights dance in her eyes

Shimmering lights cannot dispel

Like the fire inside my soul

A cold darkness that grasps at my soul

A velvet touch cannot disguise

Persistent beeps, and sanitised smells

Two hearts that yearn to be whole

Infesting a heart that I stole


Beneath the fabric of power and love

Unfaltering floors with a sinister gleam

Sensations fulfi...

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This poem is deeply personal to me and is about my time I spent as a crisis worker helping people who were experiencing mental health emergencies or attempts of suicide. The subject of this poem is suicide; please know that its contents could be triggering. If you or someone you know and love are experiencing suicidal thoughts or need to reach out, please don't hesitate to talk to someone. You are...

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bereavementdeathlife lessonmental anguishmental health awarenesspreventionpsychologysuicide

I Am Poetry

I am the hunter of whispers.
I am the gatherer of brothers and sisters.  

I am wind beneath wings, soaring in a summer sky. 
I am the chiseled smile. 

I am sparkles on snow.
I am a symphonic echo.

I am the horns and halo.
I am afterglow.

I am the you everyone wants to know.
I am everywhere you go. 

I am the aha of heartbreak.
I am gamma rays beaming through dark days.

I am ...

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Life is

Life is pure

Life is pure torture

Life is pure torture with you 


Love is

Love is freedom

Love is freedom denied

Love is freedom denied by you 


Hope is

Hope is eternal

Hope is eternally gone

Hope is eternally gone in you 


Death is

Death is coming

Death is coming fast

Death is coming fast for you.

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Messiah Of The Fields

Messiah Of The Fields


They left me hanging on a cross

The saviour of the summer crops

Just rag and straw so no great loss

My blood is in the wheat and hops


I faced the black and vicious hoard

Their coal cruel eyes and sharpened beaks

I am the ragged overlord

Who scares the crow yet never speaks


They pray to me to save their soils

From dark boned devils ...

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ancient ritualdeathguardianlifemessiahrebirthreligionresurrectionritualsaviourscarecrow

The Omnipresent Threat Of Death

Society is lost,

Consciousness is gone,

They have rejected their spirits,

It didn't take very long,

Electronically connected,

Yet physically farther than ever,

People don't want to face themselves,

It's a thought they dread to endeavor,

The clock is ticking,

Just take a deep breath,

Your losing your mortality,

The omnipresent threat of death,

Materialistic clyde...

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A message to God and my Nan

You left nothing but your last breath that I cherish and hold dear

But tell me how I’m supposed to breathe when you’re not here 

I’m constantly living in fear

The person who loved me the most just gone

But I can still hear her calling 

I still hear her song

Everybody says life is too short but I think it’s too long

I don’t know if I’m going to see her again though I need her n...

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DeathMessage for God


Our total deaths have  ballooned since  I wrote this and it was reported over and over on the news that sober total deaths of 31,000.. At first during lock down I felt quite prepared isolation isn't new for me   but after learning all your life to get out then  being pushed back inside  all thoes early feelings resurface    again.

All information
Was inflammation
Arriving later than a British...

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Corona virusdeath

value of a moment

Its been a new start of another day,

where sun rises high from its bay,

to insist there is a new hopeful way,

where you can mould your life like a clay,

buzzing bees buzz for their sweet nectar pay,

relegious places start their day's pray,

and I celebrate my day as I have another day to stay

                                       -cancer survivor

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To The Saint Of Lost Causes

To The Saint Of Lost Causes


Melancholy Monday

Brown sugar blues

In the same vein

As your father


But you never made it

Across the river

To the other side


When you combine

The names of flawed giants

Who have fallen by the wayside

More than once

There is a grim



You leave us

Those sweet moments

From the Tennessee sun

To ...

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deathjustin townes earlemourningsinger songwriter

A Life in a Kiss.

 Life in a Kiss.


Sugar-sweet kisses on a bald baby’s crown,

all-comers love you raising dull frowns,

cheek peck kiss... hello my mum,

spit out that dodo, cuddles from gran,

a lift to school in dad’s meat van.

Ta-ra son... his coat smells of lamb,

won’t be a butcher, an also ran.

Bike shed babes’ promises

two-timed in two- tone

a huge let down.

Lend an ear to M...

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lovedeathkisslife's reflection


Smiles, flowers, rainbows.

Dried tears. 

Your ghost is here,

alleviating fears. 

A good day, 

crushing brimstone, 

in this wild, 

parallel life.

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We've Never Had Water Here Anyway

As originally published with Clay Literary's Raven:


‘Neath the blistering heat, California poppies cast

themselves to the hillside sun as wayward children


start to lose their breath, as you now fight for yours,

running to chase the summer blues away.


The young and old all begin to fail; heatwaves

take the lun...

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breathingclimate changecovid-19deathglobal warmingheatwavelungsfire


Shadows of a face I see

Pain oozing beyond every pore

Blissful smells

mocking empty arms

Worthless words that shatter my core


Shadows reflect in the mirror for me

Dust resting in places not seen

Unnoticed stains

Caress faded floors

Memories blurring from what could have been 


Shadows saturate the world that I see

Dying embers of defeated hope 

Tainted ...

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Cancer ©

Cancer you came into our lives once before when you took my grandfather to his final resting place,
We only had a short time to spend with him, and it was hard to look him in his face,
My mama used to cry a lot; regrets, fears, and meaningful words, how hard it was for her to comprehend,
All she wanted was a few more years, without the hurt, pain, and overflow of tears,
The family ...

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Dog Day

Dog Day


The day was hot

Hot and humid

Stretching out

Into a dog day afternoon


The boy was young

Young and stupid

Stretching out

Beneath the furnace sun


The tarn was cold

Cold and ruthless

Stretching out

Along the sunny banks


The swim was exhilarating

Exhilarating and cooling

Stretching out

And heading for the shore


The tar...

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summerdog dayhot suncold tarndeathdrowningstormdanger

Living in a wasteland

Decades have passed.

The world has changed,

along with its people.


It no longer brings joy to my heart,

as it did in my time.

All because of them.


What happened to the days,

when the only thing one could do during a lovely day

was to step out the front door and pamper one's self

with the five senses that Mother Nature had provided?


But n...

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I can’t see

But I can dream


It’s like wearing a blindfold

On my brown eyes

I can’t watch, but I can feel

All these weird wild vibes


All these angelic faces around me

But those diabolic souls surround me

Are they real or are they fake?

It’s like watching a blue snowflake

Falling for smiles and grace

All night murdering for a race


I can’t wait


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Time is not a demon

He is many things but not

  a murder

Neither is he money

 nor power

He is wise enough 

 to be wise enough.

Time is not celebration either

Time is infinity, is immortal

He is wise enough to be wise enough


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A Confession

A confession


In the moonlit dreamtime as the 

Warblers rest and stars kiss the midnight sky

I want to die


As the sun rises flirting seductively with

The horizon and cotton candy clouds

Tiptoe across the dawn

I want to die


In nameless parties with empty faces 

And monsters growing with every sip of

Poison they ingest 

I want to die


Within warm...

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deathidealismdepressionmental illnessstrengthhealthy

What Lies Above And Below Us

Far above us

The sky bursts into colours-

Blue, purple, grey, orange,

With red and all the hues in its range.


Miles beneath our feet

Are secrets buried,

Arcane and deep.

Their ampoules once known to everybody.


What goes overhead

Suffuses stars and their milky shells.

The departure from earth melancholic but serene,

Leaves behind shimmering trails that spe...

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If The Flames

If the flames

do not turn your bones into ash

your bones will rot

deep in the ground

but only for Them

for You’ll come around

and as They’re carving into stone

You may walk again

through countless fields

and endless roads

They will remember you

for only a blink

of the Universe’s Eye

but the fields and roads

shall know You

for all Eternity




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Independence Day

Independence Day


At first they said ‘infect the herd’

but experts told us ‘that’s absurd,

you will cause deaths in the old.

What sort of shepherd risks the fold?’

So they put the cattle in the pen

only to be let out when

the time was right, or so they said,

they didn’t want their people dead.

The woolybacks baa’d and the daft cows moo’d

And farmer Boris calculate...

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napowrimo2017day 26(87)lockdown liftedherdflockinfection ratecattledeath

The Last Goodbye

Resting his knee,
he holds his face
to bury his sobs
as she is laid to rest

We hold hands
as I gently squeeze
knowing too well 
this may be our last embrace

Feeling his warmth,
his mighty strong hands,
he held us together 
when she left this land

It’s only one slip away 
before you’re gone too soon

On the drive home, 
our last goodbye became true

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The greatest things in life cannot be seen,

Like happiness, love and serenity,

Anger, malice, wrath and rage,

I'm sick of these feelings as I grow with age,

There's more to life than being locked up,

Slamming dope and running amuck,

Looking over my shoulders the paranoia doesn't stop,

The fun is all gone and the streets are too hot,

Life on the run has turn into a drag,


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FateNear deathnear death experiencePTSDtraumaaccidentran overlifedeathcatillacsurgeryblunt force traumaroad rash/burnsfucked upGod shot

Chocolate Tree

There once stood a chocolate tree, a bearer of desires. 

Its leaves melted when it inhaled passion.

Its fruits of fire

Set ablaze lands, verdant and barren.

Its bark was festooned in ribbons

Of rich gold and smooth caramel. 

Like Midas' touch, gluttony abundant,

The tree was nothing short of magical.

I basked in the shadow of the canopy

Atop the chocolate capped grass bl...

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wanted to cry,

but smiled,


wanted to talk,

but stayed silent.


wanted to feel happy,

but endured all the pain.


wanted to live,

but died.




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I am

all nine deaths


the anti cat

do not

curse me

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Enough Is Enough

How many times do I have to kill you

as you run across the floor, damn you,

trying to frighten me with your creepy

crawly legs all working a magic and

carrying my pounding heart on your

little body suspended above the ground

taunting me, well my friend, I won’t

play your game anymore, I will not

kill you this time but let you run free

for you are free to run forever. Now...

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The Truth Of Colour

The Truth Of Colour


The colour of humanity

Is not white skin

Or black skin

Not brown skin

Or yellow skin


It is the red blood

Of a beating heart


A blue shield

Is not the colour of humanity

When it takes a life


And all the greys

of muddled opinions

cannot change the truth


that a man could not breathe

because his skin colour


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BLMnapowrimo2017day 6 (67)opinoncolourdeathgeorge floydproteststruthuntruth

NHS Reform

As Homo Sapiens crushed the

Neanderthals so robots have got our

Measure its a matter of time before the

Take-over then no more humans

No death those endless crude

Diseases a

Historical blip and naturally

No health means no NHS

Imagine the savings!

Just an on/off switch where the

Mouth was no

Stone Age ventilators or

Expensive buggering about in

Intensive care...

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NHS reformhomo sapiensdeathdiseasesventilatorsvirus

The Living Room -A deep sea affair- (Please don’t drown)

It has been two years today
Since I have had a fight with my then girlfriend
And, crying bitterly, I entered the living room
Replied to my father’s concerns
And let him know his daughter was dating a girl.
No wonder he hasn’t spoken to me since.

But, this poem isn’t about me
And nor is it about a cousin sister of mine
Whose phone was found in the living room
Full with smuts and gay stor...

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Fathersmasculine toxicitytoxicdeathsuicidegay




I saw a young man kneel today

He hung his head as if to pray

But he would take a life away

To honour and protect they say


Another black man has to die

Before the country questions why

They let enforcers kill and lie

and let another mother cry


Fear and hate mix with malice

A city faces the abyss

A cocktail of vinegar and piss

On the streets o...

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napowrimo2018day 28off topicminneapolisdeathblack lives matterkilled by lawriotsdeath tollcorona-virus

Death (XIII)

Death (XIII)


My entrance on a pale horse

Raising the black standard with white rose

Is anathema to most


These bones are survivors

Of the battle between

The worlds of living and dead


This black armour

From the land of eternal sleep

Is unsurmountable


Before me

The clergy, kings and peasants

Fall beneath my hooves


When she flips me over


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day 27deathmisunderstoodnapowrimo2018tarottarot readingsXIII card

The Raging Heart

The very machine that gives life
could easily take mine away

The piercing from exhaustion 
punctures my living, my breathing
Every bodily function is affected
as I reach my hand towards the pulsing and thumping 
racing through my chest

I don’t want this to be how I end
I can’t let my kids see their mother this way
I hold on tight to life as I feel my chest tightening 

I sit, 
I br...

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RIP Poppy

My house is so full of empty spaces

where you used to eat, sleep and be

My days are now full of silence

because you are not here with me


My thoughts are full of worry

was it too soon to say goodbye

My eyes are still full of tears

I hope you didn't see me cry


My body is full of loneliness

you were my companion to the end

My memory is full of good times


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Life Is A Slow Death (God Please Help Me)

I can't take it,

I'm only asking,

Please Lord help me,

I'm tired of relapsing,

Over and over,

My veins are collapsing,

I know you hear me,

I'm sorry for babbling,

I don't understand,

Why this keeps happening,

I'm covering the pain,

It's so everlasting,

The hurt burns deep,

It never stops dragging,

Life is a slow death,

It's truly a sad thing,

My hand...

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DeathDepressionEmptinessGiving upHating LifeHeartbreakHopelessHurtLifeLostNegative thoughtsPainRelapseSoul Crushed

Taking Stock

Lock-down's the best thing that

Ever happened to me.

No more mad commutes or

Pen-pushing, watching the clock

Among people I hate.

Out of the

Mindless hurly-burly with its

Endless fugues of anxiety I'm free

To take stock and

Think about my life


The humdrum marriage

Malevolent in-laws

A defunct love-life

Three ungrateful kids

The money I squandered


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taking stocklock-downoximeterdeath

Renee By A Thread

Audio reading:


Down the corridor, comes a scream
Was it physical pain
or the horror of finally learning
the way this game is turning
They took your clothes
gave you a gown
there was nothing to do but lay right down
Now, the machine breathes
for you
hung by a thread and leaving soon

Faint flashes behind tired eyelids

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coronaviruscovidcovid19deathHealthHealthcarehospitalhospitalskey workerlockdownWOLBeyondTheStorm


You’re standing still at the top of a hill, the breeze gradually increasing, staring intently at he picturesque view of the voracious desert terrain that could ultimately devour you with a single touch. the breeze has been blowing, constantly blowing for many months, you forget what it was like to have still, calm air around you. But the breeze is picking up, you start shaking, not because of the ...

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I Died Yesterday...

I died yesterday

With a pen in one hand and a diary in the other. 

The latter's pages were inlaid 

With prints of my curry stained fingers, 

And splotches of tea, 

And smudges of ink, 

And spools of memories,

And streams of ridiculous cravings. 

I fashioned the contents with the loose threads 

I'd been stockpiling since forever. 

Vibrant, prismatic, but half-completed...

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Wildflower Wishes

Bury me in a blanket of wildflowers,

nutured by morning dew,


where lilacs perfume the air,

jasmine lights up the night,

wind and rain serenade gardenias,

delicate roses are protected by bushy thorns,

forget-me-nots bloom...


where dandelion wishes

brings me back to you.

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spirit and sanity

Since I cannot sense a name for God

power will stutter out of my mouth

In the old days it was the Village Church

Rich with Stain Glass Hypocrisy and Sin

In the middle it was a wasteland, dead

Then I saw God and everything changed


Spirit stood on my shoulder and held me

Angels came in plain clothes to erase me

No-one left even though I tried to kill me

In the attire ...

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Out Of The Backwoods

He'd killed mountain lions and elks

Survived years of snow and ice in the hills

Made a living by trapping and fishing

Yet somehow managed to pay his bills


He died in his bed like a sister of mercy

As we all do, he softly ran out of breath

We'd all imagined him facing a violent end

Some gruesome and horrible death


Down from the mountains he came one spring


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The Next War Is Here

The Next War Is Here


Out there, we walked quite friendly up to death,

Sat down and ate beside him, cool and bland,

Asked of his health and shook him by the hand.

Recoiled in horror at his fetid breath.

Before the world went crazy, he was there,

We treated him as though he was a fly

Who we could swat away - and never die.

We were invincible, without a care.


Now ...

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corona virusday 8deathfightnapowrimo2020the next warwarwilfred owen

the send-off

the fragrance of flowers 

gently touched 

by the cemetery breeze

celebrate the silence 

of life being released


the colors of nature

gather around 

that piece of earth

cradling every moment

of time since birth


dark figures fade out

with memories 

replaying in their heads

as the day ends, yet again

death is fed

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I accept that they may feel lonely

The constant reminder from the media that they are isolated

Alone in their puddle of thoughts

Suddenly drowning in their echoes of silence


Against all odds I am managing just fine

A stream of thoughts flowing all day

Nothing to block my mind from floating away

Not today, anyway


My thoughts are not all positive

I am unbalanced ...

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Wave after wave of grief washed over me,
sadness so profound 
the world seemed desolate and forlorn,
like being exposed to the stinging rain 
and blistering wind
on wave crests at the height of a storm

Between bleak crests were moments
of consolation offered by caring friends, 
or comforting memories,
perhaps a joke to soften the pain, 
like valleys between waves 
give some respite 

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~The melodies of your tortured soul sent reverberating echos through the ethos  

Desperate cries intertwined in tunes unheard of 

Your cadences resonated with the frequencies of my essense

In perfect harmony

Setting my ailing heart at ease over and again.

As I gnash my teeth with bloody emotions

As I rage against the ultimate injustice

I hope you find rest in perfect harmony


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Sonnet No. 2

I tried to write a sonnet. I was quite proud of it, but it didn't win.


Engaged since birth against one deadly foe,

A mortal combat all must surely yield,

No clemency or kindness can we know,

No soul alive will leave this battlefield.


The lines of combat proudly crease my face,

My hair turns slowly, unabashed, to gray.

I must accept with honour and good grace,

to b...

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Is There, In Truth, No Beauty

Is There, In Truth, No Beauty


I am the dry path

Sat between

The first rain drops


I am the dandelion

Dancing in a field

Missed by the scythe


I am the spark

That jumps

From flint to straw


I am the breaking wave

Crashing up against

Deserted beaches


I am the words

Caught in the throat

Of dirty liars


I am the light


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nature's revengebeautyuglylifedeath

The Coronavirus Poem

All too little, 
Too late 
As the Coronavirus 
Takes down the world by mistake.

Government officials standing behind gates
As it rains a blood of money
To keep the economy straight. 

Waking up the public to a doom
Which is highly frightening
For me and you. 

A war with the unseen.
Watching loved ones turning green.
Mortals inflicting pain and death.
Born from the innocent creatu...

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Corona virusdeathpoemsreallifevirus

When I’m Gone

Will you miss me

          when I’m gone?

When there are

           no more words

                   to greet you

                            with the rising sun.

Will you still connect

             to this energy

                    that reaches across

                          space and time,

the same infinite love

               that powers the moon, 


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Was it the fire between my thighs

that scorched the ground?

Or the tears from my eyes

that salted the earth?


Do the sounds of my cries

linger on the wind?

Could you feel my hope as it dies

and rots the lives around it?


I am death

I'm coming for you

until all that surrounds you is dust and ash

Do you still think you are innocent?

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vengencerevengedeathinner strength

The Keeper

The Keeper


Unlike many in his position

He was never the last to be picked

Because he was one of the best

Not for him the fast quick feet

Or the well timed volley

Or the crunching tackle


Safe hands

That night

In the cold

With his team mates

Where bravery

was an afterthought


It was his greatest save

Not a shot from the edge of the area

Not ...

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deathgoalkeeperharry greegheroman utdmunich air disasternorthern ireland




The greying morning

Barked like a dog

Trapped in a well

A sound so hollow

It shattered glass

In the cabinet where

She kept her memories

Tied in knots


The braying moon

Shone silver needles

Into the face

Of the weeping child

Screwing its hooks

Into soft flesh

Making the lanterns

Quiver with rage


In the ragged garden


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Dead Leaves

Dead Leaves


You once grew green

On lofty branches

Defiant against the clouds

Fluttering in the breeze

But now the tree has gone

Just a pale ghost of memory

And the sky is dominant

In my front windows


Your first death was brittle

Old man skeleton scratching

Whipping up your decline

In whorls of frustration

And when the rain came

Like falling tears


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leavesdeathwinternegative personagebitterness

Aunty Fanny’s Funeral

Auntie Fanny's funeral day oh my god what a to do 
They had all thirty stone of her, all dead for all to view 
I never knew she had a mustache little billy said 
at that his dad took off his cap and slapped him on his head 

When the cortege started off, the back tired on car went pop 
forcing all the traffic in Liverpool to come to a stop 
Then as if it could not get no worse it and well t...

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Death - Poem by Marie 

Death came silent yet full of noise
Unseen by all in view
Sly like a fox, yet silent like a bird in flight
Its grip took hold tighter than tight.

Is there really no escape from the word DEATH? 
Like tree roots it grows stronger killing each breath
Death destroys all families caring for none
Happy one moment here, next life is gone

No thought of sadness for one...

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i bet you didnt expect to be doing drugs

i bet you didnt expect to give your sister one last hug

it wasnt expected that youd die and come back

and it wasnt foretold that on your face youd fall flat

nothing was planned to downfall, nor did you think that people would break down your walls

but it happened, your innocence was taken

and your faith in god was shaken because your actio...

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heard the screams and i was taken right back

my mind flashed and it played the attack

sounds of rapid fire the holes in the car

the body fell out as the door became ajar

flash again ande im screaming at the cops

crying even harder, in my mind bodies drop 

seeing black i hear him say...

"put down the gun dont take my baby away"


theyre trying to calm you down but the...

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Poem for my late step-dad, Don the Cockroach.

You seeped into our lives
A rising damp
Destroying everything in your path.
Maybe that's unfair.
Destruction was what we knew best
And to be honest, I don't remember much of the early days.
You just appeared like an unwanted mould
Infecting every nook and cranny
Polluting the very air we breathed.
Buddy Holly boomed throughout
As you clenched your butt cheeks like a spastic baboon
Lord ...

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A Thousand Years of Peace

I used to think it would be an honor 
to usher in a thousand years of peace,
a willing martyr to stop senseless suffering, 
but I had no idea of the atrocities 
that would ensue between men,
or the loss of innocent children 
that we would witness with despair 
and helplessness. 

Come now Lord, end the madness, 
flood evil with love,
make our planet a peaceful place, 
before all hope i...

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