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Graham Sherwood on Return to Waterloo
13 minutes ago

Graham Sherwood on One thing becomes another
35 minutes ago

Mike Bartram on 'Baby Bear'
49 minutes ago

Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
2 hours ago

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K. Lynn on We Rise
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branwell kent on Bill
6 hours ago

John Coopey on MY MAN
9 hours ago

Stephen Gospage on We Rise
12 hours ago

The Cathedral

Father told me, when i was young, that his mother told him ‘if you can fit pinky to thumb around your wrist you are too thin’. When I managed to grasp my arm half way up, pinky to my thumb, I saw success. It’s hard to see sadness when you are sick. Mother taught me forgiveness was not earnt, but expected. So, when you lied to me I knew what I was to do next.


         The cathedral was o...

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The Ghost in My Car

The Ghost in my Car




I sometimes find my Dad sitting next to me in my car

Not exactly him but some likeness, a ghost from afar.

I can’t exactly see him clear

But either way it’s nice to have him near


I’ll tell him stuff about my life

And he nods and makes positive sounds

I can’t exactly hear him

But either way it’s nice to have him around


I glance...

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Thank You Dad

Thank you Dad.

Thank you for your deep deep love.

For always making me feel so special and loved.

For teaching me to pass on that love to my own children.

I could not have felt more loved.


Thank you Dad.

Thank you for sharing with me your love of music and poetry.

For reading to me at bedtime and encouraging my love of books.

For instilling in me the love of words and ...

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daddaughterlovefuneralrememberfatherthank you

Old As Love II

you have to watch it in here

old blokes get up to all sorts

seem to lose inhibitions and

indulge in odd water sports


dicks emerge like clockwork

just like they're past caring

pyjamas are a good excuse

for opening up and sharing


doesn't shock me anymore

hang there minute and limp

yet one or two can still do it

Patrick's a potent old pimp


its massiv...

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care homeolddickspillsvisordad

A Regular Joe

He was not really special 

Just an ordinary guy 

I guess you’d call him

A regular 



An ex-army man

He took everything in his stride

He was a positive guy

He was happy to help: He rarely said 



Throughout his life 

He took it all on the chin

When things were hard he worked his way through 

He never asked why

He was easy going: he’d go with t...

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big lots

he wakes up everyday---but only for them.

he showers, eats, and goes to work---but only for them.

he holds back his sadness and depression---but only for them.

he doesn't want his useless and meaningless state of life to affect their outlook. if anything they should be happy.

although he never hugs or says i love you, they know.

although he never showed up to any of her games, she s...

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world's apart

I feel the pain of your broken heart physically gone but our spirits don't part

although you hurt and and pine for me

close your eyes and there i will be

With the biggest smile on my face

as I'm free and happy in this amazing place looking out at a perfect view

standing in front of me is you

I'm very much alive more than ever

no worldly burdens..light as a feather

I'm helpi...

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The Giant by Eloi Chaptal


By Eloi Chaptal

Mom, mom!

A giant tried to eat me,

He said he was very hungry.

He was as big as a bear

It’s true, I swear!

He had a forest in his nose,

And it was really gross.

Now he is looking at some random paper

But not for long, we are still in danger!

Quick, quick, while we still can,

Let’s run outside and take the van!

“What?” said mom, “Are ...

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Favourite Shoes

My dad's favourite shoes

He saved them for best

He wore them just once

As we laid him to rest





Dedicated to the loving memory of Jack Evans; love you dad x

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The Dresser

From the front at least

A beautiful victorian dresser

From behind

The ugly truth

Assembled from wooden orange crates

The company name stamped

Telling of a former

More humble existence


Two little drawers

One at each side

Gunmetal latch handles

Age worn

From opening and closing

Hold family secrets

Make up

Lipstick stumps


Snaps from Blackpool ...

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AcceptanceChildhood memoriesDadFamilyMumSafety

As Winter looms

They tell you to try with all of your might,

But it's the things that you least expect stealing your sleep at night.

As we descend into the darkness of winter, my mind is lit up with thoughts on 5th November,

I look back, I remember you, I remember


Walking to Oxford Street all alone,

the people that pass by, they all seem like clones.

It's not long until they have somewhere ...

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little Big man

Five foot two, eyes of blue

Goes a certain song

Both were true but not nearly enough 

To describe this true and happy man

With a big beaming smile he'd enter your life

Open arms and so open hearted

Energy enough for all of us, for each and every day

To carry us all along the way

Never told always showed

The best and winning way

He led by example on how to be

A true...

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availableDadhappinesslove Shanklymestrong


There was a man I knew,

not too close, not too far,

as a child he was there

to tend to my scars.


A man with a past,

of that I had no doubt,

a man, when provoked,

who knew how to shout.


A happy man

with a smile for all,

he'd always be there to

pick me up when I'd fall.


And though never far away,

we were never very close,

a sign of those times


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cancerdadfatherdeathlossloveregretslooking backcelebrationfamilysonpride

Midnight Manoeuvres

Midnight Manoeuvres
It's the middle on the night
And as I gently sleep
A person is moving
They silently creep
With feather light footsteps
In through the door
The carpet muffling 
Footsteps on the floor
They reach a standstill
By the side of the bed
A shadowy figure 
That moment of dread
Open one eye slowly
To take a quick peek
Who c...

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Dad and My Car

I sometimes find my Dad sitting next to me in my car

Not exactly him but some likeness, a vision from afar.

I can’t exactly see him clear

But either way it’s nice to have him near.


I sometimes find myself talking to my Dad,

Sitting next to me, in my car

It’s good to talk after all these years and I suppose he’s not really there

But it feels so good, so I don’t really care...

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My Dad














As a child

I thought

the sun rose

and sat because

of my Dad.


As a teenager

I thought my

Dad was one

of the bumbest

people on earth.


Now that I

am over the

age of Fifty

I think the

older I get

the smarter

my Dad was.


The Circle

of life.

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I never got the chance 
To be, for you, the best
I never had the strength 
To hold you to my chest
I never had the time 
To be a fathers son.
I never had a hope 
Of undoing things I've done.
I never got to tell you
How I missed you when not there.
I never had the strength to speak 
As you were lying there.
I nev...

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Poem for my Dad

Poem For My Dad



In the deepest darkest recess of the mind

The saddest memory is there to find


There’s nothing more to say except I miss you Dad,

We had our time together, good and bad

And many differences, we had


After all, you were a man who got an apple and an orange for Christmas

And I was a lad who began the biggest record collection in th...

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