The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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They reach me,


I give them my all,

Yet after that,

They leave me Alone.

They will come back,

Once again, for sure,

With a different face,

A different name,

A new personality,

All along,

And once again,

I will give them my all,

Will they, this time

Stay by my side?

I don't know,

But that's how Trust works,

That's how Life works.


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Our energies intertwined 

patiently waiting for that moment of ascension

When our two souls merge into one 

An attraction that’s beyond the physical 

Your very essence entices me 

The goodness within you knows no bounds

Your heart drips liquid gold

Encased in a rich chocolate package 

Only time will tell if the symmetry of your heart matches mine perfectly!

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A Letter To Mr Larkin

An April Sunday brings the snow,
delicately bouncing against the panes of high windows as I watch the dedicated stride towards the Brynmor Jones, strangers to me as I am to you but although we have not met, I feel I know you.

A jam stained solid oak table adorned with scraps of paper, jottings only I could understand reminding me of the perilous homework
often not completed from my school day...

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dedicationPhillip Larkinpoetryprose

Falkirk 1943

Just a book in a charity shop it was

"The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations"

(Third impression, revised, 1943),

Except for a dedication:

"Presented to Miss H C Barr as a mark

Of esteem from her Falkirk colleagues

On the occasion of her transfer to Glasgow 13"

There was a formal stamp in purple:

"H M Inspector of Taxes, 4th December 1943,

Mission Lane, Falkirk, Scotland"


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falkirk 1943charity shopdedicationBurnswar

the strength of a begining and a end

give me the strength to make it threw this day 

                               i promise tommorow will be different i wont let my pride in the way 

today has been a battle of the mind and of the witt 

                              for my foe is the most deadly of apponent i must addmit 

you see this foe stands as my ego and it dont like to loose 

                            but if a...

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1983 died january 28for my brother jeffery david dyck born march 30lovelossdedicationtemptationtrust2017

Im loyal

I'm dedicated. Not addicted. I'm in control. It's my desicion. I say what And I say where. And if you ask jus rig;;

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Write or Wrong

I write, but I may be wrong

So I cross things out as I go along

Sometimes I will uncross too

Go back, revisit, start anew.

I write, but I may not know

The proper style or way to go

To free the feelings that I feel

And portray them true, with zest and zeal.

I write, but sometimes I ask

What is the purpose of this task?

Does any body realy care

To see and hear what I...

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Bring Back the Pin Up

I was a sexual woman

I was…

Until my consent and its importance,

I was robbed of.

This is the year where-

I rediscover her

In my coven

Friend to friend

My witchy woman tell me how to be-

A proud feminine,

Love bug again

I know, I know!

I will observe you in your glory

Take notes, mimic my old self and copy-

My memory

When i was classy, polite and dressy...

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Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Garden Inn

I looked into those eyes

I felt home,


When your voice leaves your lips,

I wanted to hush them with a-


Invite you to my hotel to write

Gaze at your profile and that perfect jawline,

Trace your hands with a gentle touch,

Confess my love.

But, I pretend I am just a fan.

I await your arrival

Year after year,

Like a loyal dog.


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reflection reminscing

My emotions pouring out

My head lost in the clouds

But my body seemed to drown

I look at whats around

Your nowhere to be found

Whos problem is it now

Somehow I feel proud

I got sober

When we were over

And yet you still use

I feel like I was used

When the money ran out

Cheating came from the muse

Yet I stayed amused

I ignored the clues

My emotions are my...

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She waits for twelve more minutes,
Raindrops touching the glass windows.
She sits on a bench watching,
People wait for their chosen flights.

Beyond the glass pane she looks,
How the wind collides with the rain,
How he comes without a note,
Walking slowly towards her soul.

The rain continues to pour,
How every wish hopes to come true,
"Where do I go now?" she asks,
While he welcomes ...

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Confessions Of The Broken Hearted

Took you deep inside my tangled body where no ones ever been,

Let you run away when times got thin, and escape when I needed you

Late at night I throw up all the lies you feed me in the day and lay in a puddle of my own stupidity.

Its never been easy, its always been hard, to love you

I love you unconditionally, even when your words show no emotion, and your actions no care, I love you...

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Almost M. J. Lemon

Oh rise MJ
So they can say
Bukowski's looking down from heaven
Giving the nod to pen of Lemon

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Burning Fire

The candle will always stay lit

From where my love is everlasting

The fire gets hotter as my chills grow smaller

From where life continues I'm ready to go harder

For what I want and live for and love

Because I love you and nothing can change that

The love that is greater to where the everlasting love will be infinite

The joy and smiles you bring to my face

Brights up a whol...

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Now She Knows

This desire we've searched to reach, The feeling of euphoria isn't matched by another Even these words don't seem worthy of its worth With you in my earth, everything seems plausible, Like the globe is finally in my hand instead of resting upon my shoulders, Each day gets better with no intention of letting her go My calling to construct this picture unpainted like before, Just so she can ...

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