The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Better alone by Atile (the bread queen)

When I’m not alone 
All I do is moan
I also groan
My companions say “Oh won’t you stop!”
But my only reply is “I’m going to the shop”

When I’m alone
I can play my trombone
Without somebody screaming “I would rather you moan!”
And I don’t always have to go to the shop
I just always watch TV non-stop

Once I was alone
And I was on my phone 
And I was shown 
A warning about a...

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The masks that we wear  by Esther Daphne 

The masks that we wear  by Esther Daphne 

  The face that you see

  is not truly me

  It’s the person you want me to be

  I do it to make you happy


My smile hides a thousand tears

And my courage hides my fears

I have hidden my pain for years

So that my misery doesn’t fall on your deaf ears


My body is just a robot that walks

My mouth, a clip that talks

My ...

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Winter By: Domitille MARTIN-DENAVIT




The frozen trees without their mask

The pounds glittering near me

The wind blows, the wolves howls

Drops of freezing water hit my head, snow

My nose felt like food, something grown in land

My coat of snow closed perfectly

And my hand barely moved

And my legs, my legs, nothing

Tomorrow I will see for the first the bright sunshi...

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The Serpent and Cleopatra - By Matias Merrifield

The Serpent and Cleopatra

- By Matias Merrifield


The queen of Egypt, in despair

Summoned the cobra from its lair

“Octavian’s armies are at my door

I shall soon feel the legions’ claw”

The Naja answered: “if you are dead

In the afterlife, there is wine and bread”

The female pharaoh pondered and wondered

As tumult from battle boiled and thundered

Cleopatra agreed a...

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Siblings By George Baring


By George Baring


My sister is a warthog.

My brother is a worm.

The little one is even worse.

I just can’t tell you, think you’ll squirm.


They will not share,

They pull my hair,

And never let me be.


But then at night when I lie down,

And think of all the fun we had,

I know I’m lucky to have them all,

It’s really not that bad

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Russia I Miss You By George Baring

Russia I Miss You

By George Baring


I think back to my life in Moscow,

In my mind I see sparkling snow.

I can smell the cold air,

And the frost in my hair,

And it all feels like so long ago.


I think back to our wooden Dacha*,

And my breakfast of delicious Plyshka*.

I can smell the fumes of the old Zhiguli*.

Oh, Russia I miss you truly, truly.

But now, I lo...

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I miss you grandfather By Catarina Meireles

I miss you grandfather By Catarina Meireles


Sitting here

Looking at the houses up ahead

Reminds me of going out to the balcony

With my grandfather

Who passed almost 7 years ago

But still keeps a place in my heart

Rembering him telling me one of his  jokes

We would stay in the balcony

The sun set for almost half an hour

And my grandfather laughing

With his prec...

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Old but Gold by Catarina Meireles

Old but Gold by Catarina Meireles


Dear grandparents

Your love is like magic

You spent 53 years and counting together


Grandfather you went throught war

You went thrught cancer

She stood beside you whn you really needed her


Grandmother you went through injuries,

Surgery and birth, who was there to

Hold you and love it was grandfather


I love you both ...

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A Book by Fatima Diop

A Book.

by Fatima Diop 

A book to me is a golden door

A door I have never entered before

It feels like I have just set foot in Neverland

Joylessly I read to many books I got banned


A book to me is a crazy place to be

I can be in the Bikini Bottom under the sea

I have realized that this book is taking me outer space

So I decided to stop reading just in case

My mot...

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Potato  By Catarina Meireles

Potato  By Catarina Meireles

Sometimes i like to call myself a potato

I don’t really know why

Some people think that i am crazy because

I call myself that but i don’t think it is


I don’t think it’s crazy to be imaginative

It is not crazy to have a good time

Being happy or pretending


I am just waiting for you

To be what you wanna be

Not what everyone wants yo...

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Same Difference by Ingara Maidou

Same difference

by Ingara Maidou

We think the same but at the same time differently.

We like the same things, but we usually don’t agree.

We speak the same but describe things differently.

We laugh the same but find different things funny.

It’s like we are the same but not completely,


You’re still you and I’m still me.

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Underneath it all.. by Ingara Maidou

Underneath it all…

by Ingara Maidou

They didn’t see what I saw in you

They saw a confident persona, but they didn’t see the truth.

They didn’t see how hurt you could feel, they didn’t look inside.

They didn’t acknowledge that sometimes you just simply weren’t fine.

They probably thought I would stick to you for attention, but you see,

You meant the whole world to me.

You wo...

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Winter by Boubaker Naouar


A poem written by Boubaker Naouar

The Queen of cold, is stronger than anything

She kills the trees,

She stops the roads,

She stops the school

And lock us in our houses.

Summer can chase winter,

But that is another story.



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Holi by Aryana Issa

Holi by Aryana Issa 


In India, Holi is a festival of colours

But not only that it is a day of togetherness

No matter where you are in the world

You should not have a day of togetherness or being thankful to one another… and it goes on…

Everyday should be about that

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Missing you by Aryana Issa 

Missing you by Aryana Issa 


Here I am in the middle of school

Sitting on a type of box, watching cars pass by through the fence

Surrounded by silence and people

Wishing my aunt could be here

She could travel six thousand miles in seconds

If she were here we could be reading, calling each other names,

She could be playing the ukulele, I could be singing or even listen...

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I found a rock in my shoe by Belade

I found a rock in my shoe by Belade Kodasso

I found a rock in my shoe

I found a rock on a shrew

I found a rock in my bed

I found a rock on my head

I found a rock with my tutor

I found a rock next to a sharpshooter

I found a rock close to my teacher

I found a rock for the grim reaper

I found a rock in my hair

Try find one if you dare

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Snakes by Luka Nathaniel

SNAKES by Luka Nathaniel 

If a snake bites you

Beware it will ache

The mistake you made

Was thinking it was fake


If you see a scaled thing

Then a snake it might be

Don’t make a mistake   

It might be the last thing you see 


Snakes are wonderful

But there not what they seem

They can be pets

They can be clever and clean


Snakes can be red bla...

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School's not cool by Selim

School's not cool by Selim


School can be sometimes cool

But not that cool as a pool

It's cooler than a box of tools

Or a sweatshirt made of wool

But if you don't go to school

You will be a fool

You won't know how to refuel your fuel

And you'll have a brain of wool

Even if the school's not as cool as a pool

You have to go to school than a pool

Or you will be a ...

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Gardens by Domitile




The busy buzzing bee

Flying in circles around my face

The hot summer sun sucking the scent out of the roses

Sudden gust of wind, whipped round the house,

Foretelling a storm

The first big fat drops of rain started

And were followed by a heavy drumming on the roof

All of a sudden bright sunshine shocked us

And the song of birds...

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Life by Domitile




Life is a present

Something you should

Never give to someone else

I still remember

When the first time

I opened my eyes

This was the memory of my birth

I have many memories

When I was still a kid

But every day I forget 

Of my past

But I will never forget

The situation happening now

The birth of my new baby sister


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Homework by Ingara Maidou

Homework by Ingara Maidou


I couldn’t do my homework because,

I was busy doing other stuff

I fought a dragon and bear

And I went to the carnival with my cat

I helped my lizard brush his hair

And bought my cousin big purple hat

I also met my long lost twin sister

Who was raised by wolves in Alaska

Oh and I went to the hospital because I got a blister

But I could on...

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The Time of my Life by Joseph Sire

The time of my life by Joseph Sire

For several days I have heard strange sounds

Like ghosts all around


I see the huge Burj Khalifa

And the road sign of Jumeirah


I smell the tasty French cheese

And I breathe the European mountain breeze


I read comics and a short story

Seated on my bed I am a kiddy


I remember when it was raining

It was the time of my...

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The Giant by Eloi Chaptal


By Eloi Chaptal

Mom, mom!

A giant tried to eat me,

He said he was very hungry.

He was as big as a bear

It’s true, I swear!

He had a forest in his nose,

And it was really gross.

Now he is looking at some random paper

But not for long, we are still in danger!

Quick, quick, while we still can,

Let’s run outside and take the van!

“What?” said mom, “Are ...

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Friendship by Emma lanier

Friendshipby Emma Lanier


Friendship is a delicate flower

It is enough to feed the entire human race

It is precious even so it seems to be a rush hour

Friendship is a way to take place

In a magical adventure

And fly away with your unicorn

A chance to be a feather

Your dream may end because of a thorn

But if it is true friendship


 It will always resist.

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Nonsense by Nina  Langias 


On a sunny day,

I met an ant,

I told her to stay,

But she said that she can't


I asked her why?

She anwsered "because" 

She made me cry

She started to applause


I went back home

To the east 

Of Rome,

At last, 





Nonsense by Emma Lanier


Roses are red 

Violets are blue 

I ...

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POEM by Nina Langlais


What is a Poem ?

A poem can be you, 

A poem can be me, 

A poem can be anything you wanted it to be 


It can be a sentence, 

it can be a word,

it can have nonsense,

like me in my world, 


A poem is an art,

and for those who don't think so,

that's means you're just at the start of an endless raibow.


Full of colors and mystery,

Horror and fant...

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Advertising by Emma Lanier

Advertising by Emma Lanier


Have you ever thought

"You lost 20 seconds of your life"

When you look at him.

I would rather rot 

Or be stabbed by a knife

Or even brake a limb 

Than look at you one last time.



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The Crocodile and the Weaver - Esteve Bosc-Perreux

The Crocodile and the Weaver By Estève Bosc-Perreux

In the forest, near a river,

Was placed the home of a weaver.

And in the Egyptian Nile,

There lived a crocodile.

But when he changed habitat,

In the river he sat.

“Hi there, you little bird.”

But that is what the weaver heard:

“Where are you my little baby?”

The weaver responded, “Can I help, maybe.”

“I’m sorry, b...

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natureweavercrocodile @nileesteve

The Unicorn Song by Rebecca and Tawananyasha

I am a unicorn

With a tiny horn

And I have come to save the day


I like to poo,

Cause I am small as a shrew.

And I like to scream

 Cause I am white as cream.

I have a duty to protect Tuty-Fruity

From all the doom

That can come from mushroom

Cause broccoli told it that fruit must die

Cause broccoli sucks like a stinky old fly

And that’s why

I am a un...

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Spring and Summer


Spring and summer

Butterflies flutter

Today may be hot

Like boiling water in a pot,

But I will play outside anyway….

….because today is a special day.


The sun rays are glistening beams of light

With beautiful birds in flight

This is the reason,

Why I love the season.


How about spring?

You might never know what it will bring.

Now the winter is over...

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