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Whispers of Thornfield

On a rainy, silent night in Thornfield
the deserted streets, houses shrouded in fog
a town where time seemed to stand still
each shadow dancing beneath the flickering light
of the old train station
a relic of red bricks and worn wood

Clara Byrne waited
a young reporter, heart pulsating with mysteries
rumors swirling around her like the rain
about a train that departed at 11:59 PM

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I Accept My Reality

I accept

All the things around me

The harsh warmth of an Indian afternoon,

The confused colors of the evening,

Sheer darkness of night regardless of moon,

And everything between the end and beginning.

I have been trying to change my life,

But all I could change was my perspective.

I can’t seem to change the story, Though I attempt to shift the narrative.

I’ll fulfill m...

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Poetrypositivityhopefulhealingself lovepatiencecaresimple

Simple Ways

I woke one day as I recall,

years back in time but not in mind.

The reason I know not at all,

but felt I there and humbled knew,

for peace distilled as morning dew -

life is a gift indeed.


Then from that morn

the years have passed,

whilst way to way filled up the day

and brought me where I stand at last -

worn thin of wear and weak of will.

Yet in my mind the...

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simplesimplicitysimple life


It is hard having faith

When you feel so much pain

It is hard to obey when you feel so betrayed

It is hard to smile and put on your pretty face

When your whole world has seems to have crumbled

But then that voice comes back to you and says , "Look how far you've come, look how strong you are!"

The voice tells you everything is going to be just fine

You breathe, close your eyes...

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betrayedfaithgodhard worked loveheartbreakhopesimplestrength


Many days I was in darkness
Many days I cried for help
Seeing no beauty in this world
I forgot what it felt like to smile and not feel pain
A simple act of kindness
Will you come here and slide with me?
A simple question
A simple task
Sliding down the slide made me smile
And feel the love of God

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darkness to lightsmilelovekidssimplekindnessgod

We Had a Big Argument Because of Continuing Problems Related to My Mental Illness and I Did Not Have Time to Take a Shower, I Love You and I am Sorry

I am itchy

My scalp is itchy

I cannot stand how itchy it is

I smell

My whole body smells

I cannot stand how smelly it is

I feel slimy

My feet and groin feel slimy

I cannot stand how slimy I feel


It is my fault

The whole situation is my fault

I cannot stand how this is my entire fault

I made you upset

I continue to make you upset

I cannot stand how I f...

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Mid January


No one else can judge me

Only God who reads hearts

People have abused me

When I reach fake of the facts


If you believe you're the master

And you can judge and lead

Surely you lose the only factor

That keeps you faithful indeed


Leave me alone fair and simple

I have to forget tens of lies

You should break your false temple

Wake up please .. open your e...

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April First


No more fools again on April 
It was last lies to believe 
Complicated!!, Why not simple? 
Take it easy, or should leave 


If someone forces to trust 
That one puts others in doubting 
When the truth appear very fast 
That one is afraid or hiding 


We should only pray to God 
God will keep hearts more faithful 
When the purity clean the blood 
Surely life will be more...

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Against Wind


Make it easy. Do it simple.

Just pray for God, to bless.

Love colleagues, & friends.
Surely, you gain a higher success,

Do it now, don't delay it.

Do it again, day by day.

Get that job, reach the top.

Not impossible, just try.

Do advise, every friend.

Shiny future, comes at end.

Do your best. Now, get rid.

Of any weakness, at any wind.

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Simply Says


Simple Girl, frankly, says: 
“Life is simple without lies”. 
Lies are always complicated, 
And TRUTH, surely, will rise. 


Simple Girl's heart is warm, 
And brain is normally calm. 
Thinks for her shiny future, 
Happily, without windy storm. 


Simple Girl believes in God. 
Says always a faithful word, 
And purely behaves in life, 
As human does always good. 

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A Recipe for Happiness

Find the darkness in your days,

and kill it in the silent nights,

then let others notice and say,

your shine has gone up to what heights.


Yet don't be done with what you have,

just spread your wings and jump to fly,

there's much you have done yesterday,

there's more you have to do tonight.


When you watch the tables turn,

and god takes test at every turn,


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Simple acts of disgrace

Life can be so simple,

just follow this rule.

don’t fall in love 

Without expecting to drool.

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Simple acts of disgracesimplediehelpcan you read me?

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