The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Is There, In Truth, No Beauty

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Is There, In Truth, No Beauty


I am the dry path

Sat between

The first rain drops


I am the dandelion

Dancing in a field

Missed by the scythe


I am the spark

That jumps

From flint to straw


I am the breaking wave

Crashing up against

Deserted beaches


I am the words

Caught in the throat

Of dirty liars


I am the light

Crawling through

Drawn curtains


I am the dusk

Creeping across

Summer lawns


I am nature

Doing the things

That nature does


When all is ash

And destruction

I will be here


The dying embers

Raked over

Until they cool


A dead daisy

Resting on a bed

Of destruction


Is there

In truth

No beauty


nature's revengebeautyuglylifedeath

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 24th Mar 2020 23:50

thanks for the likes and your kind comments Jennifer.
The verse about nature is the keystone to the piece - I wanted a shift from the descriptive at that point to direct folk that this is a warning - not a nature poem.
It may be a bit jolting - but that was what it was in there for ?

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jennifer Malden

Mon 23rd Mar 2020 15:56

Liked this! The verse about nature to me anyway doesn't seem to belong, because there's no description. But if you like it it's your poem!!! Don't mind me.


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