Crime (Remove filter)
A child
talking black
to their parents
acting out of character
arguing about upbringing
taken back
some things are best left unsaid…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:39 pm
Fog of War
smoking barrels
in talks —about the past
around the campfire
you could cut the tension with a knife
the only thing needed is a good sense of humor
…try not to lose your self along the way
the buddy system
side by side
do you trust that man with your life?
willing to take a bullet for them?
behind every great man is a great woman…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:36 pm
New York in the '80s: The Cry of the Abyss
Facing the abyss, I see the crime
The city bared to its dark mime
Crime’s the mirror of misery shown
A lament in minds, forlorn and alone
Streets stage a silent, somber play
Where spilled blood speaks of more than decay
It’s the soul torn by indifference’s might
And the law, once justice, fades from sight
The poor, martyrs to their cruel fate
Trade their dignity for crumbs on a plate
Saturday 14th September 2024 12:05 am
Bullet Points
This just in
The faulty firing pin — from a fire arm
had become dislodged
causing it to misfire
very briefly …
in acceptance of all responsibility
the city-state committee
has sent a representative
that will be answering questions
now… back to you
in other news
we have a sunny forecast
there’s a color shader
right there, on
this heat map
that has an infrared si...
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:57 pm
a class act
social justice is a class act
talking is a social class act
a crime is a class act
talking a crime is talking a social crime
talking a crime is talking a social justice
justice is a social justice
justice is a social crime
justice is a class act
a social justice is a social class act
the talk of a crime is the talk of a petty crime
a petty crime is a petty class act
crime is a petty c...
Monday 12th August 2024 8:26 pm
Déjà vu & Phantasmagoria
— Recurring
crime seen in your eyes,
reflecting - eyelids
singed… deep, froze
and framed with pain
the negatives
of a photographic memory,
an outlook not unlike,
questioning, asking myself
what have I done?
what am I doing with my life?
what could I have done different?
Saturday 20th July 2024 7:59 pm
Dark Side
I run through the streets in the dark of the night,
A black hoodie, sharp trainers, a knife for the fight
No morals or goodness left in my soul
Others money , phones, wallets, my only goal.
Smoking and drinking, not school do I care
I live on the streets, do ought for a dare
A vandal , graffiti, the life of a villian
My future is bars, held in a cold prison
My childhood was taken,...
Sunday 14th April 2024 8:36 pm
To write a couple of lines I am inclined,
About a cat, sat on my front-door mat,
That was or was not, victim of a crime.
There in a box it sat, and that was that!
Or so I thought; then wrote a few more lines.
That’s not my cat, it is Herr Schrödinger's!
Is it quite dead, or is it doing fine?
Are Cheshire cats renowned malingerers?
Your answers to my questions I invite;
Sunday 28th January 2024 1:26 pm
a crime shame
a cry is a crime shame
a laugh is a crime shame
a laugh is a laughter of a crime shame
a laugh cry a laughter
laugh is laughing at a crying laughter
laugh is laughing at a crime shame
a shame is a crying shame
a crime shame is a crying shame
a drop of tear is a drop of laughter
a tear is a tear of laughter
a tear is a tear drop of laughter
a cry is a tear drop of a cry
a cry is a tea...
Friday 9th June 2023 8:08 pm
In My Life Time
In my entire life,
the worst things to come
upon me,
has come at the,
hands of respectable
people, who call themselves
It has not been,
scary men, in dark shadows.
It has not been,
those people, across the sea.
It has not been,
the conman, stealing my soul.
It has been,
men and their wives,
who own businesses,
and lands,
and courts,
and governments,
and religions,
Saturday 31st December 2022 4:30 pm
So Easily
her smile came so easily
before I could even blink,
she made my heart race
brought me to the brink
dress slipped off so easily
mysore silk of jade green,
the body of a svelte and
molten Myanmar queen
her love given so easily
from a brimming chalice,
no passion ever rivalled
what oozed from Alice
slipped away so easily
with barely a mumur,
Tuesday 8th December 2020 10:14 am
"Armed Men"
Armed men"
In the middle of a cold night,
Hands clutched on our lovers
And our lovers on us
Birds in a distant singing gleeful songs,
Stars smiling down on us
Everything flowing in its own tranquility.
Then, we heard gun shots
and our heartbeat became still
We ran towards the window
Peeping cautiously so they don't see our eyes.
We saw them,
men in black with bloodshot eyes and a har...
Friday 23rd October 2020 8:20 pm
Same Behaviour
Repitition was key
But never the key to success
The key to her chest
Was hidden in the black depth of her soul
Repitition was inevitable
Outsiders were impatient
And also knowledgable
About what was likely to happen next
Repitition was boring
A different mask for her to wear
To hide the recurring sadness
That she endured from his actions again
Friday 29th May 2020 9:24 pm
Between the last customer
and morning light
in the parking lot of the Korean Gentleman's Club,
he picks lilacs for me.
Standing high against a warehouse wall,
these always bloom early, and
he goes annually, covertly, in the still dark,
unsure of welcome by the
Korean Gentlemen.
He fills the car.
I imagine that damp, spring-scented ride home,
his fantasy of be...
Wednesday 27th March 2019 11:39 pm
Banged Up
"My how you've grown"
Said the kindly old dear.
"Last time I held you
you burped in my ear.
The truth of the matter
I just have to say
it's been twenty long years
since they put me away.
It's a long stretch of time
which I passed saving stamps
but that's what they gave me
for killing your Gramps.
I know you're an orphan
'cause I poisoned y...
Friday 18th January 2019 9:27 pm
Twenty Ways to Ruin a Poem
It’s best to sneak up on the reader.
Change the meter,
Change the rhyme,
Change the tone,
Or change the subject.
Try to do something unexpected,
Like confessing a crime
Or secret perversion,
Even in a
Short poem.
Thursday 29th November 2018 8:18 pm
Who are the real Monsters?
Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without the guards being too rough
And forever being cuffed
Prisoners are abused and raped
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.
Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without being forced to confess
To somebody else's mess
Being stripped and undressed
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By bein...
Thursday 2nd August 2018 2:07 pm
Still life
Noel and Liam have still not made up
And it looks like the millers will
never win the cup
Theresa is still in number ten
And not much has changed since
Maggies den
We are still plagued with mass unemployment
Far too many are becoming insolvent
Everywhere people sleeping on the street
Too many families with nothing to eat
Still we can't bridge the north south divide
People still wait f...
Friday 25th May 2018 10:41 pm
Where We Live Today
With so much hurt and hatred prevalent in society,
It seems like crimes such as murder, rape, and kidnapping might be
Everyday cliches surrounding us entirely.
I feel as if no other news is ever happening,
Everywhere I look, murder has become fashion internationally.
Especially in America, 'Land of the free, Home of the brave.'
Technically, just tellin ya, it's the land of the creeps, home o...
Saturday 21st January 2017 2:50 pm
All the pretence of innocence
The rules that one invents
Laws that must be seen to be
Beyond the reach of devilry
Those in power can circumvent
As they like, with full intent
Legal eagles can but try
To keep your vision from the lie
All in all I wonder when
We truly will have freedom again
Twisted knots of red tape can
Imprison every once free man
Number six once held the key
Saturday 31st October 2015 11:31 am
Crime of Comfort
It's morning again
I'm trapped in.
Out of bed
into the same lie I roll.
I have no alibi
committing the sin
of deep-diving
this "cozy" 9-to-5.
"Take a ri...
Wednesday 3rd September 2014 9:58 pm
Wet dawn morning rain dripping on sombre scene
low clouds distilling all colour to grey.
No warmth or hope or peace of mind.
Count down approaches creeping death
as workers test the gallow’s string, new white rope up,
haul heavy sacks of grain to test it – dead weight.
In his cell a condemned man is brought,
he didn’t sleep much. His last day on earth,
Wednesday 20th November 2013 6:21 pm
Chaotic Night Life
Life in the city starts at ten
With tanked up teenagers acting like men
Ladettes in skimpy skirts are all dolled up
Falling around in the road, having had too much to sup
The clubs are bustling, dance music rings out
The bouncers evict a fella acting like a lout
In the bars the booze flows like an industrial machine
And shouting and raucous laughter becomes par...
Thursday 19th September 2013 7:29 am
The Communications Trilogy Pt:1 Television
Hi everybody
So I have written a trilogy of poems based on the subject of communication. I have rather inventively decided to call them The Communications Trilogy.
The first on the Trilogy is Television, whilst I am someone who is generally pessimistic about the media and government and don't really believe a word of what we are told, I do suffer from a subconscious paranoia. Beaten i...
Wednesday 27th June 2012 1:06 pm
Wet dawn morning rain dripping on sombre scene
low clouds distilling all colour to grey.
No warmth or hope or peace of mind.
Count down approaches creeping death
as workers test the gallow’s string, new white rope up,
haul heavy sacks of grain to test it – dead weight.
In his cell a condemned man is brought,
he didn’t sleep much. His last day on ear...
Thursday 20th October 2011 4:32 pm
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