embedded image from entry 140297 The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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cute (Remove filter)


Light breeze,

Flowing through your hair,

Like swift waves of silent sea.

As we hear,

Gentle rustling of leaves,

Their sound, A music indeed,

With the moon's light,

Shimmering through the sky,

Lightning our path,

Your dark eyes,


Like an ocean, filled with stars.

Hear me, my dear,

I know it is hard,

But, I want you,

To forget all your worries,


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happy night outnightnyctophilesilencecoldlovecutetimesmilewalkhappy


in a wheelchair now, she's

a shadow of her history,

crippled us with lust in

the pomp of her mystery


to out-patients in my taxi,

whispers: "is it you Fred?"

of times when I loved her

immortal, not half-dead


dropped me for a broker

always cute and naughty,

oozed sex, a Lana Turner

mercenary and haughty


begs me to take her to bed,

purely for old ...

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cuteimmortalLana Turnerlustnappiesnaughtypomppoo


Buying each other pointless things

chocolates flowers diamond rings

In the hope to share our love

But still it feels it's not enough

We could just forget it 

and we wouldn't regret it 

But those feelings i have make me want to share

love you show you how much i care

It's strange how without you i feel so alone

makes me weep cry and moan

I'm to emotional and sensitive


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cuteheartlovelovelysweetvalentinevalentines day

Tanya & Tiny

Tiny is noise and loud

but cowers when in a crowd

tanay is quiet and loyal

hygenic and clean like a royal

both are crazy and fun 

they love to go for a run

tanya likes to explore

tiny lets out a roar

she will always find her 

she's always right behind her

and then they both lie on the floor

Tiny will chase all the balls

and bark when the buzzer calls

she will...

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Cute and fluffy sweet little face

runs away when you start to chase

love to nibble on his kibble

runs around so much fun 

wants you to give him ferret one

eats his eggs of a dish

enjoys a piece of fish

have to get up what's my rush?

Alexander's knocked over the toilet brush

comes in the kitchen when you cook

play with him and he'll dook dook dook

after playing for ...

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the woods where i can blast my music              

and problems away.Where no one can              

destroy  me from being me.Where i can             

have parties and not get in trouble.Where           

i can take a walk and never get lost.Where           

i can feel the fresh air and hear the silence

thats never there.The woods where i can

stay up and n...

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Have you ever heard the tale
about the hedgehog with no spikes,
such a sweet little boy
who all the other’s didn’t like?

A case of alopecia,
there was nothing they could do,
such a sad little hedgehog
who cried and cried, “Boo-Hoo”.

But soon the lad grew older,
he wanted to look more lush
so onto his back he tied himself
a little scrubbing brush.

His friends, well they just laugh...

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children's poetryfunny poemCUTEANIMALSHEDGEHOG


"You'll be safe, I promise", reassured his mum.

“But its not you who’ll end up sat on your bum!”

A conversation they’d had most every week

but it didn’t make his knees feel any less weak.


“Now come along, Harry, stop messing about,

go finish your homework whilst I clean up this house.

The show doesn’t start till the end of the week

and all this chatter is making me Squeak...

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