alive (Remove filter)
The return of the living dead
I looked at the pale face
that face that doesn’t exist
neither alive nor dead
but inhabits the space of one who is no more
It was a nightmare that inhabited me
and suddenly it became flesh
it started to walk, it breathed the need
Death is not an end
it’s not even a rest
It is the continuity of absence
that insists on showing itself
And I saw those bodies
they didn’t know what they we...
Sunday 26th January 2025 5:59 am
Beautiful and Cursed
It was no longer the body I saw
It was the emptiness of its lines
the silence that stretched like an endless night
a night in which beauty is lost
what is cursed
as if beauty were a lie
and the curse, perhaps, a form of love
I saw their gaze, the beautiful and the cursed
not with my eyes, but with absence
Because who feels sees through what’s unsaid
through what dissolves in the words ...
Saturday 18th January 2025 4:30 am
I'm still here.
Sitting in an uber to the office is usually a very defective time for me...I often watch the vehicles passby and today like many other days it takes me back to where I have been and how far I've come to be right here ,right in this moment. What really moves me is the unbelievable reality ...I Am still here. Not just here..but here and good . With Allah's grace I have survived situations that at it...
Thursday 7th March 2024 5:07 am
I: skeleton
Face like stone
Hard to read
I find myself taking pride
In my totem pole
Of expressions, I can hide
Masterfully deceptive
Every bit secretive
All heart without sleeves
Makes it easier to breathe
But being naked
Really stripping off
And just letting everyone watch
That is true strength
True power
Is knocking down this tower
Being bare
Just a sk...
Monday 11th September 2023 7:56 pm
Bigger than you
You should know better
Than to think you’re alone in this universe
You’ve seen breath come from nothing
Animals evolve
More complex than fathomable
Human species shapeshift and roam
With inventions inexplicable
Grass, water, and life itself
Come to be
And people like you
Who all think different
And think they’re the only ones
Don’t assume you’re not connect...
Friday 19th May 2023 2:30 pm
Part of us
Something speaks from beyond
Something writhes alive
In each of us
Something pulls and breathes
Beyond our touch
They call it instinct
But it is magically distinct
And can lead, lead, lead
To something in your core
They call it power of the brain
But it’s so much more
It cannot be explained away
It cannot be spoken out of existence
They call it the mi...
Sunday 14th May 2023 11:03 pm
What Living Is
How do you know what’s old? How do you know if it’s too old? People will ask “can it feel new again?” because it’s human nature. It’s human nature to hold on to what we love, and what made us feel loved. But in the end, when you look back on it, that feeling changes. History is a process. It’s a process of knowing where you’ve been, why you’re holding on to it, and when to let it go. I used to thi...
Friday 16th October 2020 2:55 am
that boat on the coast croons the waves
whisking a dying infant in
a baptist sea for saving,
brought faith in God to save them,
a baptist sea for saving.
I see them from sand afloat-
a buoy in the water with chance
and such a sacred body
might sinking be belief-
to then arise them another-
Wednesday 29th July 2020 6:08 pm
The time to feel alive
We drank to remember
We drank to forget
But most of all
We drank to feel alive
It was not at all a time
For lively celebration
But one for contemplation
Grinding out the days
To live through this occasion
Hiding behind our curtains
A peak at the world outside
Frightened and lonely
Wedded to the bride Isolation.
Friday 8th May 2020 10:15 am
Memory of existence
What a peaceful thought.
Tuesday 30th July 2019 1:04 am
To Be
one thing is branching into many
forks and splays without me ready
how must I ever learn to sew
my love into some kind of show
to rain upon the crowd of truth
that unlike my heart, the mouth: uncouth
there’s a simmer that will not rhyme
or ever change with passing time
but when it’s thick and hot I feel
that sticky comfort of what’s real
wriggling the atmosp...
Friday 26th July 2019 6:21 pm
Arrive Alive
Road crashes are every minute
Here and there, in every point
More than a million killed a year
And speed is death, no doubt
“Drive Safely” is only choice
ٍSafety belt, has no "price"
Come back safe for the family
We live "once", not twice
Road is not real excuse
But the behavior is a main cause
For crashes all over that world
No more anger .. no abuse
Friday 5th April 2019 9:08 pm
The choice
Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”)
Who, in the World, chooses his birth?
Who chooses his family and children?
Who chooses his fate and country?
Who chooses the time to go to heaven?
But it is possible to choose our day
To sincerely care about family and work
This will be the first right step to our future
To achieve our goals while we're alive
Your name and countr...
Monday 25th February 2019 8:11 pm
I Am Alive
My Soul is not within me ,I am within my Soul. The essence of my being ,all of my core. I Am my Soul. Battered by Life, Strong but shattered. I Am Alive..I ask myself ;how am I alive...the realization envelopes me completely and the answers sanctified, revealed. Wrapped in the Divine knowledge Soothing,. comforting like only a mothers embrace. Designed in the image of Our Creator; I Believe A moth...
Saturday 19th August 2017 9:58 am
Shroedinger's Poet
It is a curse
To have a flying soul
And a cinderblock mind
To feel the call of the sky
But to be afraid of heights
I am Schrödinger's cat
Alive and dead
At the same time
Thursday 27th April 2017 12:59 am
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