nuns (Remove filter)
The Sailor
an old man upstairs has fits of coughing
women make his bed creak fit to bust
he's some sort of evangelical preacher
an expert on the perils of human lust
bones in bright sunshine or pouring rain
pressed down by limbs that rarely speak
contorted versions of my wide-open legs
I could make his bed wake up and creak
do my vows still apply after these years?
did I ...
Tuesday 22nd June 2021 10:08 am
Feline Grace
in the bathroom is an old jar of vaseline
on seeing it my cat heads for the doors
but really what else can I look forward to
now the virus has curtailed my amours?
when much younger I was an altar boy
serving old father macdonagh at the altar
did he ever give in to wayward thoughts?
did those vows of celibacy never falter?
the convent was replete with pious old nu...
Friday 11th September 2020 11:07 am
Horizons and herring made us Vikings
No estuary beyond our sixteen oars and shallow-drafts.
Silver arm-rings we wore, bound by allegiance,
Chained thralls shared our graves
Ninety miles a day in a fair wind
Sea-sick abaft oak prows and reeling sails.
Monks in towers prayed for stormy seas but
Stiff with salt it was nuns not gold we wanted
After conquest we traded ...
Monday 4th May 2020 11:09 am
Skool Daze
At our school we wore red ties and big, blue, woolly sweaters.
Groaning, frowning, learning all those numbers, saints and letters.
The nuns were big and ruthless and they loved to swish the cane.
The summer skies were always blue, it never seemed to rain.
I had a cat sewn in my bag - I couldn’t read my name -
till some wise wit made fun of it – I n...
Friday 26th April 2013 7:16 pm
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