The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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john short on WOODEN ZOO
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Tom Doolan on Hiding In Plain Sight
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David RL Moore on Gift
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Hélène on Nostalgia
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Hélène on Tuning Into Love
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Mike Bartram on The Singing Star!
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Stephen Gospage on Pre-Lent Event
14 hours ago


Why are we offended by other people's truths?

Our ego shooketh to it's core

Feelings Bruised? like we'e been battered by an ore

Raw, words come spilling out like a kid in a candy store begging for more!

Why does their truth feel like someone telling us to imitate a dog standing on all fours...panting and all!

Or is it that we don't know who we truly are at our core

Pretending to ...

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Habit Forming

You cannot change the way a person thinks, feels, or does

If it’s been the same throughout their lives

Without any disruptions or interruptions

From those in their surroundings

It's impossible to inspire change in those who feel

Entitled, empowered, or those who are enthralled in their ego

Or the ones that don't feel enlightened

By the magnitude of an end result

You cannot ...

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A heart with a timeline of struggles 

A heart full of mostly your troubles 

A heart that once ...spoke out Shakespeare 

A heart so quick to take my dear

My heart shaped heart it dances to the sound of your music

Yours beats to the sound of your ego and looks just like a blue tick

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Egoblue ticksocialmediadisappointed

Nothing More

I think of you, chastise myself, 

And press your name away

Ignoring, stubbornly, the fact, 

You’re present every day


I don’t ask why I cannot help 

But seek your commentary

On every task, or smile of mine- 

A wish I cannot bury


I say, embarrassed at myself, 

That this affair ends now. 

This fantasy, this made-up game, 

I cannot keep allowing



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lovethe one that got awaylost loveegorelationships endinglove and time passinglove poetryunrequited love

As Kamasi Blew

I was out walking today

Trying to clear my head

After a morning of too much study, Twitter

And coffee.

On the way to town, listening to jazz

I tried to slow down my mind

Counting flat, fallen autumn leaves

Making words from number plates

Avoiding kids on their bikes.

I came out of Boots with

My blue sweets for the weekend

And stopped for a double espresso.


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lifepenny dropego

Shade Darkening To Shadow

Life in the shade was good

Your fame left me aglow

Finding you loved another

Dealt my ego a heavy blow


I thought love was exclusive

Deceit turned me to a saddo

No more your sole princess

Shade darkening to shadow


Now shade enfolds my rival

She enjoys your reputation

Seeking not the limelight

Knowing what is her station


Maybe I wanted too much


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Losing to Win

I lost you the moment I won you,
Coz you are not ME,
You belong to yourself,
You think like yourself,
You speak like yourself,
You sing like yourself,
You dance like yourself,
You laugh like yourself,
You cry like yourself,
You live for yourself…
You are not mine…
For me, it’s fine…
Coz I love to stay with you,
Battle of opinions, I love to play with you…
Why twinning every time?

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Unmasking the Ego

On the outside...

    Do not question anything I say or do.
        Above all do not argue.

    Keep all opinions, suggestions, ideas to yourself. 
        They mean nothing to me.
            I know everything. 

    The more you retreat 
        and remain silent,
            the stronger I feel. 

    Acknowledge me.
        Respect me.
            Worship me. 

On the inside...

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egolovenarcissismrelationshipsself esteem


The dawn is breaking,
no sense you're making
leaving me, although
better off I will be.
No one will ever 
satisfy you, until
your heart bleeds through
the tough exterior 
that makes everyone inferior
to the image you see 
in the mirror. 

# # #

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Rose Colored Reality

Too much reality 
can burn a hole
through your soul.

I prefer to temper it
with rose colored glasses,
as you know.

With my glasses on
I can see past the ego
to the wounds at
war within.

I can see that the
past, present, and
future are all 
an illusion...

created for one purpose

to tell the story
of how we want to 
show up in this world. 

I can see beyond 

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despairdestinydivisionegofatefuturelifelovepastpresentpurposerealityresistancerose colored glassesrosessoulstorystorytelling

Poetico Ego Some

Wanted to write about the creative urge and how it relates to ego.  A bit philosophical, so Descartes' famous phrase I think therefore I am, Cogito Ergo Sum, came to mind for a title.... Not really polished yet, but see what you think...

Poetico Ego Some


I write therefore I am

What I want to be,

I read because I can

Have others listen to me.

I think I’ve found a rhyme,


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poetryegopoetry reading

Love MySelf

What do have to offer. yourself

internal wisdom beneath the facia of my concious

the untenable barrier that holds the flesh together, but connot be devoured only boiled down

and essence consumed


waste not use it for what it is

extract its power

use the sinew to construct a rope

strength beyond

only useful in parity with what is beneath what is beneath useless witho...

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recoverygodegoself worthidentity


My something is nothing, as something is nothing when measured against the grand scheme of things,
A massive reward, the highest achievement, no more something than a spec in the wind

A name to a prize, a face to a name, a name prize and face that were nothing the same, these nothings are nothing, but something to something, and therefore the nothing has value again

My nothing is something,...

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Egoreal lifeworth

Selfie Culture is Just Culture You Stupid Fucking Baby Boomer.




Finds itself


Position of outward facades, and inward necessities​​​​​

Construction having 








from self portraits


meeting at selfies

​​Humble is ideal​​​​

Self Pride is ideal

They both need be

B a l a n...

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beautyConnor Lannesegointernetloveself congratulationselfie

The Jagged Edge of Love

This must be my longest night
the moon laying its heavy light right down
this room swims in so much gossiping
conversations; always imagined and impossible

This must be my longest night
the blurred echoes of all we did ring ‘round
there’s no sleep to be had, just counting stars
and scenes replaying; rose or shit tinted now

I found the jagged edge of love
it cut right across my heaving...

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Our Valued Lawn

You only really win, having lost.

On the front lawn, all is identical until you notice it.

Every other blade you see its 50 shades greener than your own.

Those shades depend on light. Those blades gleam off light refracted.

Who has the light?

Every day you look, you stare, you glare

with a drink, with a book, with a chair, with a care.

Your care, carelessly, mi...

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american dreamegocontrolintentionstechnologyfinancial crisisneighborslonelinessmortgageself-reflectionintrusionconflictlawnlightbladegrasswinlostmisplaced time

Hide Jekyll, Hyde!


Part demon, part angel,
your gaze draws me nigh.
Part animal, part divine;
the celestial hosts sigh.

Doubts leak like a broken tap,
assurances cloud the sky.
Drip and drop to fill the gap;
your balmy words can't dry.

An easel for pigments to trap;
row by row hung from a vine.
Libation pressed flesh and sap;
A bloodied cudgel rests supine.


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