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Where am i?

I ask my mindless brain as I disassociate

I disassociate to the point that everyday feels the same

Everything i do blends into one giant blob of nothingness


Nothing matters. Does it? 

It doesn’t. Nothing has ever mattered.

That's why we alter our state of reality.

We alter it to feel something out of all the nothingness.


We take the shot. We take the hit.

To open our imbecilic balls of matter into something new.

Something exciting. Something to look forward to

This false hope creates an endless, numbing cycle of pain.


A cycle we religiously live through every fucking day.

This cycle emotionally desensitizes every worldly thing. 

Everything feels the same.

Everyday feels the same.




◄ where is my mind

inside ►


<Deleted User> (9882)

Mon 26th Oct 2020 18:30

This very well written piece describes perfectly how quite a lot of people must be feeling and are likely to go on feeling for a long time.

But hey! we have no choice other than to sadly muddle through.

Rose ?

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J.D. Bardo

Mon 26th Oct 2020 06:32

thank-you Brooke, I was moved by yours as well, J.D.

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