The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Cathedral

Father told me, when i was young, that his mother told him ‘if you can fit pinky to thumb around your wrist you are too thin’. When I managed to grasp my arm half way up, pinky to my thumb, I saw success. It’s hard to see sadness when you are sick. Mother taught me forgiveness was not earnt, but expected. So, when you lied to me I knew what I was to do next.


         The cathedral was o...

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i miss being your daughter

we were close when i was little

you called me your sugar plum fairy

sat by my bed when my dreams were too scary

I didn't know then that our relationship was so brittle


you have mixed feelings about your own mother

maybe that's why you act the way you do

you rip me apart and then try to patch me up with glue

we both know you wouldn't ever do that to my brother


you ...

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mommommy issuessadteenage girlgrowing upchildhoodpoem

Show Me The way

Someone had to show me the way,

though much of the time I just followed mine

so you watched from the distance, I know.

But it’s clear to me now, wish I’d seen it somehow

and done more to make sure that you know -


your example means more than the whole world to me,

for you stood your whole life for what’s true.

Yeah, somebody had to show me the way…

Mom, I’m grateful th...

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A Mom’s Promise


small curls so soft

fall in your eyes


sleepiest gaze

wide by surprise


tiny fingers

stretch out to me


short pudgy legs

kick aimlessly


the world is yours

grin-slobber line


should your heart break 

I’ll give you mine 



© Candice Reineke 2021



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Mother in my Share!

I wish, I could take birth again
to hug my mom, want to become a child again.

She never speaks ill
only she doesn't get angry on me

She's alive and so nothing can bother me
whenever I step out, blessings accompany me

She'll hug tight if something happens
she always shelters her children

But someone got house, someone got shop
I was the youngest one in the house, I got MOM!

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mother poemsMomlove towards motherMothersMothers Lovemother


sprang up and only one loved me

as i kept growing another saw potential for what i could be

i had some periods where i didnt grow and my planter became more distant

my roots started diversing and i went a little haywire, and only the other followed where i went

watering me and had a lot od encouranging words, cutting off the thorns and dead leaves that hurt

as i began to wilt still ...

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broken familyparentsStepdadMom

Tears, Earned

Our Beloved Mother, Another year, another birthday without you. Miss everything about you...gone but never forgotten. As much as our Mother lives on in our hearts we miss her terribly so...and days like these, especially a day like today, when we should be celebrating all of her, with her .We can't because she was taken from us a long time ago. It feels like forever yet the memories and pain ...

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My mom lives in my heart

Of my world she is a special part

Lots of care and unlimited love

Shes an angel from heaven above

She gives me food and drops me to school

In my life she sets all the rules

Even she scold and yells at me

In her eyes love is what i See

Sometimes i may cause you pain

But i know your darling I will remain

You will always be in my heart

Even th...

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momlovelifeunconditional lovemotherhoodchildrenheart

My Protector

The day I got that phone call I knew was the beginning of the end, that day was the last day I felt real fear. The fact that you’d be taken from me at any moment. That phone call was in fact my worse fear realized. That day it felt like you were ready to stop protecting me from the world but in that same hour I knew you wouldn’t be there to protect me at all. I flew to you, I ran to you only to se...

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Pink Lilly

Crisp and swift the north wind blows
Leaving only a note before she left long ago
He cried for days and had no words to explain
Spoke to mother.

Crisp and swift the north wind blows
Spring came, mom called saying this might be silly 
Son, I need your help to plant these bulbs; he mutters really? 
Planting bulbs with his mother

Warm and sweet the south wind blows 
He first glanced upon...

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She’s the one we could rely on

when things were sorely scarce,

to always find a way to get by

when it went from bad to worse.


She’s the one true matriarch,

the gel at the center of all,

never too far away from us;

never more than a call.


Sacrificing all she had,

for us, her flesh and blood,

always standing second place

to the family’s common good.



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My Mother In Law, My Mon














I called you

Mom from day one.

You called me

Shirley, sometimes

you called me Hon.


But I had

to let you go,

I had to say

"Good Bye."

But in my heart

I said,

"Mom please

don't die."


That was more than

ten years now.

Sometimes I

still cry. That ...

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