culture (Remove filter)
The Uncertain Journey
All along the railed paths from Regents Park to Notting Hill,
we feel the gaze of those long passed whose sightless eyes are on us
Through the Parks of Royal note St James up to Marble Arch,
we tread the lawns as lowly folk and take our pause as Soldiers
Beneath broad streets unpaved of gold from Camden Town to Bethnal Green,
we transi...
Thursday 18th July 2024 1:35 pm
St James of Upper Wield
Chalk and flint the Saintly path
that wends its tranquil peaceful way,
its steepled skies belie the wrath
that split the clouds on darker days.
The refuge of the oaken pew
the coolness of the sacred stone,
that drew the workers, poor and few
to ask they give all they had known.
With barley grain and nurtured lamb
on harvest thanks the faithful came,
as ...
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 12:37 pm
The sum of all we truly are
The backbone of this giving Isle
from marshy fen to firth of forth,
has soured the face of many a smile
beneath the crown that ventured north.
Then Westward too, the Kingdom torn
across a Wilding Sea,
its Children poor, to paupers born
that bore the likes of you and me.
With baubles traded, power for land
The Lords abused their folk the same,
to sit opp...
Wednesday 26th June 2024 8:04 am
Hebridean Graves
A Sea Loch Graveyard walled and gated
hues of purple peated earth,
the stones stand stoic, weather dated,
washed up from their briny birth.
Some names unknown "A Sailor" lies,
in silence resting side by side.
Adrift they came from distant skies
as tears that fell, though never cried.
On other shores long lives lived out
to wonder at what might have been,
...Tuesday 18th June 2024 1:57 pm
Omens and Homage (Ignorance, Manipulation, Control, Domination)
To see a world in a coffee cup
and a hell inside a TV screen,
then still to rise and take a sup
and blink away the horror seen.
A memory flashed upon a mind
staunched by bitter pill,
to make a man and mankind blind
cannot the memory kill.
The slave fed by his master’s hand
is starved and saved the same,
he lives upon a lesser land
with no choice but ...
Sunday 16th June 2024 7:03 am
Beatles Tale
Hey Jude, did you see the blackbird down on Penny Lane.
And so that bird can sing,
Get back here, play on your gentle weeping guitar for him.
oh Darling, Lucy, I want to hold your hand,
in a sky with little diamonds.
I really don’t want to lose that girl but can’t buy your love today
Dear Prudence, can I buy a ticket to ride in your yellow submarine.
To get you in my life
And travel as...
Wednesday 8th May 2024 11:00 pm
Culture defined
Combination of ideas birth of the creative mind
Expressed through Arts
Representation of traditions
Mix of all mankind
Historical revolutionary excitement of all who break through
In the heart of the now. Relived by me.. expressed by You
A picture painted and expressed through performance
Examples of blessings through strength and endurance
Lessons results built on improvem...
Wednesday 1st November 2023 5:43 pm
We go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
It’s easy to live in comfort and abundance
But maybe you drown,
Don’t live
And you just exist
Strip away luxury…
Could you be with just yourself,
And basic needs?
With only your thoughts for company?
Because we go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
We consume with our mouths
Pack, squeeze, cram...
Monday 6th February 2023 11:34 pm
Drinking Culture
A pint at the National Gallery,
A vodka and lime at the Tate,
A large single malt at Parsifal,
In the interval while you wait.
Then off to a poetry reading,
Where you gulp down large helpings of booze;
Before ending up at a jazz club,
With slateloads of cocktails to choose.
Next morning there's consolation
That you know you've improved your mind,
Although yo...
Monday 20th June 2022 6:44 pm
So close yet so far
Six hours in the car
Miles and Miles
One day, we will be reunited
Until then,
Saturday 29th January 2022 8:21 am
Bury Me in Mine
tired jeans crumpled on the floor
simple in thread-bare wrinkles
fading blue an old man's mind
washed-up rebel forgot the cause
the rut of a conformed statement
cloned working-class uniform,
but just culture to put on
bagged fit, absorb the whole body
soften the pretentious air,
or relaxed fakes out the fat
or tight to bulb the bubbles
or straight to band the boots
or belled to fa...
Tuesday 13th April 2021 6:58 pm
London and Art
It’s a good a place to cross as any
London Eye destination of many
But not us, we seek Southbank for sure
It’s just other attractions have more allure
Art and creativity our magnetic attraction
Walk past tourists, our vision abstraction
Dali Universe to be our first port of call
Give ourselves all morning taking in it all
She pushes a melting clock it swings with ease
Thursday 9th April 2020 7:46 am
Money is the soul to reach a goal
It is the tool to play a role
But if you're miser or a poor
No way to live happy and cool
Luck is the wing across future
but work is the core of the creature
To be strong even no wing
Keep your effort to win the venture
Poor & rich, should also search
Money everywhere, we must fetch
the only lazy .. also crazy
Forever, no goa...
Thursday 4th April 2019 4:09 pm
Cet accent
Arrivée il y a vingt-trois ans
Mais comment se fait-il
Que vous gardez cet accent?
Cet accent, qui ne fait pas de liaison
Entre "les" et "oiseaux"
Cet accent, qui prononce "eau" comme "owe."
But do you know how to say "owe"?
And do I owe you an explanation?
Cet accent, tout le monde le comprend
Certains le trouvent charmant, voire séduisant
Cet accent ...
Sunday 10th March 2019 1:17 pm
Pound shops and takeaways,
salons for grooming of
dogs and their owners
sit side by side.
Rancid fat acrid
in back alley junk piles,
settees and Christmas trees
slowly decay.
Damp homes
in damp climate
for cotton mill workers
no longer needed.
The forest of chimneys
now superseded
by new build in miniature,
room sizes shrinking,
Friday 22nd June 2018 5:36 am
What do you represent?
I represent the entirety of my peers.
I represent my profession, my passions, humanity, the man on the street.
I represent the homeless, the loveless, those with respect and those I respect.
I represent you, I represent me, I represent what "they say".
I represent facts, I represent theories, I represent questions, ideals and ideas.
I represent dreams, I represent fears,
I repres...
Saturday 10th March 2018 8:26 pm
One people
I will not fight, I will not stand
For border, nor for any land
I need not know, am not concerned
Your place of birth or language learned
Too many wars are fought, too many die
Over province, pride, triumphal lie
I will not guard, I will not bar
The stranger landed from afar
They need a home, and wish to settle
Want to work, to show their metal
We can only profit...
Saturday 17th February 2018 3:06 pm
Rational Identity
I am from the sun, the moon and all that lies between.
I am from the dark, the light and that which isn't seen.
I am from whence the wind blows and home is ever out of reach.
I am from the all lives I've touched and the lessons within.
I am love, I am fear, I am truth, I am sin.
I am where I belong, though I yearn to fit in.
I am mocked, I am scorned and all the persecu...
Monday 15th January 2018 6:19 pm
A Night At The Astoria
By concrete honey-combed Centre Point
Briskly paced towards Soho
Passing illuminated tooting taxis
Striding down the Charing Cross Road
To join a queue of alternatives
Outside the stuccoed dome crowned bay
Under the fretted signage board
Spelling the name of the band who’ll play
Tonight, at the Astoria
Earnest in Camden High Street fashion
Invested Kensington Market attire
Sticky car...
Sunday 25th September 2016 6:44 pm
Out Dogs and More Along With You
n our home in Aughagreagh we used to have our share of the local sessions, where neighbours met up to party, tonight in one house, next night in someone else’s. This tells of a local house where the wife had a short tolerance after a certain hour and wanted the house cleared. The locals, out of a sense of fun and divilment, were not for moving… I wrote a version of this before and lost the words o...
Thursday 2nd July 2015 4:38 am
Blood thief
There’s a floor called race and a home called blood,
it can be what forms you.
It can be what clothes you, what warms you as it flows through your body,
a rich honey providing brotherhood, relation, family and love -
bonds of pride which cartwheel through your body.
I have a mystery and in my father lies the clues.
I had droplets of speciality, uniqueness, distinction, excitement...
Saturday 29th November 2014 10:59 pm
My town is a cool town, where you can go and drink beer in many pubs and clubs, from rock and metal ones to trendy dance bars. Fancy dancing the night away? Night clubs are open till gone 4am, with girls to dance close to and cocktail drinks to exotically drink. See a live band in The Abbey or Whittles, see a drag act in The Dog and Duck or try some Real Ales in The Upsteps.
Wednesday 1st February 2012 3:27 pm
I grew up in a country of
fish & chips
& 9 to 5.
With jet back hair and dark skin
I stood out sorely at school,
at work,
in the street.
I longed to visit that place, elsewhere,
Which my parents always spoke of.
The place where I would fit in.
Saturday 26th June 2010 2:16 pm
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