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Turn The Bugger Off

I had been in the process of writing and recording this, prior to posting it in advance of the 15:00 hrs Orwellian PANIC NOW! Message.

However, when it came to choosing between this, and an impromptu visit by a 3 and a half year old who wants to go for a walk with Granddad, guess who won!

Turn The Bugger Off!


Masked zombies fearful, walk the line,

Believers, they still serve their time,

Those sheep will never safely graze,

Their prison bars are now in place,

They walk the streets with nose to screen,

Total compliance their masters’ dream.


Three post meridian’s my own time,

This amber nectar’s so sublime,

My phone’s turned off, I’ll not comply,

Saint George would say “give fear the lie”,

Doom-scrolling idiots, live your lives!

Get down the pub, husbands and wives,


Friends, countrymen, yes, even Romans,

Disregard false signs and omens!

Go for a walk midst flowers a bloomin’,

Go off a roamin’ in the gloamin’,

Wi’ lad or lassie by your side,

Smiles on your faces, all glad-eyed.


Whatever you do, do not comply!

Be an awkward git, and always ask “why?”



Saint GeorgezombiesmasksprisonRomans

◄ Make Great Britain Grate !

Double Limerick - Soggy Moggy ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 25th Apr 2023 10:53

Thanks all for your comments and likes.

I'm glad I turned the bugger off.
They'll 've made a few millions out of that,
Toffs in suits, and snouts in troughs,
No doubt close friends of folk like Sunak.

The sun came out, we buggered off!
Ice creams all round, we smiled and laughed,
Our medecine's there in nature's kingdom,
With our little Cherry Blossom.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 25th Apr 2023 07:09

No harm in being an awkward git, Uilleam. Nice one.

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Michael Morales

Tue 25th Apr 2023 02:14

“Be an awkward git and always ask why” story of my life thanks uilleam for this well versed masterpiece

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 24th Apr 2023 10:37

Thanks Keith.
I'm now going to follow my own advice, I'm off for a walk before the rain comes-again!

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keith jeffries

Mon 24th Apr 2023 10:27

I am with you all the way on this one. Every word of this poem was music to my ears. I only turn the bugger on, if and only if, I have to use the bloody thing.
Thank you indeed for this,

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