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jokes (Remove filter)


People have always loved to laugh, 
All around the world from ages past. 
Our humour really varies much, 
And we shall now describe it such.

The sharpest jokes might be called wit. 
Maybe so funny that our sides may split. 
Slapstick oft comes from clumsy action, 
And is meant to receive a loud reaction.

Comedians may tell funny jokes, 
And some amusing anecdotes. 
However, practical...

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Stuart VannerHumourJokes

Blind Date

A bit of poetical flash fiction....

They will never forget

The moment they met

And all the expectations

That didn't

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love poetryjokesflash fiction


I would not say this heart is hungry
I dare not say this heart is heavy
I only know now, a surer sense of all I want
a clearer description of what will fire
the drive, the rush, the love in me

If we're not going out tonight
then can we just sit and giggle
at each other, at the TV, at the others
can she laugh with me, make fun of me
until we have tears in our eyes, can’t breathe

When ...

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SOS Abort

I liar, that’s what I am

I roll my dice from in my hand

I sit upon my throne

Forged from pain

broken promises, pretty lies

They’re all the same

traction, I’m unable to gain

I’m slowly slipping into my old ways

I was getting better

Now it’s worse

Every Name I hear, I curse

But hers’

I cannot do that

she is perfect

she is sweet

I lay my life at her feet


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not seriousjokesfundepressiontorturesoon to be deletedlovekindnesshatelies

My Man

I am looking for a man
who smokes, drinks and thinks
he is the best.
I’d like to share with him
the same interests. 


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In Soviet Russia...

Aissur Teivos ni,

even the punchline is backwards.

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In Soviet RussiaSoviet RussiaIn Soviet Russia gagIn Soviet Russia jokejokesjokejokinglaughterhumorone linerpoetrywittysillyfunny

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