The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Fragments of a Time That Dissolves

The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.

The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.

There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.

Nothing is whole,

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Kerala Visit



kerala is peaceful and beautiful 
in all cases and places 
Keralite people are so cheerful 
I can read "welcome" on faces 


The Green Carpet of all guests 
and pure nature to enjoy 
generous people happily smiling 
at any time of any day 


Life in Kerala based on love 
and clear hearts for caring 
I love Kerala more than enough 
I'll come back sure for sharing 

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Is it a Curse .. or God's Grace 
To live alone heart and place 
Suffering what I always face 
Hopeless to be myself again 

Are these changes good for me 
To be lonely always or not to be 
To live away of what I see 
I lost my hope and brain 

Sadly to wake up and sleep 
Painful to feel yourself cheap 
Living alone hurts in deep 
I wish to know why, but i...

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Beyond this place

To find a peace beyond

sentience and experience

to find that inner tranquility

floating in a calm sea of stillness

resting on an ocean of order

where there is no space

or physical place

just a quiet solitude

full of soulful grace.

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I will be your moon

Let me move to a new place,
Where none knows my name,
And I know they will  start judging,
As Everyone is just the same.
But till then ,
Let me find a new love, 
New memories to let go my pain,
You can take my hand,
And please ask me to dance in the rain.
I know our love would break,
Just like all other affairs I had,
Some would say I had no brains, 
And I am the reason you are sad,

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This life, this people, this city.

All living in a certain geographical area – here, this city.

Dying eventually, one day which only God knows.

Today under a tram or of old age.

This city with many names, is it like your city?

I know you were a cold war target, so were we.

People make love, fight, laugh, cry

in your city just like in my city.

You have been...

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A Visit To Graveyard

On Thursday evening
I pray near a Grave in Kashmir
Incense sticks
And candles
Lit in bundles
Aroma makes me feel
As I kneel

This is land of my forefathers
Where they rest
I too look for a place nearest
I belong to these graves
Here my soul craves
To sleep till eternity
In the Eden of divinity
What else I should ask
That has more dignity

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graveyardzadibalkashmirmirza sharafatforefatherslandaromaedendivinerestplacediginity

Gotta Be

zoom zoom zoom look who stepped in the room I'm okay look at that wherever we roam at it's gotta be don't you want that highly gotta notice my question used  as mad discretion true words I spit get hectic don't you know it's me respect it today I got the gun and me it is me on the run every question I ask I believe that so what that is where I am at believe in you that's,the math too I love it you...

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Placeplaya skills definitedefinition

On paths

On paths we cross,
threads connecting
in place 


Our alignments tangle
in a web
of time 


Flashes trapped
as water drops 
on glass


When day closes,
our vapour trails
I trace


Those moments in place,
roll like ripples 
on a lake


Those places in time,
held like snow globes 
in my mind

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abstractplacetimetime traveltravel

Answer to a Prayer

I was kind of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.

Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.

The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.

So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me ...

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time is a place


Time is the space between the small places, the moments we call now and here is the place and time of our memory as one together.

I would like to take a falling autumn leaf and press it in the pages of my life, a memory of what was and can never again be, a time that ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, like the dappled sunlit water rippling gently at the edge of the great ...

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