entry picture

If you've ever seen an ant

go whizzing by

faster than his friends and

with goggles on his eye's,

then without a doubt,

skidding through the plants,

you've met my friend Albert,

The skate-boarding ant.


From the day he was born

he was rushing around

hither and thither,

like a spring unwound.

His mum would despair,

“Albert, please stand still.

You need your hat and scarf

or you'll catch a chill”.


Then he's off again

like a lightning flash,

a dust cloud behind him

from wheels rolling fast.

Neighbours are waving

then catching their hats

as the draught blows them off

like fluttering bats.


But one whizzing day

a wheel snapped right off

so tumbling and rolling

he landed with a cough.

As the dust settled down

he could see his ride

looking battered and bruised

and lying on its side.


“Oh dearie me,

what will I do now,

the wheel's disappeared

beneath the farmers plough.

Will I have to now walk

all slow and sad,

and what about the fun

that I won’t be able to have?”


He went to bed

with a sad little frown.

His mum said to him,

“It's time you slowed down.

You're whizzing about

missing all you could see;

the trees; the birds;

the rabbits and bees”.


So Albert slowed and walked

as he watched birds and trees

but it wasn't the same,

he was missing his speed.

His friends all asked him

to come out and play,

so he did and had fun

but his mind was away.


His old Uncle Bob

saw how sad he'd become

and said to himself,

“Something has to be done!

His birthday is close

and the perfect day

to cheer him right up;

watch him smile and play.”


On his birthday morning

Albert woke up and said,

“What is that big box

at the foot of my bed,

all wrapped up in paper

of red, blue and green?”

Well his face was surely

a sight to be seen.


He dived out of bed

and grabbed the box,

“It couldn't be underpants,

vests or socks.”

He tore off the wrapping

with a joyful squeal,

for dear Uncle Bob

had replaced his wheel.


Well Albert was up

and out and away

and from then until now,

he remembered the day

that dear Uncle Bob

gave him back his smile,

you could hear him laughing

and whizzing for miles.


Written by Darren Scanlon, 24th April 2014.

Revised 16th June 2015

©2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved.    





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