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raypool on THE WAITING
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keith jeffries on Did I?
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M.C. Newberry on Did I?
8 hours ago

Nigel Astell on Clues of Curiosity
11 hours ago

Nigel Astell on Inside Us
11 hours ago

Tim Higbee on Wisdom’s Age
12 hours ago

Tim Higbee on For the Laughter
12 hours ago

Mike Bartram on The Gifted Songwriter
13 hours ago

Tim Higbee on Half-Alive Portrait
15 hours ago

David RL Moore on Red Heifers
16 hours ago


Without you I cannot imagine myself;

I lived an unreal past

that was part of the soul

I thought loved me


I sailed on the river of your lies,

of everything that you said you felt


I made up a mirage of tender caresses

where you were the delight of all my senses


Among thorns of silence I landed;

tears blinded me and without pause

and swiftly my way became ...

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Also by Noris Roberts:

God has come to love me this morning |

sad poem


Orginally posted on







Aloofed characters we'll see

Lost in the translation to hopeless dreams

Observations of selfish greed

Never to be complete

Ending life on "E".






Longing to find "a" single character to stitch to incomplete seams


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What goes around

I wonder,

how surprised would you be

to find out

that I actually delight

at the deviousness

in your false words to me


the misconception

of your perception

that I am thought of

as a fool

poorly schooled

in the art of manipulation.


Since unbeknown to you

I am in reality

the unloved victor

whose lips can also deceive

in the same fashion.


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I do; my dad.
There's no doubt that I'm his lad.
His left knee and mine are weak.
Phone us up and let us speak
to hear how similar we are;
my brush bristles with his tar.
My sweat smells the same as his;
a tang of graft and fear that is
both helical and hand-me-down,
but I'm not fit to wear the crown:
he took stock at twenty-three,
I'm fifty; no one walks like me.

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Pringles' Bladder

Pringles' Bladder
You know what it's like 
Enjoying a beer
The company of mates
Cracking atmosphere
It's a great first pint
You knock it back
And get another in
Whilst enjoying the craic
The drinks just flow
As the night goes on
Round after round
Has been and gone
But your bladder is filling
With the fifth drink
But a trip to the toi...

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Also by Chris Briggs:

Pissed 'n' Broke | A Bit More Choke And The Car Would Have Started |


The Moon I've Felt (02/27/2015)

called from the depths of a rock named home
brought, knee height to rest in rapture
what I thought was the world in my hands
a meagre, fleeting, single-framed capture

this is what it had meant to be lost in your eyes
glazed over with stupid love, white hot without reason
an oscillating sum of parts, clumsy and lost
grasping, huffing helium, heads hung in treason

man-made and pin-stripe...

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Also by Zach Dafoe:

Keanu Reeves 1252 (02/27/2015) | he means well (02/21/2015) | Crucifix (2/10/2015) | Wreckless Calendar (02/08/2015) | Tin Heart II (02/05/2015) | Second Thought | Long Knives (02/02/2015) |

neptune i'll love you before i love anyone

I Remember

Moss lifted from a lake will bleed water upon my feet,
Saved from drowning,
Crying to drown again.
Bittersweet, Bittersweet, Bittersweet the memory.
Hollowed out scars of abandonment,
Face their foe of remembrance,
Struggling in battle.
Stalemate, Stalemate.
Bequeathed pain of loss shouts down recollection,
Reminiscence fights to fill void.
To remember is hurt,
To remember is to learn.


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Also by Jacqueline Phillips:

The Cliff | FEAR | Blind Love | Sunday Evening & Monday Morning | MODERN WOMAN | Whit’th In’t Winter | Red Nose Politics | As Yet Untitled |


All it ever took was a hug . A plain and simple action  , yes a hug . It dosent take too much , a plain and simple touch . To make you feel your wanted and your loved . A hug can set your troubles free , can make you feel no pain . Can make you feel your not alone , and your confidence you will regain .

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Also by Wendy Higson:


One Night Of Romance

A young man with grace, charm and handsome good looks,
he had a way with the ladies like the chap in the 50 shades books,
cheeky and witty with a sense of humour so dry,
catching a glance of a beautiful woman's sexy smokey eyes,
in a moment he was stood there chatting right by her side,
his intention to court her he did not even think to hide.

The question he asked and so they took to the ...

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Also by Tj Steele:

A Life In Recovery |

Missing a Friend

O how I miss you, old friend -

Like the leaf misses its branch,

Like the sand misses the sea,

Like the sky misses the rainbow,

Like sadness misses salt tears.

When I see you in fleeting moments -

I am a tree finding its roots,

I am a cloud finding its storm,

I am a drop finding its ocean,

I am a smile finding its bliss.

And when I leave you all over again -

A flowe...

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My hands are on the keyboard

tapping as I write this – I haven’t

planned to write anything in particular

but I like the sound of the keys. It

reminds me of being a child when

I always liked buttons and would pester

my mum to let me press the ones at

the cash machine so they would make

that sound - boop boop boop. Anything

that made a noise was good to me –

like at the...

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....that ever I'll get back.


I’ve got a little nest egg that I’ve built up over time

I’ve earned it all “by hand and brain” and none of it through crime;

And though I’ve been a cautious chap I thought I’d have a bash

At making an investment with my little bit of cash.

I’m looking for a prospect which is very poorly run

And one where all my friends will chorus, “Johnboy, you’ve been done!”;

An outfit whe...

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Also by John Coopey:


Unmarked By Their Passing

I tell you there’s no ending, no straightening the straights,

and the twists and turns of life will remain unending.


Where do those paths go, via many trees bowed by breeze,

and thorny bushes with fresh and old blood specks to show.


Some are freeted by time, just lumbering and slumbering,

as stuttering takes them on to old, past their posturing prime.


Bored by ster...

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Also by Dave Dunn:

Don't You Dare | Last Hope Of Redemption | Yes Men | By The Edge Of Water | Peace Is Sanity | Rage On The Loose |



Do you remember my England?

When people said "How do you do?"

And most of them were folk you knew,

And everybody joined a queue...

I do.


Do you remember my England?

When people seemed to care and share

And it was just not done to stare,

And barbers used to cut your hair...

I do.


Do you remember my England?

When "addict" meant a pinball fan

And workmen ...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:



Children Rhyme(for feedbacks )

Litreature is an effortles way of teaching  language.When I get enough money,illustrating them,I want to publish the following poems.I need your enriching feedbacks on the content and style.

A king born  

Once up on a time

There was an old king

Who used to worry

About one thing

'Surely one day

I will pass away!'


As many me advise

Among my sons

The wise

A he...

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

Soaring With Wings of Success | Duel of hearts |

Children rhyme.language teachinglanguage could be litteraryliterature is language

The Thick and Crickets

A short story—


The Thick and Crickets
Mary swayed only gently, poised as her head sunk into the firm chest next to her. The

breeze took the swinging porch bench just enough to hear the warped and aged wood creak and bellow beneath dried rain water and old paint. When the sway was too little, Joe would stick his feet out in front of him, t...

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Also by Becka Brush:

Untitled | Crazy Brown | To Her | Hard |

Emotionally unstable

Emotionally unstable?

Life becomes a series of two periods.

One where you feel good and life is great,

and one where every day is a bumpy ride on an emotional rollercoaster.

When on the verge of tears, it’s always a close call holding them back, not letting them fall.

 I discovered that when on the verge of tears,

I hold my breath in an attempt to wait it out.

Stupidly trying ...

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The Land of Mars Bars is Melting...

Dreamers calculating,
Blood coagulating, 
Coconut milk rivers , 
The opium forest quivers,
Naked leprechauns shiver,
Quasi - artificial flowers,
& Highlighter showers

The Martian spontaneously combusts,
The Stapler Snake spontaneously rusts

The neon mushroom grottos,
Defile the honest man’s mottos,
The sky is a self- destructing sculpture,
This life is a self-destructing culture

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The Country's Shame

They had never given anything to anyone,

They had never built or created anything,

They were only stealing each divine day,

Forgetting to ask the forgiveness or pray.

Belaboring each other they shame the nation.

They can only vote and discuss with passion,

Not lifting their gorged asses from chairs,

The antisocial, immoral laws of aggression,

Ignoring people’s groans, tears...

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Also by Larisa Rzhepishevska:

The Country's Shame |


Jpys of Childhood

I crawl along, no fear, no worries.

I drool, I spit, no stress.

The world it waits, watches,

while I discover.

And now I walk, tentative.

Each step bringing me closer

to the fate that awaits.


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Why do we worry so much about tomorrow;

When we can do so much today.

Why do we cry for those who are leaving;

Forgetting the ones who stay.

Why do we long for that which we cannot have;

Without appreciating what we already possess.

We live life in a rush and often miss out so much,

We dwell on dreams and mistakes;

And live the present in a haze.

Take a pause and feel th...

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In School

In school I was foolish—graded and grated.

I’d spend my time passing it.

I’d break bones for the cheap

Seats in gym class one day;

I’d breakfast at noon the next.

I’d wage war with witticisms and wisecracks.

I’d say “thank you” by way of thumbtack.

I beat blackboards till they were white

And they beat me till I was black-and-blue.

I was light in the wallet, heavy in the ...

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Also by James Roper:

Ghosts | A History of Manifest Destiny | The Kill | Looking Inward/Outward | Ice-Storm-Morning Sonnet | Winter Storm Stories |

Contemplated Suicide

Contemplated Suicide

She speaks a beautiful soliloquy
And her voice melodically plays on my heart strings
All the while we both contemplated suicide
Along the ends of each other's love
She was mine and I, hers...

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Also by Smash Lee:

Words you've never heard | Jekyll, Hyde, Me |

wish you were here

wish you were here .....

 baby dont leave me

 u r d happist part of ma sadest life...

 even u own ma borin life

u r d cutest part of ma

 tired life ...

even ua haterd can please me

 u wer d cure of ma injury....

now left me back wid same pain

u wer d sweetness of sour life .

. y did u leave me in sorrow ..

 if ma smile makes u sad

 i swear ill neva smile

 if ...

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Also by surakshith kumar:

let it go |


Beautiful strands spun, woven by the deadly

A spider works tirelessly on an intracate weaving of delicate silver threads

Colecting tiny delicate dewdrops

Shining like diamonds littered with droplets in the sun

Hanging, strung in the queerest places

So beautiful, it seems there should be someone different crafting these inginious masterpeices

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free verse poetry

Does The Light Cry?

Does The Light Cry?


     Our biology,

Our human mechanism

For negotiating pain,

Wasn’t merely thrown

Slovenly into the mix,

     Wasn’t just created without

Thought and understanding

Of the nature we become,

The nature we already are.


     When a human becomes

Hurt, they cry,

They cry perhaps the saltwater

Of the seas we once belonged,

     And n...

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Also by Noetic-fret!:

...............As Suns Set | This Vicious World | Notorious (This Kingdom In Denial) |

Don't lose your head

I was thinking about
being bad
I was thinking about
not fitting
I was thinking about
who I am
But none of this
Is about anger
Although maybe
I do have a rage
with the world
And if I'm
none of these things
Am I nothing

I think maybe
I see it as a game
As not real
But I don't really see it
As winning or losing
And I don't really like
People very much
Or this life
It doesn't m...

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Also by Twilbury Wist:

(untitled) | (untitled) | camp fire | spinning wheel | The returned | The magic frog | Roll up roll up | magicat | night crawlers |

Breathing Liquor

Liquor, such a licentious name,

I hear it whispered on TV,

my hair stands on end.

I move the bottles out of sight,

to negate their seductiveness.

They cry to be held or treasured.

The weakness of wine glasses,

resonating when they are washed.

They are true to their purpose at least.

I pour a scant amount,

measuring with molecular like precision.

I swig it back with...

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alcoholalcohol abusealoneness

Middle of The Night

In the middle of the night,

where the stars shine so bright,

the moon hangs low in the dark mass.

I sit alone in the shivery air,

out I stare at all the little lights,

dreaming of the future,

worrying of the present,

reminiscing of the past.

Tired as I am, I refuse to sleep,

for it's a beautiful night, the stars shine so bright.

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Also by Brandon Hu:

Poetry Class | Flower In The City | Light Up The Night |

Consume Me

You weigh in my mind

Like the feather that tipped the scale


Your presence lingers where you sat

And spoke

And lay

And laughed


You have consumed me


I lay here knowing

You once lay there


Knowing you lay sleeping

Far from me


Knowing soon is your waking hour

Though I have yet to sleep


As though to dream

Would be to miss my thought...

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Also by Pixie:

My Mecca | A Memory is Worth a Thousand Picture | Quicksand | Caged Femininity | Shame Me | Memories to Be. | Harmony |



Time heals

Time kneels

Too quick

Too fast

Too slowly

Over painful moments


At the moments

We want to last


It opens the day

And closes our eyes.

And I’m happy at

Every beat of our day

And the moments


In your eyes


© David R Mellor 2015

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Also by David R Mellor:

TWO DAUGHTERS | the world beats a drum of hope and despair | And you who know so much better | I’M FIGHTING WITH THE CLOCK | Die by the Sword |


Aimlessly appreciating



Without artifice

Towards any feeling

Of malpractice or discontent


Endlessly trying

Forever tying myself in knots

Thoughts travel through my head

Without a start

Middle or an end


Continually contemplating

A cacophony of silence

Of elongated pregnant pauses

Unpopular and long forgotten

Washed up ca...

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Also by Martin Elder:

Approval |

Backwards mind

Reverse psychology that pro-tobacco, when recruiting black market take no risk, just ribbon the brand easiest on the tongue, menthol, Jordan, Trojan, say it makes you the hardest, reruns of a nigga in some swoops, a cancer in them streets with cancer in them lungs, that black on black, Benz, rims, tint, a nine to the skull if caught slippin', so irrelevant the reaction to the crime is "yeah that s...

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Also by D. Williams:


Location, Location, Location*


The muse can be found
In high places
Where through the back door 
You can see the ground though the floor of the balcony

A precipice runs along to the front door
The muse can be found in remote places
Where and when you would never
Choose to go

Vertigo and other things heavy 
Headed for the other side
Into the air
Falling like a Mary hail

Theres no bell at the front door

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Also by cbyrne:

Look Again | Malaysia Airlines |


Call me an oppressor;
I slurp the shame like dick
sucked by the women I watch
especially when it stops being sexy
(flip to a poem about the trail of tears)
enough guilt in my ancestry
to melt any erection.
Turn ons:
Getting caught in the act.

I seize opportunities for guilt.
As a vegetarian, I am first to volunteer
at the chance to kill an animal.
As a white man, I rush off
to post-...

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The Junk Shop

I was lost among the old junk,
in the farthest of corners, when
I heard a clock ticking away.

It had a rhythm of its own,
though the ticks were separate
it appeared to echo instead,

and when I watched the clock face,
the second hand would twitch a bit
before jumping to the next notch.

'Must be a pice of junk,' I thought,
then I looked down and checked my watch,
and it read the sam...

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Also by wrestledwithjimmy:

you know | The Sailor Man Knows a Lady | The Winter Light | It is Too Much | Kindly Here | half asleep | Cold at the Pump |


Ghost story II - Prologue

Shrink wrapped in a breath-riled panic,
The violence was over
Before a word could be splattered
Blood covered like a trail of chalk
Unbranded up and down the waiting area
With broken glass slumped on seats
Drenched in split skin and broken nails
All the way down the escalators
And back onto the main conco...

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4 a.m.

Each prick of conscience

every mistake

present themselves to me

one by one

at 4 a.m.


When I should have stuck to my guns,

when I should have pulled out,

when I should have said something

and not been full of doubt.

Should I have written what I did

when online last night?

What kind of reply may it get?

And who will be in the right?


Turn over,


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Also by Lynn Dye:

Oops |

The Story of my Daydreams

They came back
But the fantasy was gone

They were alive only at night
Frightened of daylight
Moon captured them as the stars

If you saw the stars tonight
Then know
They were my dreams once
Now all I have is ashes
Not from smoked cigarettes or burned houses
But from my bones
What became broken
While my heart was trying to escape.

Read more …

Also by Elisabeth:

Hidden truth | Something lost | Saying Goodbye |




All seeing eyes
Guardian of the gate,
Sat atop
the stairway of skins.
Sewn together
with satyr hair.
Counting the days,
ticking them off
in a parchment book
with a pen on a string
twined with spider thread.

Sits in the sunlight
and watches the workers
to-ing and fro-ing
like ants on a hill
with their own little tasks,
while he has no legs,
just sits in a chair

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

Is It Warm In Here? | Mama... | Saint Valentine's Day Mascara |

gatekeeperkeeper of soulsmythologyrichpixtower of babelfreemasonsbanking scandal

A Poem A Day For A Year - 19/02/15

Let’s start today with a controversial thought.

I like football.

I know. As I have said before, I think a Venn diagram intersection between football and poetry would have just me in it. But I do, I like football. In the past, I have said Keri saved me when we got together. This is quite true. When I was single and living on my own, I was a little bit sad.

Picture this. Saturday night. I’v...

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Also by Christopher Moriarty:

A Poem A Day For A Year - 18/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 17/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 16/02/15 | A Poem A Day for A Year - 15/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 14/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 13/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 12/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 11/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 10/02/15 | A Poem A Day For a Year - 09/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 08/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 07/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 06/01/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 05/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 04/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 03/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 02/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 01/02/15 | A Poem A Day For A Year - 31/01/15 |

The Jackalope

His eyes run red

As his beating heart.

A thing of myths--

The antlers his art.


Long hind legs

In thicket he’ll hide,

Dignified and



Never to be seen

By any one or thing,

Each point a prize

For hunters to sling.


And that’s why the jack

Remains in the deck.

To lope is freedom,

But exposure is death.

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So soon?
How quietly
You breathe.
How almost
The gentle rising
Of your breasts

The trees
Are absolutely still.
And motionless
Wide continents of cloud
Have hidden the moon.
The murmur
Of a pebbly stream
Croons continuously 
While, from afar,
Muffled along a lonely motorway,
The sound of a passing traveller
Then fades.


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Also by Harry O`N eill:

For my love on Valentine`s day | On the day the first Gulf War ended |

Transference.(The improved version)

If only

I could put

the words

I want to hear

in your mouth


what wonderful things

you would say

to me

and how beautifully alive

the dream would be

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Anthropology 200 makes me poetic

"athropology 200 makes me poetic"
Black billow populating. 
Pusstulating apocolypse pecking order perfectionist. 
Gray white sharding sharpe dager arrow flight path of mushrooms making rain and rainbows.
We turn in awe. 
Ever so politley. 
Please take your time. 
More yes more. 
Click on, click on. 
Wonderfully strange horrific tradgidies. 
Wonderful w...

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I still

I still look for funny shaped clouds,

In the big blue sky

I still hold my hand out, in the rain,

Droplets dancing a merry downhill dance,

I still wave to strangers as I pass them by,

To never see them again

I still look up at the well lit 27th floor,

Wondering who lives there, if they're happy,

Wondering if they've eaten or made love,

Wondering if they're wondering about...

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Offenem Mund,

Ich kann nicht.

Meine Brust ist schwer.



(English Translation)


Open mouthed,

I cannot.

My chest is heavy.


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Also by Eris:

Talk |

The Abyss

The Abyss


Why would you jump into the dark swirling abyss?

Absolutely no proof

but you got swallowed into it


You could have turned away

but you got hypnotised

by the small glistening colours

of twisted jealousy & lies


A well of swirling black

With odd colours here and there

That is the temptation

That will call you there


Once the black engulf...

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Also by Ivory:

The Black Fog |

th3 H3LL 0f my m!nd

Running, pacing, fleeing from these thoughts..

staying out of the dark and just thinking alone.

struggling to find a way to even do this on my own..

i see the bad guy.. its just a stare down in my mirror..

a moment of silence and its like nothing was clearer.

theres no way in hell im walking out of this a winner,

So i guess ill be a sinner and just try to take the river..

i do...

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Also by @d@m :

~the Day i Fell for You | (untitled) | (untitled) |

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