The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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vertebrae (10/15/2023)

when time pines, 
it happens in a vacuum.

blue-lipped and ecstatic
coloring the automatic 
raptures ruptured 
and the bubbles burst
counting down 'forgive me nots' 
and pick-up petals buy the hearse 


and day dreams
teethmarks in the shape of you
pulling blind bridles
we'd ride thru
tl so much nothing 
stretched before us
a skating rink of fate

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prisonorgasmtouchdont touchhelpdont helplook at mesee mehold mebut dont touch me

Turn The Bugger Off

I had been in the process of writing and recording this, prior to posting it in advance of the 15:00 hrs Orwellian PANIC NOW! Message.

However, when it came to choosing between this, and an impromptu visit by a 3 and a half year old who wants to go for a walk with Granddad, guess who won!

Turn The Bugger Off!


Masked zombies fearful, walk the line,

Believers, they still serve their...

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Saint GeorgezombiesmasksprisonRomans

Set Them Free

How The 'Few,' Rule The Multitudes


     'We,' are niether Darwinian, or Adam & Eve. We are, an Alien Hybrid. Our Architects, our engineers, our rulers, are few, and we, are the many. So how, do they keep control. What follows, is how 'we' ourselves, have been conditioned, and orchestrated, and manipulated, to uphold the whip for them. It is a whip they no longer need to weild as what is la...

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Banged Up


"My how you've grown"

Said the kindly old dear.

"Last time I held you

you burped in my ear.


The truth of the matter

I just have to say

it's been twenty long years

since they put me away.


It's a long stretch of time

which I passed saving stamps

but that's what they gave me

for killing your Gramps.


I know you're an orphan

'cause I poisoned y...

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CrimeEvilMurderOrphanPoisonPrisonBlack Humour

The Prison

Unwanted emotions tumble and groan crashing through my mind unwelcome

As I sit forlorn, an empty shell of my previous beautiful  self

What was once a blessing is now a curse

Something that hurts with an unreversible pain

As I'm fading, giving in to the dark night

A voice, soft and steady breaks the silence

A flutter flows through my stomach and my heart beats almost to the point ...

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prisonravenhaterazorself harm

Naked Souls

Poetry is a 
refuge for 
a lonely life

the antidote
for pain 
and strife

warm words 
a frigid night

tonic for thirsty sailors 
drowning in an ocean 
from which we cannot drink

To our deserted island we go 

while the world 
casts us loners, 
introverts, quiet
weird, crazy...

Let them judge 
as they wine and dine 
in crowded rooms 
on cell patrol

while w...

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poetrytruthoutcastslonelylifeintrovertcell phonesprisonsoulmusewriterwriting

My mind is my prison, but I hold the key

My mind is my prison

when it should be my home

where I sit in front

of an open fire and

keep myself snug and warm.


Instead my prison guards

are my thoughts and

situations my bars,

together they keep me

in solitary confinement,

but I am always keeping

a close watch on my sentries

as they make their regular patrol

and I begin to see a pattern

to their s...

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Who are the real Monsters?

Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without the guards being too rough
And forever being cuffed
Prisoners  are abused and raped
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without being forced to confess
To somebody else's mess
Being stripped and undressed
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By bein...

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abuseabuse behind barsabuse by guardsafraidalreasy paying their debtscaptivecrimecriminalcriminals are still humanscrkminals still have rightsdont lose your humanityextortionImprisonmentjaillocked upno escapenot everyone behind bars is guiltypaidpainprisonprisonsrapeset ups happen


I'm sitting here, trapped, frozen in time

Head imploding, finally losing my mind

Nowhere to run, bound and confined

To the prison within, my unconscious mind.

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numbnumbnessmental illnessmental healthDepressionlimbospacedspaced outpoetry and mental healthprisonconfinedboundtrappedlosing my mind

Ich Du

“Ich du, Ich du!”

Those words meant nothing to you.

Nought but bindings

Tethering me to you.


Your loving face turned hard,

Your gaze hurting me like barbs.

“Ich du, Ich du!”

The words that bind me to you.


Your  ghastly glare

Evoking within me so much fear.

“I truly do love you dear,”

Barely but a long-lost whisper in my ears.


Your gentle touch tur...

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darkdark journeydark storystorygothictrappedresentmentcontrolcontrolling relationshiprelationshiplovehatefeelingsprisonstand up


Five years and nine months

Can you tell what it is yet?

It's not long enough


So whilst on 'A' Wing

Bend down to pick up your soap

Whilst in the shower


No 'Two Little Boys'

Just 'Jake the Peg's middle leg

Summary justice


A didgery-doo

Try your Kangaroo court sport

It's coming to you


Then why no remorse?

Banged up at portrait's pleasure


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bullyingcell blockchild abusecourtshaikujusticeporridgeprisonsongs

Citizen's Lament



Oh to be in prison now that April’s here.

The council tax is rising

And they’ve upped the price of beer!

The kids want pocket money

The wife wants – well, don’t ask!

When all I want’s a simple fag

And ale straight from the cask.


Oh to be in prison now that April’s gone.

There’s nowt good on the telly

And they’ve built a bigger...

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