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Goole is where I’m off this week 

I’ve heard the fishing museums Unique  

I walk and stare at the ground  

Reminding me it’s a historic port town 

its special relationship  with Gibraltar Rock

Is the same as I have with my dirty…  sock


So... I’m on my way to Goole 

Under my arm is my best cagoule  

My Happiness  level never does drop 

But one things for sure the rai...

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A Stroll Around Kirkby Lonsdale

A stroll around Kirkby Lonsdale with me

Take-away a bacon butty and a cup of tea

Start at Devils Bridge among the motorbikes

This is where we will begin our short hike


The pathway along the River Lune is our walk

Ending up the Radical Steps, breathless, unable to talk

A view made famous by Ruskin and Turner long ago

Across to Underley Hall and the Lune Valley below



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historykirkby lonsdaletownvisitorswalk

China Town

love made in hollywood might badly fall apart

dance around the fairy lamps down in china town

begging god for mercy but she's busy just right now...


just like when i need you tonight
beauty from the east will cool down all the lit up hearts
burn inside the church despite you suffered all your life
searching for the peace deep in caves but not your mind

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Old Hammer Divine

My anxiety is like an ambush predator.

WHAM! I’m fucked...

...fight back!


It’s fucked.


Would you manage a year in my head?

Would you?

Could you?

Should you?


I think you should...


...if you’re man enough then inbox me.

Into my head you shall go...


A mirror image of my town.

Shame it’s not Be...

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A town like mine is crap by definition, being full of a certain type of people adding to the crapness.                                                                                                                                                       

What do you think of Oldham?                                                                                           ...

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