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Death We Must All Face

[ ] Murder is to death; killing is for a thrill.

[ ] Souls corrupted broken with no will .

[ ] Life is revelant, so death let life live.

[ ] Death we must all face that's the deal.

[ ] Written in stone, stamped, & sealed.

[ ] Heart corroded body is ill.

[ ] Slowing heart beat the flesh is chill.

[ ] Heart stops to a sudden still.

[ ] Welcome to the Grim Reaper bow & kneel.


Lifereal lifeappreciating lifedeath

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Erin Nicole

Tue 29th Dec 2020 07:12

You have the gift of subtlety in your writing and I think you should continue to post. I enjoy your work. You’re talented. Keep going ! ?????☺️

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Mark McCray

Mon 28th Dec 2020 23:33

No problem, Ms. Nicole. Appreciate the feedback.

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Erin Nicole

Sun 27th Dec 2020 08:50

?Absolutely beautiful. I felt a sense of urgency and a yearning for life and energy. This touches me as I’ve experienced loss recently. Thankyou for this Mark. ????

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