The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Life in Smallville

The wind blows through the palm trees
like someone passing by without a sound,
but leaves the trace of its presence
in the song of the birds.

The sun is already low,
and the earth, warm, breathes slowly.
Each step is a reminder
that time is a road that doesn't turn back.

Life is made of small gestures:
the worker’s embrace,
the child's smile,
the gaze of the woman who makes a home a...

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Walk the wight

Walk the wight

With all your might

through sights similar to Honiton

which isn't too unlike Hobbiton


Names and faces are carried through an aching 33 miles

With care and thought all the while

Here we reflect and remember

the lost souls of our dark Decembers


We start off four in our fellowship

With hopes of seeing off our hardship

To cross a finish line is ou...

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Walk the wightwalkFeetpainlord often ringshobbit

Desire Path

In the lush green lies an opportunity

The chance to explore just for me

But is it new or old?

Main thing is, this grass cannot be sold


There's uncertainty in its belonging

A nervousness in its colouring

How long will this chance last?

Will it lead forward or into the past


To Travel it does not require desire

But courage and bravery are not for hire

It is hop...

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pathpath of lifewriting walkwalk


Light breeze,

Flowing through your hair,

Like swift waves of silent sea.

As we hear,

Gentle rustling of leaves,

Their sound, A music indeed,

With the moon's light,

Shimmering through the sky,

Lightning our path,

Your dark eyes,


Like an ocean, filled with stars.

Hear me, my dear,

I know it is hard,

But, I want you,

To forget all your worries,


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happy night outnightnyctophilesilencecoldlovecutetimesmilewalkhappy

A Stroll Around Kirkby Lonsdale

A stroll around Kirkby Lonsdale with me

Take-away a bacon butty and a cup of tea

Start at Devils Bridge among the motorbikes

This is where we will begin our short hike


The pathway along the River Lune is our walk

Ending up the Radical Steps, breathless, unable to talk

A view made famous by Ruskin and Turner long ago

Across to Underley Hall and the Lune Valley below



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historykirkby lonsdaletownvisitorswalk

How could I forget


Oh my God
I can't forget
The way  you
Owned the road
In many a boy's heart
Leasing a foothold.

The way you  used
To sashay
Calls for an assay
To prove
You're composed of
Pure gold
To outsmart many
A girl 100 fold.

I bet
Your liquification
It is unmatched
To date.


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Morning calm

A world of desperation. 

The face and the faceless. 

Indescribable yet on the tip of my tongue.

Impecability holds the key to power.

I stare out over the city on my park bench throne.

The morning hours calm my mind. 

Crows speak in their own tongue. 

I reflect on a night of dreaming. 

The number is 4. 

Time to let go of what I can no longer carry. 

My saving grace is ...

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You're Welcome


You're Welcome


Lovely smiles at early morning, 
Poetic voice says: “Hello” 
Shiny eyes yearning look.
 Asking happily “How are you?” 


When did we met and where! 
Few years ago, may be more 
It was crowded party there 
When she shines out of the door 


We had a table, but no talk 
Merrily smile, she looks shy 
Asked timidly can we walk? 
I shook hands, then walk...

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God's Question



Does a lie has feet or walk 
Only liars have more than two 
Don't listen to a lie as a joke 
Then will help lies to grow 


God will ask; why do you lie? 
So get ready for God's punishment. 
Me, you, them, surely will die 
Should keep ready for last statement 


Get back soon to the early pureness 
And stop cheating creatures
Just in case you look for happiness 
Be f...

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askbackbenazouzcasecreaturedieearlyfaithfulfeetfutureGodhappinesshelp growjokekeeplastliarslielistenlooknowpoempoetrypunishmentpurenessreadysheetingsoonstatementstopsurelytwowalkwhy

Into the Woods

We were lame and we were young,

Walking in the woods,

While singing our song,

Never in my dreams, felt anything wrong,

Thought you were always coming along,

Do not remember where exactly I lost you,

My eyes searched for you in heavy fog,

I continued my journey amidst the rocks,

Shivered through-out the night,

Darkness was blocking my sight,

Always thought that you wer...

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woodsalonedestinyFatejourneyknight in shining armorlovenumbShiningsunwalkwomanmansong

Lon dark way

A long dark way and the loneliness deep
Some memories some wists along i keep
silence complete the wind one  can hear 
Hissing of moving leaves everywhere
A shady path  align with trees
A sight from all cares it frees
Some dry leaves  wistfully laid
Some still on trees all greenfly clad
A musk of dry dust in air 
The drowning sun with few last stares
rising some smoke from chimneys  far ...

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Soltitudepersonal paradisewalknaturelife journey


The big oaks at the corner
stretch their leaves to gather the evening sun.
A breeze lifts and turns them,
dark, bright, bright, dark.
A green glitter effect
that entrances me
starting the long stretching walk along the lane.

As I walk, the sun lights overhead leaves,
creates broderie anglais shadows
where cars slowly trail only feet apart.
Above a lacy sheet of alto cumulus spreads

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Writer's Reverie

Borne of summer strolls untold

Into evenings where countless stories unfold

The road ahead was void of cars

And I alone played an orchestra to the stars


They shined their blessings from celestial seats

Meanwhile, I looked beyond perennial streets

Pondering clues for my desired path

For answers to a writer’s insatiable wrath


A scent, a sight, a cricket in the still...

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Sound Travels

I leave by front door.  Climb up, north,

beyond cardboard houses lining the route

away from the roaring city.

But, no lie, sound travels; on bridges of air,

rivers of dust, canyons delved by word and cry.

The swarming bustle echoes down centuries;

building, toil, murder, love, revolution, dying birdsong;

hate, war; the engines of humanity, channelled, set.


I walk away,...

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New Polemic2015soundwalkcity

Damp 1

Damp 1

Out walking to where three valleys meet, past Dovestones, on a drizzly day. Low clouds hugging the hilltops, a grey shroud. Dampness on my skin, I become part of the day. Slowly soaked to the skin, walking with my friend. Earthy smell of wet grass assaulting my senses. Misty weather, a favourite of mine. Time taken away from me, nature’s world grey and grand. My eyes a camera, capturing ...

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outdoorsdovestoneswalkrainbad weather





Out walking to where three valleys meet,                                                                                                                                                                                                           past Dovestones, on a drizzly day.                                                                                           ...

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I’ve been on an eight mile hike with my mate, getting out of town.                                                               

Up roads, to the Waterworks to give a witch my Amelia Earhart spell.                                                                                    

Venturing through farmer’s fields, over dry stone walls and under barbed wire fences.      ...

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