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tunnel (Remove filter)

Hayloft Memories

I remember playing in a hayloft 
with older boys, daring to jump like they did.  
I tunneled alone through hay and darkness, 
to find light at the other end. 

As my memory goes back to those carefree times, 
I wonder if I tried to impress older boys 
as if they were my father.
Was I trying to outdo my brothers?
Was there a sexual element 
in body sensations in free fall in hay?  
Was b...

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The light at the end of the never-ending tunnel.    

The worlds way of fueling us with counterfeit hope. 

The missing pieces of the saddest ever puzzle.      

The forgotten punchline of a humorless joke.        

The untied shoelace that causes a slip and stumble. 

The handful of cheap whiskey and the line of coke.  

The meaningful words hidden deep inside a mumble. ...

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Tumbling end over end down the black nothingness of the tunnel, spinning down breaking my bones, bruising my flesh in a violence of movement.

Now, numb with pain I pass out as all my blood drains from my veins to be replaced by ice-cold fear. I’ve never been so afraid, all I want is peace, to rest, to sleep, to die.

My life is taken up by this tunnel, never ending...

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