The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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in this empty stadium I'm being chased

pursued by something I struggle to see,

I smell a hunter's breath alien and rank

if there was one nearby I'd climb a tree


its dusk now and the circuits are endless

he surmounts hurdles with an easy glee

his dark vest sports no national colours

night falls, I need the floodlights to see


its been like this now for several years


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olympicsvirusvaccinationjabglobal warmingclimate change

Malignant Love

I can feel you,
thick in my throat,
threatening to consume me,
slithering through my mind and body,
wielding your alpha power, 
making me weak. 

I curse you, drown you, 
in sunshine and sweet elixirs,
but you refuse to leave.

I am stronger than you think.

I order you and your invisible army 
of pain, heartbreak, misery,
away from my cosmic energy. 

I did not manifest you.

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The Twelve Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas


On the first day of Christmas

Bojo gave to me

Fear of a virus

Spreading rapidly.


On the second day of Christmas

Bojo gave to me

Two metre distance and

Fear of a virus

Spreading rapidly.


On the Third day of Christmas

Bojo gave to me

Hands, face & space,

Two metre distance and

Fear of a virus

Spreading rapidly.



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bojochristmascovid19the twelve days of christmastwelve daysvirus

One of the Chosen

Is this thing some punishment

Or are we being softened up?

Is Dominic Cummings an alien,

Are punters getting sold a pup?


More rumours of mutation rumble

As if we didn't have enough fears,

Seems the virus fancies a change,

Securing access through our ears


Sounds bizarre, but a while ago

I met a nice woman out walking

She was so sorry her dog bit me

And bef...

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Feline Grace

in the bathroom is an old jar of vaseline

on seeing it my cat heads for the doors

but really what else can I look forward to

now the virus has curtailed my amours?


when much younger I was an altar boy

serving old father macdonagh at the altar

did he ever give in to wayward thoughts?

did those vows of celibacy never falter?


the convent was replete with pious old nu...

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feline gracevaselineamoursviruscelibacynunstest result

Freedom to Breathe

Don’t wear your mask if they ask

just bask in your task —

–your task to free you and me to be and to plea:

“I can’t breathe through a mask”

“I can’t breathe through my nose”

“I can’t breathe through my mouth”

“I can’t breathe on my toes”

Breathe out breathe in

It’s no sin — you win

Inhale Exahale

Tell a failed pale tale–

–A tale of Michael who couldn’t breathe


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The Vampire Virus

We ask where you came from,

how long do you intend to stay.

You are not welcomed here,

please checkout and go away.


Perhaps you came from a bat,

sold on a market selling meat.

Purchased and ate by a man,

who preferred rare meat to eat.


Maybe you were a vampire,

sustained by the cull of lives.

Could the blood in your flesh,

resist heat and somehow survive.


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I've been up a forest of gum trees

Got cornered in many a spot

Up the creek is a formality for me

Some of us simply preferred it hot


Often I  swam far out of my depth

Within an inch of deep water

At times had my back against the wall

Loved much but never had son or daughter


Trouble is the thing I was made for

Dire straits always seemed too tame

I loved facin...

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bad oddscare homecoughmistvirus

NHS Reform

As Homo Sapiens crushed the

Neanderthals so robots have got our

Measure its a matter of time before the

Take-over then no more humans

No death those endless crude

Diseases a

Historical blip and naturally

No health means no NHS

Imagine the savings!

Just an on/off switch where the

Mouth was no

Stone Age ventilators or

Expensive buggering about in

Intensive care...

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NHS reformhomo sapiensdeathdiseasesventilatorsvirus


There they were beyond the

Railings in broad daylight, flouting

The rules, hundreds of them

Socialising cheek by jowl while

Above ground, as if

Condoning the breach

Sat an older couple on a

Bench having a

Picnic by the looks of it

Sandwiches flask the lot, I

Wondered if they'd been barred from a

Funeral and had come to

Say a deferred farewell before taking


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The Visitor

A cloak hid her weight

Or she hoped it did as

She scoured second hand bookshops and

Oxfam for

Thirty-five years of books that she

Never let go.

You can imagine that lonely bungalow, the kind

They clear out on TV, with explanations from a

Psychologist, so when

Annie broke her hip she had to watch

Other patients during visiting hours and

Although she seemed on the me...

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visitorbookshipvirusintensive caredaniel defoe


Strange times but

What if this is a precursor?

We look to scientists yet

They're human too.

All we all in the dark

All of us being softened up?

Do others watch and wait while we

Kid ourselves in


Is this what a guinea-pig in a

Laboratory feels like?

It was a virus that saw off the

Martians so

By all means panic but

In case they come in for t...

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Ventilator Dreams

Like you I sped up the ropes like a monkey then

Breathless we

Made mincemeat of the pommel horse but

How I envied your physique!

So ashamed that I kept my vest on, afterwards

My  matchstick legs hid in the shower.

Later I never put on an ounce or

Made a penny though

You grew rich and

Obese before the virus ran you down .

Today I heard they've put you

On a ventilato...

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ventilator dreamsbreathlessphysiqueobeseviruscoma

Locked Down Locked Out

Its a pain in the neck and no mistake

Locked down, our busy lives on hold

But what of the billions less wealthy

Forever locked out in the cold?


Locked down or locked out

Are two very different fates

We blandly wait for a vaccine

To benefit our richer states


In Africa the virus is poverty

Immune to vaccines and drugs

Kids locked down all their lives


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locked downvaccineviruspovertystarve




He knocked at the door

Shouting ‘let me in!’

Tempting us to go out

With his whisky and gin

He hid around corners

Under tables and chairs

Trying his best

To catch us unawares


He was sitting on benches

Where others had sat

He was on garden fences

Where we’d stop for a chat

He was hanging around

Tesco trolly parks

He was all over door han...

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covid 19antigenviruscurehopedevil




I am the scythe that cuts through old and young

In cornfields where the idle crows watch on

As scarecrows flap their arms in summer sun

And wonder where the greedy birds have gone

The weeds grow now where once the sharp blade fell

Stealing from us all that we once held dear

There are no devils in this weeping hell

Only children transformed through pain and fear


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covid 19futilityhuman touchrichpixshakespearean Sonnetunnecessary deathvirus

Alone with the Virus

I went to the market today, 

I bought some Haddock.

Under the present circumstances it seemed like the best thing to do,

There’s nothing in the shops,

Not even toilet paper

It looks like things are going down the pan very rapidly

What a thin veneer

Civilisation is so fragile

No thicker than a sheet of tissue paper, so gossamer.

I poached it in a bit of milk, the Haddock,


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Corona Virus AKA Covid 19

The news told of a distant menace headed our way, 
that might overwhelm our world, 
like the Spanish flu a century ago 
or the plagues of the Middle Ages. 
They said it was implacable, sure to wreak havoc soon. 

It was like a monstrous hurricane far in the distance, 
threatening everything in its path. 
It was a virus called Corona, a crown of thorns.

They say that, like a zombie, it i...

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I saw Mrs CV yesterday in the supermarket

she wasn’t at all what I thought she would be

middle-aged with a smiley, rounded face

nothing evil about her at all


There were too many people

at the check-outs

I ran out of there for safety reasons

passing her frolicking kids

on the newspaper stand


‘Hey!’ shouted Mr CV

loitering on one of the doors

‘come and pick...

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The Coronavirus Poem

All too little, 
Too late 
As the Coronavirus 
Takes down the world by mistake.

Government officials standing behind gates
As it rains a blood of money
To keep the economy straight. 

Waking up the public to a doom
Which is highly frightening
For me and you. 

A war with the unseen.
Watching loved ones turning green.
Mortals inflicting pain and death.
Born from the innocent creatu...

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Corona virusdeathpoemsreallifevirus

Fear is the real virus.

Who will close the last door?
A virus brings you in prison.
But fear is the real disease,
Panic and Hysteria 
Cause all the symptoms.
It gives the powerful more power
And the lonely ones
More loneliness.
Isolation is not healthy,
Fears just make us sick.
Go out and live,
Don't read the news
And you will stay healthy.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Language and Viruses

Some writers use poetry

To propound great thoughts

Through deeply intoned vowels,

But poetry is only language,

And you can use it as if

Chatting with a friend

About passing days

And pastimes.

You can pull them in,

Get a laugh or two,

And make them

Trust you

Before thrusting

The knife deep

Into the abdomen,

Drawing it up

Toward the eyes,

As you let...

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