Laughter (Remove filter)
Love Changes
My love changes with the dark
The breezy bright morning girl begins to doubt
Shadows casting through her crowded mind
Memories opened like ancient crypts
Fear flies into anger and dismay
But let me show you my lady of the light
Bouncing, shinning, beaming and laughing her infectious laugh
Fast thoughts, feelings, crackling into outer and inner space
I will be ...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 6:53 pm
Winter Chill
The cold winter air whistles melodically
A gentle breeze sneaks past my fingers
Blue Lipped
Frozen Feet
Teary eyed
Memories of autumn spring forth
So close yet so far away
Teddy coat wearers scattered across the London fog
AirPods in, walking briskly
Listening to my favourite tunes
Not trying to blend in
Just learning to be
Realising that happiness is free
Saturday 21st January 2023 9:22 pm
My Prescription
Too seriously; I tend in my journey
too easy to focus on the duty
the facts of what’s in hand
the doing of a thing
So precious to see the nonsense
appreciate the humour
the madness
in everything you’re tasked with
by this modern world
So freeing to have a sense of silliness
draw a cock and balls on your mortgage application
scribble a cape and tights across the undertaker’s pamphlet
Tuesday 10th September 2019 11:15 am
Bubbling, surfing ocean of the mind ...
Frothy, foamy laughter always shined...
Wednesday 20th March 2019 6:24 am
Infectious laughter
Don't leave your laughter
lying around here
it is contagious and
might infect others
we wouldn't want
people enjoying themselves
and having fun
it could spread like wildfire
rampant and unchecked
run amok and carefree
it may make the world
a better place
and we wouldn't want that
would we?
Haha haha.
Wednesday 20th February 2019 8:34 pm
September is for lovers
September is for lovers, I find comfort in the covers cuddled up next to you, maybe too much so because sometimes I even drool, dancing on the couch and watching tv, I love the way you lay your eyes on me, holding hands and taking walks, you're always laughing at my mismatched socks, with you I know I will always feel good enough.
Friday 21st September 2018 7:57 pm
I would not say this heart is hungry
I dare not say this heart is heavy
I only know now, a surer sense of all I want
a clearer description of what will fire
the drive, the rush, the love in me
If we're not going out tonight
then can we just sit and giggle
at each other, at the TV, at the others
can she laugh with me, make fun of me
until we have tears in our eyes, can’t breathe
When ...
Tuesday 26th June 2018 12:48 am
We could run
She’s back, back from the worries and woes
Back to her laughs and chuckles
And we’ve gone back, back to our first days
Camden Palace no more
I should Koko you can now say
Beth Ditto on a Monday night whatever next
Rolling back the years
Yes I’ve got my little girl back
Shorter hair, but not short of love and laughter
Swaying and singing at the top of our voices
Eyes ...
Tuesday 17th October 2017 4:00 pm
37 years
37 years is quite some thing
Medals all round some would say
To meet and travel so far
Takes love, attraction, laughter
Who knows when you first meet
What lies ahead, how hearts will forge
To look back with smiles and happiness
To look now and still see love shine
To look forwards and still want more
Tuesday 16th May 2017 7:52 am
Do you every get that giddy feeling?
Like a child who just woke up on Christmas morning
looking at the presents that Santa brought.
Or like a student who just auditioned for her schools’s play,
and now is waiting for the cast list to be posted.
Yah, I do too.
It’s a wonderful feeling of hope and desire.
It’s driving at 70 mph with the windows down on an open road.
It’s rare...
Thursday 8th December 2016 6:46 pm
Grief eases
When grief consumes completely,
And tears cease only from exhaustion.
When life has stolen what you love,
And you droop like a flowers wilting deterioration.
Remind yourself, even though you cannot see it,
These wretched feelings are not your jail,
This will not forever be it.
You will again find laughter in life,
The beauty in the world, love and light.
Do not underestimate how hard t...
Tuesday 30th August 2016 3:56 pm
My aunt jane
There was a woman named Jane,
Who never liked to see it rain.
So she listened to the song umbrella,
So she could dance with a nice fit fella.
All work and no play is grim,
So she goes to turkey for a little swim.
Off she goes for all inclusive,
Whilst she looks at all the exclusives.
Keep the drinks coming, it’s all paid for,
Whilst Jane settles down on the sea shore.
Cheers cock she l...
Thursday 7th July 2016 7:06 pm
Singing Too Loud
Dreaming of funerals
Dreaming of death
Dreaming impossible
Daydreams of theft.
Thoughts not unhappy
But hopeful and proud
Driving too slowly
Singing too loud.
Why is it sacrifice leads me to joy?
The heavy heart dragged
By the arms of a boy.
Why is it sorrow somehow leads me to laughter ?
The dreadful, dark ending
The what that comes after.
Why does the prospect of loved ones abou...
Saturday 25th July 2015 2:51 pm
Memories of old,
flooding fast through my mind,
some tinged with sadness
and some, sweet sublime.
A fireside reverie shared
with eyes so bright,
an audience of innocence
and excited delight.
The crackling logs
on the fires of time,
the little rapt faces as
you feed them a line.
Of thunder, lightning,
and rain as we run!
Football, toy...
Friday 17th July 2015 4:38 pm
I touch your cheek,
I'm surprised, it's cold.
I reach for your hand
for I need it to hold.
I look upon your face
that beamed and sparkled
as we loved and laughed,
wrestled and tickled.
Your face is so pallid,
the sparkle is gone,
no more to smile
at the hot summer sun.
Your hair neatly tended,
you lie there so still
as I try, with memories,
...Monday 29th June 2015 11:34 am
There’s a bench in the park where an old couple sit
holding hands and laughing as the children play and flit
about on the swings and slides with boundless joy,
inciting memories of when they were girl and boy.
The antics of the kids so full of life and carefree bliss,
their lives laid out before them on paths that time would kiss.
They’ve been sitting on that bench for ...
Wednesday 24th June 2015 5:50 pm
If you've ever seen an ant
go whizzing by
faster than his friends and
with goggles on his eye's,
then without a doubt,
skidding through the plants,
you've met my friend Albert,
The skate-boarding ant.
From the day he was born
he was rushing around
hither and thither,
like a spring unwound.
His mum would despair,
“Albert, please stand still.
You need y...
Tuesday 16th June 2015 11:15 am
Cat Ass Trophies
In Dalston, London, where we lived for a spell,
we saw many stray cats & some were unwell.
From having just one cat of our own at the start,
we soon had 3 living with us but soon one had to part.
Poor Tommy had been our first and always on the hop,
but from the fits he was having that the vet could not stop
it soon became clear he was in danger so the time came
when we wa...
Friday 7th November 2014 11:34 pm
Two Line Horror(ible) Story
I stood there and chanted, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary!"
"I heard you the first time," said the Bar Tender.
Friday 14th March 2014 9:40 pm
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