The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Infectious laughter

Don't leave your laughter

lying around here

it is contagious and

might infect others

we wouldn't want

people enjoying themselves

and having fun

it could spread like wildfire

rampant and unchecked

run amok and carefree

it may make the world

a better place

and we wouldn't want that

would we?

Haha haha.


◄ Ghost writer

Cause and effect ►


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jennifer Malden

Thu 28th Mar 2019 18:08

Hi Jon,

Nice, and agree with Keith - very original. Hope they never produce a vaccine!


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kJ Walker

Fri 22nd Feb 2019 17:03

Thanks for sharing Jon. Laughter makes the world go round. And yes it is infectious.?

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Jon Stainsby

Thu 21st Feb 2019 07:56

Thank you all for the comments and likes. I really appreciate them.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 20th Feb 2019 21:52

Spot on!
Better to stop a while and smile
Than go to town with a frown! ?
Or - as a poet of yesteryear perceptively observed:(give or take 100% recall)
Laugh and the world laughs with you
Cry and you cry alone
For this sorry old world has troubles enough
And needs none of your own.

<Deleted User> (19913)

Wed 20th Feb 2019 21:49


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Don Matthews

Wed 20th Feb 2019 21:46

Poets wanting laughter
Come knock on Centre door
Of WOL's new Rest and Recoup place
With nymphs lying on floor

If you've expired from doom and gloom
Just keep eyes glued to screen
For future laughter coming up
In programme to be seen

As Jon points out it's all for free
Contagious as all hell
Keith's all up for ten sacks
Who wants some more as well?

MC, dk Po et al?
Come poets one and all
Half-expired or fully dead
Laughter's free for all

But Jon has truly warned us
Of dangers to our WOL
Could run amok, rampant, unchecked
(And we wouldn't want that to happen...)

Would we? ?

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Jon Stainsby

Wed 20th Feb 2019 21:06

You can, Keith. It's free to one and all. ?

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keith jeffries

Wed 20th Feb 2019 21:03

Jon, could I order ten sacks (highly contagious) for my family and mother in law. Thanks Keith Good poem ...........very original

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