My Love
Let's take a moment to reminisce.
Look into my eyes and speak the words you have within,
Express yourself to your deepest core,
Speak until you feel you have no more words...
Let me know how you feel.
My heart skips a beat,
Before it begins a rhythmic dance,
As I gaze into your eyes,
Into your soul,
With so much love it aches.
I am home whenever I am with ...
Thursday 25th April 2019 10:10 pm
The Paranoid
There are moments in life where people will think your paranoid,
For what you see is not friends but enemies.
Those are the times where you must say...
"Who you see as friends with bright colors,
I see as enemies with dark hues.
To be aware,
To be cautious,
Is not a paranoid thing to do.
It is simply knowing who to trust,
When the times get tuff,
When all you nee...
Saturday 24th February 2018 2:31 am
Cheers to the new beginning
Let's raise our glasses,
As we bring in the new year.
Allow the positive vibes to consume you,
Like alcohol running through your veins.
Kiss your partner,
Show them the love you feel.
Hug family and friends,
Wish them the best.
Let's give cheers to the new beginnings.
Every moment you have in life.
Cherish your loved ones,
Sunday 31st December 2017 2:20 pm
Don't Let Go
Your smile melts me,
With just a laugh I'm yours.
I see your eyes bright up and it drives me wild,
Releasing the butterflies,
Allowing them to fly with joy.
I said I love you,
As you simply smiled and hugged me.
Don't let go...
I will miss your warmth,
Your way of making me feel safe.
Tell me to stay the night.
Let me fall asleep in your arms,
Let me f...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 2:22 am
The book
From the first page to the last,
I absorbed the world around you.
I was there to witness the tears,
The anger,
The love.
Within each chapter I fell deeper.
As if under a spell, I lost control.
I was lost in another world,
Traveling to a place with no time.
I watched a story unfold before my eyes.
With each word,
Each sentence,
Each page,
I became ap...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 1:37 am
A Poem for Every Night
Is there something wrong with me?
No forget it, don't answer.
I don't need the diagnosis,
There's no need to say it,
Not even a whisper...
As the moon rises, the sky darkens...
It can't be helped.
As the place grows dark and time passes,
In this quiet home,
I start to feel alone.
The sinking feeling starts...
It's only 9pm and I feel alone.
Who can I...
Tuesday 18th July 2017 2:36 am
The Shield
How can I say how I feel,
Describe words to you that you will understand,
If I myself don't understand...
There are days I just want to scream.
When all I crave is to be heard,
For someone to simply understand how I feel.
Someone who grabs my hand without needing to be asked,
Simply because I need to feel the support.
It is so easy for me to say everything's okay...
Wednesday 7th June 2017 12:15 am
True Face
The mask has fallen.
Like glass it has shattered into tiny pieces,
Never to be repaired again.
Every piece representing a lie behind the truth,
A secret that was thought to be better off hidden.
True light revealed itself today.
Shining bright like never before,
Exposing all the darkness nearby.
The shadows disappeared,
The ghosts all fled,
Yet you showed your fa...
Saturday 3rd June 2017 2:01 am
Thoughts on the Train
It's hot in here.
Is it just me who's sweating?
I look around and everyone seems to be in their own word,
Their little bubbles...
Yet here I stand feeling all eyes on me.
Please, don't stare.
The door opens as people rush to leave.
Push and shove,
Push and shove,
As the newcomers join us.
Please stand clear of the closing doors...
Saturday 3rd June 2017 1:29 am
Like a Feather
Let my energy flow effortlessly through the wind.
Let it travel the distance,
To make the difference,
Within each person it touches.
Allow those who could not see,
Witness the potential that I carry within.
Let the beauty of my creativity,
Shine like the moon high in the sky.
Like a feather,
Let it flow,
Let it be guided by the wind...
Let it reach it's ...
Monday 22nd May 2017 12:00 am
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