The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

And why?

entry picture

And why are you still in my head? 

In my chest,

In my soul?

Engulfed by disdain, disgust and love.

And I am so lone.


In the middle of Oxford Street crowds

I want your advice that never helped

I want your forehead kisses that I rejected.

Longing for you on dark silent nights.


To debate: am I ever truly alone?

Or does your phantomlike presence ignite and guide me?

These are moments of the past I dwell on... 

Or live by as one does by the Bible?


With him I wrote down memories to ensure I don't forget,

No need to do that with us --

They will always be in my cortex.

Lost phones, stolen photos, deleted texts and blocked...

Does not alter the essense of us. Of love.


And to this day,

A long time since,

I still question the depth and sincerity of my feelings for you.

I tell them, and I told you:

"It was never love".

But in my head I turn around and laugh 

At this lie.


 Am I really here alone tonight?



break up poembritish poetryLondonlove poemslove poetryMidnight thoughtsnew poetpoetesspoetrysad poemsSelf-discoveryYoung Love


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